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Worrying About Your Appearance

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Do you ever spend time worrying about the way you look? :impissed: if you do, what do you worry about?

I do, and it annoys me, I mean obviously I don't think about it all the time and it doesnt affect my life, haha, but I think quite a lot about the fact that i might be getting wrinkles under my eyes, im quite scared of aging! also i worry about wearing a good bra and stuff and making sure my boobs dont go yuck and saggy when im old (haha not that theres owt wrong now) just that i saw this cosmetic surgery programme the other day and this woman was 40 and her boobs were proper mingin. it scared me!

I suppose this thread is mainly aimed at girlies but i know boys worry too! my best mate is constantly messing about with his hair and worrying if it looks good, hehe!

hmm I think this thread made me sound like im vain and obsessed with myself but im really not :thumb: just things i think about!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I worry quite a bit yeah especially about boobs cuz I'm fairly big and can't really see them staying as pert when I'm really old! I shall be having a boob lift when I'm that age I think. There is nothing wrong with them at the minute but that doesn't stop me worrying about what they are going to look like in the future.

    I wouldn't say I spend loads of time worrying about the way I look but sometimes, I am a bit obsessive about my weight and stuff. I'm only a size 12 but sometimes I have fat days. Most of my friends are skinnier than me so its just something that occasionally gets to me.

    I'm a bit funny about my hair but only because sometimes its just a complete and utter mess. I mean, if I go somewhere outside, I have to brush it when I get indoors because it feels knotty. Sounds strange I know!

    I'm not vain though :no:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I worry about how i look when i dance :p

    But seriously, my weight is one of my biggest concerns closely followed by my complexion (pimples scare me :(). I'm not overweight or anything but i really dont want to be one of those mums who are too old and overweight to play and run around with their kids. The complexion thing is related to my acne i used to have and its kind of turned into a phobia of something that you used to have wrong with you and dread going back to that.

    I'm not making any sense....i should shut up now!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes I worry all the time and I have for years! But at the same time I'm also quite happy with myself.
    I'm just weird!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i worry almost allllll the time

    i'm not as bad when i'm in, sat in my jim jams.....but when i go out and i'm surrounded by slim, stunning girls, it can get to me
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not especially anymore - I'm actually REALLY happy with my appearance. First time in maybe 2 years.

    I think it's cause I've lost about 2 stone since I did pills and that and I don't wobble as much as I did back in November. :razz:

    ETA - One thing I DO worry about is crows feet around my eyes - I'm ALWAYS laughing when in company of my pals, and if I'm drunk or under the influence, it'll be even more chuckle sessions, thus the chances of the crows feet appearing are greater. I'm gonny have to start using wrinkle cream soon I reckon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I worry all the time - i worry i'm fat - even though i'm probably not i think I am

    I worry about being large - not even fat - just i'm tall and in proportion so I look ok on my own but next to a small in proportion person i'm like some wired giant person...

    I worry i'm getting wrinkles

    I worry i have cellulite

    I worry my skin is going all weird and i might hve to start shock horror wearing foundation....

    I worry that if i have children my body will be even more ruined than it is now

    I worry that i'm not that pretty

    I worry that my nails aren't perfect

    I worry that my hair will go grey at some point and then it will have to be dyed/cut looked after or a regular basis.

    I worry that my clothes aren't fashionable enough or are too fashionable and at the moment becuase i've not invested in my wardrobe for so long that they are now just all falling apart.

    I worry that if i wear non sensible shoes that my feet will be ruined but that if i wear sensible ones i'll look stupid and when i buy any shoes sensible or not they inevitably give me bilsters and ruin them anyway.

    Worst of all i worry that i might wake up one day and have turned into my mother...

    However my biggest worry is that i dont' have the time nor money to address any of the above!

    Yet oddly i love looking at myself in pictures and the mirror and whilst i spend quite a lot of time looking at my bad points I also spend quite a lot of time realising that I am actually beautiful...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm not generally that arsed, but I do like to have sorted my hair out if I'm going to see anyone I know that day (I really should buy a hat). In terms of my actual general looks, I find that it's not really worth complaining or worrying about, since you can't change the way you look, and it's best to focus on things you can change. Plus I'm not that bad looking anyway. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What makes me quite sad is when people/magazines say 'ohhh theres always something about yourself you don't like, but just focus on the good bits that you do have' because i really can't find anything about myself anymore that i do love or thinks great. Not that everything about my face and body is shockingly horrific cause it's not theres not, theres just nothing great about it either, so i just don't think about it! Ha maybe one day :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ruby_soho wrote: »
    What makes me quite sad is when people/magazines say 'ohhh theres always something about yourself you don't like, but just focus on the good bits that you do have' because i really can't find anything about myself anymore that i do love or thinks great. Not that everything about my face and body is shockingly horrific cause it's not theres not, theres just nothing great about it either, so i just don't think about it! Ha maybe one day :p

    I actually think that's a pretty good attitude to have. It's better to be fitter than you think you are than not as fit as you think you are.

    It's cute as fuck when a bird doesn't know if she looks alright or not, but is actually pretty fucking stunning :yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bri-namite wrote: »
    It's cute as fuck when a bird doesn't know if she looks alright or not, but is actually pretty fucking stunning :yes:

    Can't say I've ever met a girl like this who doesn't do the whole "I don't look great. Compliment me/reassure me please" thing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kiezo wrote: »
    Can't say I've ever met a girl like this who doesn't do the whole "I don't look great. Compliment me/reassure me please" thing.

    All girls like compliments sure, but you can tell the ones who really appreciate it from the ones who get them all the time and let it go to their heads. Usually cause they give a cute smile and take a beamer, which like I say is cute as fuck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kiezo wrote: »
    Can't say I've ever met a girl like this who doesn't do the whole "I don't look great. Compliment me/reassure me please" thing.

    Its true I do that all the time - but there is nothing wrong with wanting reassurance is there? (mind you I know by now exactly what i do look like so i wouldn't even belive someone who said i was stunningly beautiful)

    Though i guess its quite bad if someone really isn't and you have to say of course your stunning - when really they arn't - that must be a bit tireing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wyetry wrote: »
    Its true I do that all the time - but there is nothing wrong with wanting reassurance is there?

    Well, yeah, since it pretty much means you're insecure :razz:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kiezo wrote: »
    Can't say I've ever met a girl like this who doesn't do the whole "I don't look great. Compliment me/reassure me please" thing.
    hahaha...some girls i know are so hilarious, "is my hair ok?" "you sure i dont look like an idiot?" "did i lose weight since you last saw me?"...every 5minutes!!!!

    I either look like a just got out of bed or i look amazing (not very often, as im too lazy for hair and make up)....so when i get dressed up and do my make up people are usually shocked and like "oh Amira...WOW" Enough said for me....but saying that i know when i look good and only expect il hubby to compliment me. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kiezo wrote: »
    Well, yeah, since it pretty much means you're insecure :razz:

    Ahh but thats the difference between boys and girls - I think that girls no matter how pretty they do or dont' think they are will always want someone to tell them that they are good looking - it doesn't necessarily mean we are insecure it just means that we like people saying nice stuff about us. The problem is that boys just dont' work like that - so we have to prompt you to say it by asking the question.

    The probelm comes when your boyfriend is the only one in the house and you acutaly do need someones opinon on something and then your both confused as to what to answer - should he say yes you look lovely when you might not do so - becuase thats the answer one wants to hear or should he tell you to do somethign different and your sitting there thinking humm - is he telling me the truth or just trying to make me feel better.

    Obviously this is why girls are evil fickle creatures - becuase one question can have many different meanings behind it....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I worry but I don't obsess.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've always worried about how I look, well more so since puberty. I gained a lot of weight during puberty and still haven't lost it all, so naturally I worry about my weight.

    I worry about my lips, because they're too big, and they point downwards, so I permanently look miserable even when I'm not.
    I worry about my make-up not looking right and worry when my hair's not right.

    I love my face and appreciate it, because it's not at all ugly and it feels good when I get looked at by men.

    But, I do worry about my size far too much, instead of doing something about it (which I am determined to do).

    Once I've lost the weight, I'll be frigging perfect in my eyes. :love:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I worry about my lips, because they're too big, and they point downwards, so I permanently look miserable even when I'm not.
    There's no such thing. Look at Angelina Jolie for fucks sake. Actually, I lie. But you're nowhere near Jackie Stallone, so I wouldn't worry.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aww thanks I'm with stupid. I shan't worry anymore then :yes:

    Although it's somewhat disconserting to hear from men and women that I've got 'blow job lips' :eek:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I feel a wee bit zen about my appearance these days. I guess I'm somewhere smack bang inbetween being happy with the way I look, and not really caring. It's a good, calm feeling after years of trying to change things and making myself unhappy and feeling like I wasn't good enough. I think I've become more and more attractive both facially and in terms of my body as the years have gone by. I don't think I'm a supermodel, just speaking relatively. The way I feel about the outside is definitely all on the inside, I was thinner and blonder and more toned-up five years ago but in my head I was a hideous thing so what did it mean? Sweet fuck all.

    It was said to me beforehand and I always thought 'aye, reet' but having babies has changed the way I feel. Two living beings came out of my body - I'm sure it counts as a false idol but I worship it ;) It's amazing. It was a child's body and then an awkward teenager's body that was in turns flaunted and hidden away and now it's the body of a woman and a mother and it amazes me. I'm never going to have that coveted and ubiqituous "perfect body" that could double for a magazine spread now; but it can run and skip, bear and nourish children, clean windows and get particularly tricky tops off jars of beetroot, dance the tango and swim twenty laps in a pool. What is not to be completely enamoured of?

    FF I think what you feel is completely natural, we're programmed to see our flaws when they're immensely outweighed by the fabulous and beautiful things about ourselves. Accentuate the positive, as someone said... sometime. Always worth remembering... even if it is a moot point, you're gorgeous anyway ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    briggi wrote: »
    I feel a wee bit zen about my appearance these days. I guess I'm somewhere smack bang inbetween being happy with the way I look, and not really caring. It's a good, calm feeling after years of trying to change things and making myself unhappy and feeling like I wasn't good enough. I think I've become more and more attractive both facially and in terms of my body as the years have gone by. I don't think I'm a supermodel, just speaking relatively. The way I feel about the outside is definitely all on the inside, I was thinner and blonder and more toned-up five years ago but in my head I was a hideous thing so what did it mean? Sweet fuck all.

    It was said to me beforehand and I always thought 'aye, reet' but having babies has changed the way I feel. Two living beings came out of my body - I'm sure it counts as a false idol but I worship it ;) It's amazing. It was a child's body and then an awkward teenager's body that was in turns flaunted and hidden away and now it's the body of a woman and a mother and it amazes me. I'm never going to have that coveted and ubiqituous "perfect body" that could double for a magazine spread now; but it can run and skip, bear and nourish children, clean windows and get particularly tricky tops off jars of beetroot, dance the tango and swim twenty laps in a pool. What is not to be completely enamoured of?

    FF I think what you feel is completely natural, we're programmed to see our flaws when they're immensely outweighed by the fabulous and beautiful things about ourselves. Accentuate the positive, as someone said... sometime. Always worth remembering... even if it is a moot point, you're gorgeous anyway ;)
    Your attitide is to be admired :thumb: :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    xsazx wrote: »
    :yes: never fully recovered from anorexia and on the verge of relapsing, am grossly over weight and generally disgusting but thats life
    I'm sure you're beautiful but as you have a negative view of your body image you don't see it. You've mentioned your size in a previous post and I can tell you that there's no way you're overweight or gross. I hope you overcome it soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lots of stuff.

    When I was younger I felt I was treated differently because I looked 'foreign'. It continued into my early teen years when I was followed by a man because he thought I was Italien and wanted to chat to me. In secondary school I remember two girls asking in the library if I spoke English. When I didn't reply straight away one of them said 'I told you!'.

    Now I worry about the fact I look so young. Everyone says that I'll be chuffed when I'm old and look young but it really doesn't help now. I was dating someone a while ago and we were walking holding hands and someone actually shouted 'paedo' at him. I was 19 and he was 21. Not exactly paedo material. Plus you get the 'awwhs' from people who are younger than you and the ID checks no matter how often you go to a certain club/pub.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    briggi wrote: »
    Briggi's display of wisdom beyond her years batch: 48302.

    I'm so glad your babies have you for a Mam, you're a fucking diamond! :heart:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1983 wrote: »
    I'm so glad your babies have you for a Mam, you're a fucking diamond! :heart:

    Aww :love: you're not so bad yourself, haha.

    Rach I know this is what you're expecting to hear but honestly you SHOULD relish looking young. I look young myself when I'm not all lit up like a Christmas tree and some of the things people say are really strange. I remember bursting into tears in a nightclub a few years back (I know, I was pretty drunk too which didn't help :razz:) because this group of girls had become convinced I wasn't old enough to be in there. Really bizarre. I've had some very negative comments in the hospital concerning "these young mothers" and all that codswallop but it's water off a duck's back by this point. I'm not sure why people zone in on young-looking folk, I guess they just find it interesting and amusing. Ah, they're probably just jealous. Or trying to start a conversation... some people have just got no craic whatsoever ;)

    Getting ID'd is a small price to pay for looking fresh and young in my view, though I understand it's a bit of a pain when no one else gets asked. You are under 21 though, so I guess they're doing their legal duty ;) Suddenly one day they'll just stop asking you, I know that's what happened to me. I must have an old person look in my eyes now because I don't look any different.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rachael wrote: »
    Lots of stuff.

    When I was younger I felt I was treated differently because I looked 'foreign'. It continued into my early teen years when I was followed by a man because he thought I was Italien and wanted to chat to me. In secondary school I remember two girls asking in the library if I spoke English. When I didn't reply straight away one of them said 'I told you!'.

    Now I worry about the fact I look so young. Everyone says that I'll be chuffed when I'm old and look young but it really doesn't help now. I was dating someone a while ago and we were walking holding hands and someone actually shouted 'paedo' at him. I was 19 and he was 21. Not exactly paedo material. Plus you get the 'awwhs' from people who are younger than you and the ID checks no matter how often you go to a certain club/pub.

    Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :) I know what you mean. I've been the same in a nightclub when girls have said insensitive things. It can ruin your whole night, especially when you glam up especially and feel relatively confident only to feel like a girl who has used to much of mummy's makeup the next minute. Doh!

    I will try and perfect the 'I have knowledge, wisdom AND experience' look in my eye. I thought watching Corrie regularly would do the trick but noooo...pft ;)

    edit: awh becky, thankoo!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1983 wrote: »
    Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.

    You big cheeseball :D

    Oh, and by the way...

    They don't fuck you up, your mum and dad
    (Despite what Larkin says)
    It's other grown-ups, other kids
    Who, in their various ways
    Die. And their dying casts a shadow
    Numbering all our days
    And we try to keep from going mad
    In multifarious ways
    And most of us succeed, thank God.
    So if, to coin a phrase
    You're fucked up, don't blame your mum and dad
    (Despite what Larkin says)

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    briggi wrote: »
    You big cheeseball :D

    Oh, and by the way...

    They don't fuck you up, your mum and dad
    (Despite what Larkin says)
    It's other grown-ups, other kids
    Who, in their various ways
    Die. And their dying casts a shadow
    Numbering all our days
    And we try to keep from going mad
    In multifarious ways
    And most of us succeed, thank God.
    So if, to coin a phrase
    You're fucked up, don't blame your mum and dad
    (Despite what Larkin says)


    That's enough out of you! :razz:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    briggi wrote: »
    I feel a wee bit zen about my appearance these days. I guess I'm somewhere smack bang inbetween being happy with the way I look, and not really caring. It's a good, calm feeling after years of trying to change things and making myself unhappy and feeling like I wasn't good enough. I think I've become more and more attractive both facially and in terms of my body as the years have gone by. I don't think I'm a supermodel, just speaking relatively. The way I feel about the outside is definitely all on the inside, I was thinner and blonder and more toned-up five years ago but in my head I was a hideous thing so what did it mean? Sweet fuck all.

    It was said to me beforehand and I always thought 'aye, reet' but having babies has changed the way I feel. Two living beings came out of my body - I'm sure it counts as a false idol but I worship it ;) It's amazing. It was a child's body and then an awkward teenager's body that was in turns flaunted and hidden away and now it's the body of a woman and a mother and it amazes me. I'm never going to have that coveted and ubiqituous "perfect body" that could double for a magazine spread now; but it can run and skip, bear and nourish children, clean windows and get particularly tricky tops off jars of beetroot, dance the tango and swim twenty laps in a pool. What is not to be completely enamoured of?

    FF I think what you feel is completely natural, we're programmed to see our flaws when they're immensely outweighed by the fabulous and beautiful things about ourselves. Accentuate the positive, as someone said... sometime. Always worth remembering... even if it is a moot point, you're gorgeous anyway ;)

    Brigs you are awesome this post is amazing. I keep going back to reread it haha. I'd nominate it for post of the week. it truly deserves it except its too long :D

    im glad so many other people worry about stuff. if im honest i worry about a lot more than i wrote in my first post, i just thought I would slim it down a bit :p
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