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My Knee

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I hurt my knee in a skiing accident a few years ago and it was fine for about 6 years but now whenever I do any excersize it keeps on hurting and in the last two weeks whenever I walk up stairs it clicks really loudly on every step I take. I spoke to my dad who said I need to go and see a physiotherapist to find out whats wrong with it.

However my question is could I get it paid for for free on the NHS (Or possibly through my limited private health insurance) or will i have to pay for it myself. Its not THAT bad at the moment but i'm worried that if I dont' get it treated now it will only get worse in years to come - there is a history of knee problems in my family and I don't want to have to resort to an operation like everyone else


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You can get physio on the NHS (should know I take my siblings to enough appointments) but there's often a waiting list. The starting point is seeing your GP and see what they say, because you'll need a referral from them (both for NHS and if your insurance covers it).
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    BunnieBunnie Posts: 6,099 Master Poster
    I had physio on my back through the NHS. If you go to your drs and ask them to take a look over it, and whilst you are there suggest physio and see what they say.

    I was given it straight away, so there should be no problem in them giving it to you if they think it will work.

    Hope you get better soon, clicky :p x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yup, I have physio on my fooked hips through the NHS. I didn't have to wait long either, 3 weeks max from the referral. It's actually one of the best experiences I've had with the NHS in this area!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Don't assume that you need physio treatment, it could be that you problem is with your feet and that this causes your muscles to pull your kneecap about - thus giving you knee pain... for example.

    That said you do need to speak to your GP and see if you can get an assessment - preferably from a knee specialist (usually an physiotherapist) and they can advise where you need to go from there.

    Sadly, waits for physio can be quite high (six months is longest I'm aware of).

    NB Might also be worth finding out if there is a sports medicine service near you...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There a really good website on knees, if you ask a question on the bulletin borad, you should get answers, incouragement and pointed in the right direction of some good articles. the rest of the site is informative too, and helpful at least by enabling you to discribe your knee problems toa doctor effectively. www.kneeguru.co.uk

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