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The taboo around criticising religious beliefs



  • Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,677 Skive's The Limit
    hobbs wrote: »
    but then the justification is "that God said so" because that is how they read their holy book, and that is their [blind?] faith, therefore it is right!
    I think you might have misunderstood me there. I said that "God said so" isn't an adequate justification, just like "Because mummy said so" isn't either. You'd accept the latter from a small child, but once people are old enough to think for themselves, they have to explain why they agree with their mum.
    Just like that, even if God really did say something, every person who believes in that God has to understand WHY that God said it, why what (s)he (the God) is really the best choice or whatever.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hobbs wrote: »
    in your opinion

    there is some debate about this in most religions!

    Agreed i was merely stating my opinion. as an intro to wear i stand. So that people who read this can see what i am saying.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I went on two vision quest when i was 18, the first i met my spirit guid, known as the raven.

    (This is all my opinion)

    I then went through some trials and found my self with out faith. My second vision was forced uppon me. I saw the creator and what not and my faith was restored. Now i didnt go the rout of what most "saved" people went through to me the message was clear. Live a just life and love every thing and everyone i created. Then you shall be granted the after life.

    I never imposed my beleifs on any one, and those who wish to make fun i let by. I do not fear god, as most preist would like me to do. It seems to me that the want me to fallow them blindly with no question yet they them selve's must interprit what the bible says. I have goupe' "love of god" thats all i need. Now as do a lot of people around here do they freak out when i say i have no fear of god. I always ask them what there phobia might be and then i ask them do they love it.

    The bible would have you beleave that god is a terrible vengfull, jelouse, person. He indorses Slavery, and views women as property. That it is all right to beat your children sensless. Go to the ten commandments and you shall see he condones these things.

    Scientest would have you beleive that there is no god but only completely random chaos. They show that if what is known as primordial soup is zapped by electricity that you get the neccasary ingreednts of life. The also show that one can change an old species into a new one if bread properly. Or that bacteria can evolve to none resistent strians. They always leave out that it was them who "created" said things.

    Singularist would have you beleave that we are all one conscienceness that gows through out the universe and is part of a greater being. That could be god as well

    So when you preach your word or scripture or truth. Remember what that the bible tells you to kill all thoughs who apose you, remember that that nothing is created, remember that you are god.

    any who all i am saying is stop taking the good parts of the bible and using it as a your defence to say "I am good" It was christians who came up with germ warfair in the first place. On the pretence that the native american (race card! lol Im just having some fun.) where savage people with no god. Read your book then use the ablity to question what is said. Men with power are corrupt and every thing they touch will be corrupt.

    Athiest stop thinking that everything you say is wright cuase science can only awnser so much. Though i have not found Many athiest who have gone phsyco... I shall do research please join me in that.
    (try not to use preist who lost thier faith)

    Singularist. What created the universal conscience? Awnser that and get back to me.

    Now there is an amazing thing here in the states that is being put to the test. Seperation of church and state. This allows us to base laws on what is right and wrong and not what the bible, koran, scrolls, or word of mouth have taught us. So far it has been good. Gay people live in peace, white's and blacks are slowly killing the roots of racism (my people are far behind but im working on it!!!!), People can choose weather or not there belief dictates them.

    Now In the case of President Bush agianst stem cell research, would rather have fetuses destroyed if they wont be used in any thing other than adoption. Why destroy them if they can help those that need it. I thought Jesus taught that. You know the whole dieing apon the cross to save us all thing. Appairently thats not such a big deal any more.

    Then keeping people alive, when they should have gone on? Why can we kill our pets when they are suffering, but not our own family members when they suffer just as much. Have you ever seen a the normal scinareo of a person comming out of a comma after a year?? Its just not right. Its as if the sole has left them and all thats left is a biological robot. Granted there are cases that people come out 110% but thats more rare then people comming out all after three months.

    If you are christian then you have to ask where does the bible stop and the church begin? If god exsist then why did he make us to disobey his every word? Even when you go back to adam and eve, why would he let eve get tempted?

    Remember this is an opinion but not that of a scientest or a preist or a singularitist, This is the opinion of a philiosipher. Show me absolute proof of what you speek then i might beleave you.

    Lets make decisions that is for the greater good. Not the will of god. Or we will just kill eachother untill none are left and we become nothing more then a page in some alien history book.
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