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Is It This Possible? (Food Contamination)

Because the doctors have finally decided after about a week or so that they don't have a clue what's wrong with me, I have to do some tests. One of which was to provide a stool sample. (I had to do 2 because the first wasn't enough, apparantely and have to do a third because it's come back unconclusive)

Anyway, I got a letter from the surgery saying that they don't know what's wrong but it looks like food contamination, but I've only had Diarrhoea and not actually been sick or anything like that. And I've not been as bad since I was put on a wheat free diet.

My question is, is it possible for me to go just over a month (since April 11th) like this but have days (on & off) with no diarrhoea?
Beep boop. I'm a bot.
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