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Anorexia HELP!!!!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
:banghead: :crying: :banghead: :crying: Hi out there.Im new on here and in a crisis.U mite all think im weird but ive been starvin myself 4 a good few months now and havent eaten any sort of food for over a month.Ive been living on water, coke zero(has 2calories a bottle) or highlighs hot chocolate(40calories a cup).Ive been trying to keep below 100 calories a day and loosing a kilo a week(2pound).

My boyriend now knows and i go tken in2 hospital lastweek only 4 a day 4 observation and tests.My boyfriends mum told my parents lasnite as they didnt no and they haven mentioned it really.I just wandered if any1 has been through it and has any advice.I like the attention sumtimes but i still dont wan 2 eat m happy loosing weight.Im 5foot 5inches and 6stone 12lb.

Any advice would be great i feel like im banging my head against a brick wall.Ive only had 1 session which wasnt theapy it was 2 c if im anorexic or not and tha was in april.I dont no wo 2 do.
Sorry the essay just need 2 let it out.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't see why you need to lose weight. if you do, then do it sensibly - eat 3 sensible meals a day with sensible snacks in between.

    Starving yourself can make you put on more weight.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey, sorry to hear about your probs with food, it must be really difficult for you and must also be affecting your relationship with your bf I'd imagine. Thesite has an article on anorexia with a helpline number at the bottom you might like to call:


    Other than that my advice would be to go to your GP ASAP, it sounds like you are unhappy and from what you've said you're quite underweight and stuff. If they don't seem to be doing anything just keep going back and keep on the case as eating that little for that amount of time is gonna be very harmful to your body. Sorry I can't offer more advice but I hope things get better for you soon x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Sofia

    thanks for the advice.I no it sounds silly but its gone past that point.Ive suffered with bulimia and self harm since i was 11 but no1 found out until i lost so much weight.I was 9stone a xmas and always have counted calories and dieted.I always eat salad, dry foods, veg, all food low in calories its just gone 2 ar now and im starvng myself and cant control it.
    I cant drink anything with 2 man calories either not milk, tea, shakes nufink.Im down 2 a bottle of coke zero a day with water and a cup of highlights in the morning for energ and 1 at nite.The thought of puttin any food in my mouth upsets me so much it makes me wana self harm again or kill myself sumtimes.
    Any advice?
    x x x x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The only advice I can give you is that you really should visit your GP and try to get some sort of help.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks fire fly it does hlp.just talkin lets sum stress out.i cant talk 2 friends or famil coz theyre 2 close.My gp just has a go at me, tells me tak my ntidepressants and eat and come back in a week.Im 22 so he signed me off work 4 a week and now im scared i'll loose my job.I only get 14pound a day if im off sick.My parents bought me some clothes 2day coz nufink fits anymore.
    U rite about me and m bf hes been supportiv ill now he was the 1st 2 no but l8ly hes feeling the pressure i can tell.His mum tells me 2.Hes scared of loosing me.Thanks for the site hun im goin o fone the people tomorrow i fink.Hope it helps.Have u ever been through it or u no any1?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you're not happy with what your doctor has said to you, you can always ask to see someone else.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have but he just has a go at me, tells me eat and 2 ome bak in a week.my bf came monday 4 the 1st time my gp was shocked 2 c him and he started tellin me eat.He dont understand i cant put ood my mouth i can just about have liquids wiv any calories.
    If im really depressed i can hav alcohol but not lots and i have soda water which is no calories so we cant go pub much and socialize with our friens anymore.its doin my head in.Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if you are depressed, then alcohol is not a good - especially on an empty stomach.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hes my 2nd doctor.Wen i went 2 c an emergency docto last wednesday as the people in work were worried she was nice and sent me straight 2 my local a&e department but they let me go later that nite said my bloods were ok just my blood pressure was low.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I haven't been through it myself, I have a friend who is dealing with bulimia but it does take time and it is difficult. Something like that is very hard to deal with on your own and I think you've done well to carry on with other aspects of your life while going through all that. Definitely give the helpline a call but is there maybe a different doctor in the surgery you can talk to, or have they talked about referring you to a specialist for counselling or anything? Putting you on antidepressants may be alright in the short term if you're waiting to see a specialist but it won't make the problems go away, so keep nagging.

    Also, don't worry about losing your job, I'm pretty sure that if you have been signed off work by your GP then legally they can't fire you, so don't let that add to your worry, just try and concentrate on taking things a day at a time.

    I'm sure your boyfriend does find it difficult as well because he loves you and probably doesn't always know what is best to support you, hopefully when you do get some specialist help it'll take the pressure off him a little.

    Just try and stay strong and take care of yourself, I know me saying this probably won't make much difference but being healthy is much more important than being skinny, do what you can and keep on at your GP.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i no thats what my bf says and i dont really bcoz of th calories.i have 4 vodkas hich are 52 caloris a shot with soda water which is nufink and a int of lime at 10calories a splash so its a lot of calories for me 2 intake anyway its just evry now and again.makes me sleep.
    do u fink im an idiot or mad?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry to hear the situation you're in babyluv -

    Just to say Babyluv, you might want to consider contacting Beat (the former Eating Disorders Association) on 0845 634 1414 to discuss the situation with your doctor as I'm sure it'll be something they deal with a lot.

    On another note - as per our good manners guide - you really need to type out what you are saying, it's going to make it very difficult for anyone else to understand your posts in text talk and it tends to make other people look down on another poster if they don't take the time to make their posts understandable. So maybe take a breath and just type slower.

    Saying that, one thing I'm trying to understand is what advice or help you are looking for - if you just want to vent about the situation that's obviously fine, but if you're looking for some specific advice might be worth saying that again.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks fire fly it really does help so much seriously u sayin hose things means alot.ur rite in wot ur sayin i no but its difficult.evry1s so scared im gona die.they dont realise that i could get 2 3stone and still b alive so i have a long way 2 go yet.
    i dont talk about it ever its evry1 else that brings it up an upsets me.my gp is an arse.hes referred me but i went april and they didnt wan 2 c me again till july and since then ive lost alot of weight.im loosing a kilo a week at the minute.

    i feel sorry 4 my bf but he wanted 2 no.

    im sorry 2 hear about r friend.thats how i started if i can help in any way just ask.im good at giving advice just cant listen 2 any of my own.i fink this is controllin me now i was in control a point but now i just put on a brave face and let it rule my life.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sorry about the text talk im not really a typer ive never owned a computer before im using my in-laws.she thinks talking to people on the web will help.thanks for the number too.i just want to know what people think about my situation, do you think i actually need help or am i a normal 22 year old girl going through a tough time?
    also i wanted to talk to anyone who has ever known anyone that has been through it or has been through it themselves.

    im just in a place at the moment where i dont want to eat or get better but have all these people aroung me worrying, cryin, begging me to gt better and i dont know what to do.
    can you help in any way?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would say you do have a problem, of course most women have body image issues and diet at some point or another but never to that extent or when as underweight as you are. It can happen though particularly if you're quite a perfectionist person or like to have control over your eating and body for other reasons, it is something I think you definitely need to have a chat with a professional about to see if there is any advice they can offer you.

    Friends and family probably only keep going on at you about it because you are very drastically underweight and could be seriously damaging your body by not eating, they care and don't want to see you unhealthy. Sometimes it is easy to ignore that we have a problem with something but there is a difference between someone having a few body issues and losing a bit of weight and someone like you who is quite seriously underweight and wants to lose more weight.

    All we can really say on here is to keep going to your GP and just try to stay healthy even though that will be difficult with the way you feel about food. Good luck with everything.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hi im just wandering how come your parents didn't notice you starving yourself when they put the evening dinner on the table?
    i agree with everyone else, u need to eat sensibly, it'll be hard to begin with and you will put weight on but i'm almost 100% certain that when you get to a healthy weight again you will feel so much better in yourself

    wish you all the luck
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd give Beat a shout. They are usually fantastic and can point you towards all kind of useful resources.

    I'm sure you know this, but you are doing horrendous damage to your body at the moment and you need to find some way to deal with the issues causing this so you can get closer to a healthy diet as soon as possible.

    All the best.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For me, the thought of bringing attention to myself made me eat.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks evreone. i no i need 2 alk 2 beat i will tomorow.i dont no what they can do to help.chase 89 my parents have a pub in kent and im in london so they dont see me very often only at visits.they did notice but i told every one i had a problem with my stomach like a gastro problem so people thought i was loosing weight and not eating because of that.
    i fooled people for long enough its only when my boyfriends mum put a magazine in front of me with picturs and a story of a anorexic girl and i left the room that she knew for certain what was wrong with me.
    sounds weird but i do and dont want help.i dont think im underweight at all not compared to he people in magazines.i check my wight everyday and my bmi if i loose a pound or 2.i no my bmi is low but i cant stop thinking about how nice clothes will look when im skinny and how maybe i can get a modelling job.my boyfriend has a stag weekend to go to aswell in september which i think isnt helping either.its stressing me out.thanks for al th good luck wishes.fingers crossed i'll be on here soon as a success story helping others.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hey hun i wish you the best of luck for beating this illness. i've had it for about 6 years and i got to my worst at the end of last year, im 5"6 and i was 92lbs, i went into a psychiatric hospital for three months that had a special eating disorders ward, it's meant to be one of the best places in australia to get treatment so i was very lucky. when i was in there i had to have about 3000 calories a day to regain my weight

    currently i'm a day patient at that hospital so i go three times a week, which is hard because im in my last year of school so balancing everything is difficult. currently need to be having about 2500 calories a day coz i still have some weight to put on. i'm moving forward, but very slowly. what you need to realise (and the doctors will tell you this) is that the eating disorder is like an irrational voice in your head, and if you let it manifest there long enough, it will drastically affect the thoughts you have about yourself, your body image, the ideal body image, and life in general. the illness is what makes you feel fat, even if you are critically underweight.

    your number one priority right now is to recover from this illness, please believe me with this, even if it means not taking the modelling job or having to go up a few sizes in clothes to be at a normal weight.

    if you ever need some support or someone to talk to, let me know, i'm willing to listen.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Babyluv,

    I feel for you. I don't know if this will help but I will say it anyway: You are unwell. This is an illness which has the potential to kill you. You are sick and like anyone who is sick, you need to see a doctor. The physical symptoms of your eating disorder need to be dealt with and the psychological issues are just as important, if not more important. You need to take your antidepressants as advised by your doctor. If you are still purging, please discuss this with your doctor as you may also be purging your meds. You need to be seen by a psychologist. You may want to discuss being an in-patient somewhere if you feel you need it.

    I'm not sure if that will help. I know when I had eating disorders, I didn't see myself as sick which was part of the reason I didn't see myself as deserving of help. You need help and you deserve to get it.

    If your GP isn't helpful and isn't listening to you, ask to be referred to an ED Unit somewhere. If you want to survive this and start living again, you have to get moving and do something about it.

    I don't at all mean to sound harsh, I understand some of what you're feeling as I've been through it myself. You are strong enough to beat this. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

    If you ever need to talk, you can pm me if you want to, or just post here.

    Lots and lot of love.
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