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summer moisturiser!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Right well, i'm in need of a new moisturiser for the summer/the sun with a spf factor already in it, as i really struggle with putting sun cream on my face because no matter what brand i always end up greasy and shiney and then breaking out in spots, which is so not a good look.
It doesn't need to be hardcore proetction levels just spf 15 or even spf 8 will do as i don't really burn and i'm not going abroad but i don't want my face to end up like an over cooked potato in 5 years time due to over sun exposure. Buuuut i can't find one thats not for wrinkly skin.
At the minute i use garnier pure A to sort of help with spots and shininess (is that a word?) and i would love it if i could find one with the spf for that sort if skin, but even just a normal one will do thats not olay or something. Annnd finally I don't really want to spend more than £8ish.

So my lovelies any suggestions? :thumb:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think almost every facial moisturizer has spf in it. I've never run across one without it yet at least.

    I use Olay though. Just the plain one. Sometimes the store's brand too if I'm feeling cheap :p I like it. Dries quickly, non greasy, no irritatants. I also like to use it on my hands due to its quick dryness. All their stuff dries so quick. Just :heart:

    I'm no help with specific ones for acne and shine though :( The website shows they have an anti blemesh moisturizer.

    When it comes to moisturizer, though, if you find a good one you like, the store's brand are most times up to par with the brand, so you can save a load :thumb:
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