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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I live alone and gradually over the past few weeks I've begun to feel depressed. It started off just a bit but I'm sitting here, I've been in since about half 5 and I feel really quite bad and it's scaring me.

I've been a bit depressed before and it was kinda like a man-period. It would happen maybe once every 1-2 months where for a day I'd feel really down, but be fine the next day but since moving in here and being myself I got it once and it lasted about 3 days.

I've got friends, I go out and stuff so I'm not some lonely geek or anything I'm just quite a sociable person and I'm feeling a bit worried incase I turn into some sort of psycho.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would say dont sit back and ignore it or it will get worse. Maybe take up something new (sport, activitiy) or something to keep you busy at these times when your feeling down.

    Just work on putting some excitment back in your life, but dont worry about becoming a psycho too much. The trick is to keep yourself so busy you havent got time for thoughts like that.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You should get a pet....and i'm not joking, I love my cats and they are great company! Although I live with someone I used to get very lonely and they have really helped me with those feelings!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jazza wrote: »
    I live alone and gradually over the past few weeks I've begun to feel depressed. It started off just a bit but I'm sitting here, I've been in since about half 5 and I feel really quite bad and it's scaring me.

    I've been a bit depressed before and it was kinda like a man-period. It would happen maybe once every 1-2 months where for a day I'd feel really down, but be fine the next day but since moving in here and being myself I got it once and it lasted about 3 days.

    I've got friends, I go out and stuff so I'm not some lonely geek or anything I'm just quite a sociable person and I'm feeling a bit worried incase I turn into some sort of psycho.

    Feeling something quite similar mate, this last week or so I've been on a massive downer.

    I'm out and about a lot too (probably too much!) but lately I've been really withdrawn and I'm not sure what bit all means. Been feeling a bit pushed out too because of certain cirumstances.

    I'm not dismissing depression just like that, but I really don't think my mood is being helped by this constantly horrible June weather. I definetley think if it was warmer and sunnier then I'd be feeling a good bit more positive.

    Hope it sorts itself out anyway man.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am lonely. I spend most of my life alona, hence the post count lol. loneliness is not so bad once you block out the inner monologue.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im living alone for the whole summer in my Nan and Grandads big house and I did it last year too.I actually really like it and really hate it at the same time.
    I think its that even though I have mates they live a fair amount away from me but close to each other so while Im sitting at home alone they can all hang out together.:(
    Plus,I get the guys at work telling me about the girls they get round their houses and that reminds me Im still a loser with girls......:crying:
    But at least I get to play my guitar loud and swear freely.Sometimes at the same time.:cool:
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