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Question on whether she may have feelings...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi all, 'smee once again :p

Anyway, the issue this time is about a girl I very briefly had a relationship with. It ended for the wrong reasons really, if the shit that hadn't happened had never happened we might still be together. Oh well. Anyway, after a long period of avoidment and stuff, we are now getting along really well again. We were passing notes in class, like we do, and I asked her about her sex life, and she said "non existant, unfortunate since last time was fun" and i asked her "what was last time" and she said "you". Ok, keep in perspective it was a short relationship and I'm probably the shyest boy on here :p so what we got up to wasn't that exotic, and I'd rather not go into it cos I'm shy :p

Anyway, my question is, do you think she might have feelings for me? I mean, that was a very personal response, and she may just be telling it how it is, or may be trying to flirt. I'm confused. My friend at lunch said she's madly in love with me infront of everyone (including her) and everyone laughed and I blushed lol, I know it was a windup but I think I might be starting to take things seriously that I shouldn't? :confused:

Sigh, all this on the first day back at school!

And thankyou everyone for response in advance :)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Maybe, maybe not
    maybe shes trying to hint at you
    maybe shes taking the piss
    maybe she's a slag who just wants a shag
    best way to find out is to confront her,what've you got to loose?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by rockerchick
    Maybe, maybe not
    maybe shes trying to hint at you
    maybe shes taking the piss
    maybe she's a slag who just wants a shag
    best way to find out is to confront her,what've you got to loose?

    Maybe I should. I think I might try to flirt a bit more with her, I mean we flirt a lot already, but she's a natural flirt and is like that with all the guys, but, I dunno, sometimes she seems different with me... But anyway. It's very confusing! :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Shy or not you really should just ask her.
    I'm the shyest girl i know and i managed it!! My mate was texting loads bout his groin strain from football and i was offering to massage it etc. All mucking roound etc for days then eventually it got to its natural end and he said "shame its not for real", meaning all the flirting and such.
    And for once in my life i took the innitiative and said what if its not. and things went from there. I was amazed, it so wasn't my style. Now i've got a fantastic new bloke who helped me get over my fucker of an ex (im not bitter really!!)

    Anyway my point is being shy means your highly likely to miss your chance,( i know i've spent my whole life feeling like that and its not worth it) and even if she doesn't fancy you you'l know. best all round.
    Good luck:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hotphoenix
    Shy or not you really should just ask her.
    I'm the shyest girl i know and i managed it!! My mate was texting loads bout his groin strain from football and i was offering to massage it etc. All mucking roound etc for days then eventually it got to its natural end and he said "shame its not for real", meaning all the flirting and such.
    And for once in my life i took the innitiative and said what if its not. and things went from there. I was amazed, it so wasn't my style. Now i've got a fantastic new bloke who helped me get over my fucker of an ex (im not bitter really!!)

    Anyway my point is being shy means your highly likely to miss your chance,( i know i've spent my whole life feeling like that and its not worth it) and even if she doesn't fancy you you'l know. best all round.
    Good luck:D

    ugh this morning im all confused whether a relationship with her is such a good idea. ah so tired and stuff. congrats on your relationship :) isn't it nice when things just, work? aheheh i stole that from the car advert. Cant remember what car.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aww bless. I go away from the site for a couple of months, I come back and ShyBoy's still having the same trouble with women.

    Just because you think she might possibly be interested in you doesn't mean you have to consider having a relationship with her. If you don't fancy her you can just leave it at that, you know!

    Yes she might be interested, but you do say she flirts with all the guys. If you really want to know, ask her, but what will you gain by finding out if she likes you, anyway, especially if you don't actually want to take it any further than that?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well this morning, I woke up after a particularly emotional evening and that's why I was a bit messed up :p

    This afternoon I'm stil a bit off but.. I do kinda like her.. though I'm not sure how much exactly so only time will tell you know?

    There was one girl not too long ago who I was sure I liked, but it wasn't meant to be you know? That's how these things work! lol

    Thanks for all your advice, Shellz, hotphoenix and Alex :) I appreciate it tonnes!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    Well this morning, I woke up after a particularly emotional evening and that's why I was a bit messed up :p

    This afternoon I'm stil a bit off but.. I do kinda like her.. though I'm not sure how much exactly so only time will tell you know?

    There was one girl not too long ago who I was sure I liked, but it wasn't meant to be you know? That's how these things work! lol

    Thanks for all your advice, Shellz, hotphoenix and Alex :) I appreciate it tonnes!

    You know what I think. Just sit and think about whether or not you like her. And work up your courage once you figure it out and ASK HER what she thinks of you! Trust me hun it isn't hard, you have no idea how shy I am (as in you REALLY have no idea - you would never know it unless you knew me personally) but if you just write it down and give the message to her before you change your mind - even if you get embarrassed it will be too late!)
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