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Labour - The best and worst of Blair

Hiya all! With Blair possibly stepping down by September, what do you believe were the best and the worst scenarios that have been handled by Labour?

The best in my opinion would have to be the Millenium Bug. There was a lot of hype in the form of TV documentaries in early 1999. When the changeover took place, there were only a few reported cases in Britain. Big thumbs up for getting everyone prepared for it.

My least favourite aspect of Labour would definitely have to be the Iraq war effort. Apparently, there are reasons why we have to send troops to a foreign war but I have never understand it. I know that there were Russians, French, Polish etc in WW2, which is why it is called a World War, but why foreigners in Iraq?

I know that many people slag Labour off, but the same went to the Conservatives. I'm no politician myself, nor would I like to be one, but I appreciate that seat holders cannot please 100% of the population at any one time.
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