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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You know something? When I started this thread I didnt think it would be that good, but I think we all have learned something new about posters which we didnt know before.

    Yeah thank you all for replying it has made interesting reading, oh and keep them replies coming :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My name is Andy.
    I'm 22.
    At the moment, I'm listening to Tool.
    I'm pissed off at the housemates being happy and in love and stuff.
    I had a black cloud as my avatar...but it's changed for a while...to the new Metallica album cover art.
    I've had 2 litres of coffee today.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    OK here goes...

    My name is Vinyl as you have probably guessed
    I was born 12th July 1982 so im 20
    I own my own house
    I work in Customer Service @ Rolls Royce
    I plan to go to uni part time in September to do study Phsycology and Business Studies
    I have long bright ruby red hair
    Im 5'7
    I like dance/hard/funky/house music hardcore&gabba techo but also like stuff like Coldplay (who doesnt?!)
    I support Arsenal and sort of support Derby but its a bit embarrasing!
    Dont do any sports AT ALL! Although I walk to work for a bit of excercise
    I adour crisps, well i adour eating!
    Im chilled and laidback
    Most of my friends are of the male variety but I do have 3 best girl mates, its not that I dont get on with girls its just sometimes I find it a bit harder to be myself around all of them
    I love alcohol
    I smoke weed
    I take some class A drugs
    I like playing pool (dah! a sport!! i was wrong, its not physical though!
    I want to move abroad and travel when I leav uni
    Not sure about my furure but I want my own business
    Marriage slitghtly interests me
    Kids dont
    I dont want to get old
    I have 2 lil boys (my dogs) Jack and samson
    I love being with my mates
    My mum is my best mate
    Im off my rocker
    Im weird
    My mum is my best friend
    I like to live by treating people how id like to be treated
    Im a totally freak head bithc in the morning but im lovely at bed time
    Im loyal and best mate material
    Im excellent girlf material
    I hold lots of things inside
    Im a bitch
    I contradict myself!
    I hate cruelty to animals-I get really angry and passionate about this
    Im at work

    Sorry got a bit carried away!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by VinylVicky
    OK here goes...

    My name is Vinyl as you have probably guessed
    I was born 12th July 1982 so im 20
    I own my own house
    I work in Customer Service @ Rolls Royce
    I plan to go to uni part time in September to do study Phsycology and Business Studies
    I have long bright ruby red hair
    Im 5'7
    I like dance/hard/funky/house music hardcore&gabba techo but also like stuff like Coldplay (who doesnt?!)
    I support Arsenal and sort of support Derby but its a bit embarrasing!
    Dont do any sports AT ALL! Although I walk to work for a bit of excercise
    I adour crisps, well i adour eating!
    Im chilled and laidback
    Most of my friends are of the male variety but I do have 3 best girl mates, its not that I dont get on with girls its just sometimes I find it a bit harder to be myself around all of them
    I love alcohol
    I smoke weed
    I take some class A drugs
    I like playing pool (dah! a sport!! i was wrong, its not physical though!
    I want to move abroad and travel when I leav uni
    Not sure about my furure but I want my own business
    Marriage slitghtly interests me
    Kids dont
    I dont want to get old
    I have 2 lil boys (my dogs) Jack and samson
    I love being with my mates
    My mum is my best mate
    Im off my rocker
    Im weird
    My mum is my best friend
    I like to live by treating people how id like to be treated
    Im a totally freak head bithc in the morning but im lovely at bed time
    Im loyal and best mate material
    Im excellent girlf material
    I hold lots of things inside
    Im a bitch
    I contradict myself!
    I hate cruelty to animals-I get really angry and passionate about this
    Im at work

    Sorry got a bit carried away!


    oh yeah 1 last
    Im very sarcastic and my sense of humour can be sick, dry and very funny.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ok... let me see here... (though i doubt if anything i say here will be anything new :p)

    *my name is amanda
    *i like men in uniform
    *i graduated highschool last year
    *i took all my classes last year at the local community college, where i took more classes last fall, and started to this spring
    *i've lived in wisconsin, illinois and minnesota
    *i'm going to college next year in wisconsin
    *i'm going for politics with emphisis on law
    *i have a stuffed simba that i take every where with me :blush:
    *i'm a slob
    *i'm a skeptic
    *i've got a massive crush on a great guy ;)
    *i can't cook, unless it involves the microwave, and still it usually turns out like crap
    *one time i got real drunk at a friends and woke up the next morning in somebody elses clothes - finding out that i didnt' even change myslef *horrid*
    *i smoke (or kind of used to) smoke anything that would light
    *i like music and concerts
    *my favorite push-up bra went thru the dryer one time and got deformed
    *i have an unnatural obsession with cute underwear (82 at last count :blush: )
    *express is the only place with jeans that fit me perfect
    *i used to do alot of sports
    *i love starbucks
    *and one year i went out for the highschool football team, just for shits and giggles :p
    *and i'm hideously scared of sharks, and bugs and spiders and stuff
    *and i have a shorter memory than that of a goldfish
    *which reminds me, i used to have goldfish

    i can't think of anything else...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hiya my name's Fairytale_Girly :wave:
    • I'm 17yrs old
    • I'm in :love: with a great guy ;)
    • Just about to take AS levels in English literature, Theatre Studies, RS, Sociology & General Studies (yes I realise that's 5 ... & yes I am completely mad for doing that many!)
    • I want to go to Uni after school to do a technical theatre course & eventually become a stage manager
    • have 1 brother who's 15
    • also have 2 rabbits & a dog
    • I'm 5'10" brunette ... although I'm tall already I have a large collection of shoes, most of which make me even taller!
    • I'm fairly romantic & in a world of my own usually
    • Currently my fave bands are POD, Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Delirious & Audiogene
    • Fave artists are Andy Flannagan, Anastacia, Pink & Avril Lavinge
    • Artist I would most like to say "put a sock in it" to would be Celine Dion :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Fairytale_Girly
    [*] I'm 5'10" brunette ... although I'm tall already I have a large collection of shoes, most of which make me even taller!

    *gasp* a tall girl that wears tall shoes... teach me your ways!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Also, I like cheese. Very very much. Some may say I am the cheese warrior.

    Oh and Im a bit mad.

    I have 3 tattoos aswell (god i just realised i hardly wrote anything in that last post! lol). One is a fairy on my lower front. Her name is Freya, which means protector of love, thoughts and fertility. I have a black cat on my tail bone and the meaning of my name (Pure) in Japanese writing just above the cat.

    The only food i seem to make well is Pasta. Well, its the only food i make anyway so you know...

    Im a chocoholic, but im trying to cut down. ( :lol: )

    I have my belly button pierced, as well as my ears (only once each ear) and a tiny little diamond stud in my nose.

    I am not a towny.

    *not that there's anything wrong with townies* :nervous:

    Im also a bit of a tiny and guy fanatic (you know one of them twats that wont pay less than £40 for a hair cut??? yes, that may be why im skinted as of usual). This is my currently sported hair stylee (top row second one in, but mines currently a little darker than that. It needs cutting again cuz its getting a bit long. Think i'll get that done saturday cuz we're all goin out for my birthday saturday night (and the girls are plotting something suprisey for thursday night too, but i dont know what that is!!), its on monday! Yay! lol. I feel old. :lol:

    whoops: edited to add: that link doesnt work! ok you need to go to the style gallery (bottom of screen) and its the second picture in. To see it bigger, click on it, and its the top row, second girl in from the left. Yay. ok hope that wasnt too hard! lol.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    My name is Steve and I'm 21 (going on 16). My birthday's 26th of August.
    I'm originally from Southampton but now live in a little village called Nomansland on the edge of the New Forest.
    Here ...and zoom out a little here
    I currently am working as a green keeper again, though I have an interview next week for Bitish Gas. I hope to be able to get a modern aprentiship as an Engineer!
    I have three A levels (Chemistry, Computing and General Studies) and I'm also partly qualified in sports turf management (and yes - it's as exciting as it sounds)

    My missus's name is Kim and I've been seeing her for about 2 weeks. I have 1 younger sister, an English Bull terrier named Rizla that's all mine, and the familly dogs a staffy called Willow.

    I enjoy clubs, pubs and drugs along with Motorcross, footie, swimming, golf, fishing and shooting. I'm into my dance music - mostly D&B, Old Skool and Jungle and the mid ninties hardcore era!

    At the moment I don't enjoy the fact that my mums got lung cancer, have have some pretty hefty debts and I can'\t get a visa for New Zealand cos I've got a criminal record.

    I've recently aquired a new Alpha 33 to rip up the road, though I'd love to get a bike on the road again.

    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ooh ooh! and (copying skive :p ) - i live here

    I do lots of work too. :p

    and im a maniac. Lol. Just got my first car *delivered* on sunday, and its loverrrly! lol, prolly cuz its my first car - its nothing flash!

    I have one brother, he's a knob, he is 19. His girlfriend is a fat tart, and she is nearly 21.

    My fella is 20 and i've been with him 2 years. :D loving him LOADSSSSS!!! Ok *breathe*.

    I've been a siter for 2 years now, and im feeling old and mangled as its me b'day on Monday! :lol: hardly old, but im feeling mangled anyhows. *mist stylee* moo.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmm here goes....
    -My name is Kate
    -Im 17
    -My boyfriends 17 and he's in the army, well hes training atm
    -I have no brothers or sisters
    -I live with my parents
    -I live in a village called Pitstone which is near Aylesbury which is 55 minutes on a train to London
    -Im about to take As levels in Biology, Psychology, Maths, Chemistry and General Studies
    -Am still wondering why the hell i took chemistry at all!!
    -I wana do something to do with health at uni, possibly nursing or psychology
    -Im 5'9"
    -I have blue eyes and light brown hair
    -I love going out with mates/bf and having fun
    -Apparently im a trainee alcoholic!!
    -Im pretty skint atm
    -I spent the whole of easter hol doing basically nothing, when i really should have been revising and the like
    -Im really tired and am now going to bed, G'night!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My name is Lynsey - sometimes spelt Linzi if I fancy a change, but never ever with a D!

    I'm 19 years of age...

    I currently work as a waitress - tho realise I really should try to get myself a proper job sometime soon! Something office-y, methinks - would love to be a PA eventually!

    I'm happily single - well, happy-ish! :rolleyes:

    I live at home with my parents, pet dog and younger sister, who is hopefully leaving for uni in September (I'm counting the days!!)

    I'm addicted to txting - felt like my right arm had fallen off when I recently dropped my phone into a glass of Ribena and I had to wiat two whole days for a replacement!

    Am also addicted to playing FreeCell...

    I have the figure of a model (apparently!) - tho I still can't find the perfect pair of jeans!

    My ex boyfriend's include a self made internet millionaire/business man...

    I'm confident on the outside, but a scared little kid on the inside...

    I have never had a driving lesson in my life - I don't think "little me" should be allowed in charge of something that could kill someone! (see above!)

    I'm spoilt by my parents in terms of getting lifts everywhere...

    I am the only one of my group of friends not in debt (and not all of them are students!)...

    I'm scared of needles, and didn't have my ears pierced until last year cos I was so scared (even tho I know there are no needles involved!)

    And I like to think of myself as intelligent, just not great at exams - as last years results day shows! :s

    Oh, and I'm known for my ability to waffle on for ages, and randomly and suddenly change the topic of conversation!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    might as well add my 2 cents...
    • my name is wai-lun, but almost everyone calls me wail
    • my nickname is the first 4 letters of my full name
    • male
    • 5'8
    • past the shoulder, mostly black hair
    • i'm 17 (18 in october)
    • i'm chinese (well british, but i classify myself as chinese)
    • born in hong kong, but moved to the UK in 1990
    • did a lot of travelling before i was 5, so now, i can't remember much of it
    • adopted
    • lost adoptive father to cancer in '88
    • waiting for my passport to renew, so i can use it as a form of ID to get my provisional
    • often misunderstood
    • often misunderstood with good reason
    • very unique sense of humor (most jokes are one liners that aren't funny out of context)
    • chronic depressive
    • going back to 6th form to study english lang, politics, business in september
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm Mr Misty Moo.

    I like cows.

    Cows go moo.

    I say moo a lot.

    I really do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    -My name is Matthildur
    -I'm seventeen years old (18 1st Nov)
    -I live with my parents and 23 year old brother
    -I'm in college and haven't decided what I want to study in Uni
    -I am single and plan to live alone with a British Silver Shorthair (or in whatever order it is ;))
    -I'm about 5'10 (177cm) in American units (yours are the same? 0.o)
    -I'm a coward and therefore don't have a job
    -I hang online too often
    -I do quite enjoy TaeKwonDo and horses, unfortunately the latter costs money so I can't afford it being unemployed and all
    -I can't do pushups
    -I'm way too shy!
    -And like Mist, I like cows. That is, as long as they are black&white. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Gosh some of you are a lot older than I imagined!
    Well here's my bit:

    I have a fear of pigeons
    I have an older sister-she treats me like her 1st child
    I'm studying a hard subject at uni
    Roberto Carlos is my husband
    Ronaldo is my brother
    Eric Cantona is my adoptive father
    I am extremely hyperactive
    I am caucasian
    My left leg is longer than my right
    I regularly use drugs
    I have a kinky afro
    I love George Bush
    I am part Brazillian

    *some of these statments are false-try and guess which!*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    age : 16, 17 soon

    location : Manchester

    Name : Adam

    Likes : music (alternative) , swimming , all sport , reading

    Dislikes : Marzipan , drugs , jocks

    Height : 6 feet

    Ambitions : To travel , to go to university , to get a job , to find a gf , to live in America one day

    Political alignment : centre right
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A little bit more:

    * I live in Bridlington in East Yorkshire
    * Men confuse me
    * My parents are divorced
    * I'd like to learn French and sign language
    * I live with my mum and 2 brothers *moan*
    * I had a pet rabbit but it died
    * I want a guinea pig
    * I love giraffes but Ive never seen one :(
    * My best friend is called Adele and she lives in Harrogate
    * I spend most of my time either at work, on the computer or in bed (just asleep, nothing else unfortunatly ;) )
    * My favourite choc bar is Mars
    * Beer is gross
    * Im being random
    * I will shutup now. But 'I'll be back'

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore
    Dislikes : Marzipan , drugs , jocks

    I luuuuuuuuuuuuurve marzipan!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by KinkyBoots
    * I'd like to learn French

    Vous voudriez apprendre le français? J'apprendrai aussi bien. ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    tres bien monsieur ghost et bon nuit
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by jacaranda
    tres bien monsieur ghost et bon nuit

    Merci. Vous pouvez parler meilleur français que moi, mais j'apprends - il est lent, mais j'apprends. Il va mieux bien qu'il ne pourrait pas devenir beaucoup plus mauvais.

    OK, enough. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wow Mobily I think you know your french better than me not the other way around unless you are not writing french straight on to the net. I could understand a fair amount of what you said - i wonder whether anyone else can speak french on thesite?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Haha I had to look in a book for some of it. I'm learning.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I can tell you now that you will impress a lot of people. You have impressed me for a start.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by badabing
    ooh ooh! and (copying skive :p ) - i live here

    Don`t want to sound like an old nag, but do you think it`s a good idea to tell people in so much detail where you live?
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    Flake_MustaineFlake_Mustaine Posts: 1,261 Wise Owl
    I know French.. I could more or less make sense of what Mobily's Ghost and Jacaranda were saying :) I am no way confident enough to type anything up though :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TempleOfDreams
    OK, here goes...

    - I'm Claire (My middle name is Louise...)
    - I'm 17 - 18 in October
    - I live just outside Manchester in a place called Stockport
    - I'm a first year college student, studying IT and English
    - I'm also an underage alcoholic!!
    - I've got a boyfriend (we've been together 3 months or so)
    - I laugh too much
    - I love dance and indie music
    - I wear contact lenses
    - I have my ears pierced twice and my belly button once...
    - I work at Debenhams

    That's all folks!

    Err, I thought of more...

    - My Mum and Dad are half-divorced (still going through it all)
    - I've got brown hair and blue eyes
    - I live with my Dad and brother
    - My brother is 16 and a pain in the arse
    - I want to learn to drive but keep spending my money on shit
    - I have a problem with being too dirrty minded and too hyperactive
    - Err, Stella rocks :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by KinkyBoots
    I luuuuuuuuuuuuurve marzipan!!!

    Hey Me Too!!!!!!!!!!!:p

    About me :

    - Name : Sara Danielle

    - I live in South Africa, i moved here when i was 7 from the UK.

    - Went to Spixworth Primary in Norfolk

    - In South Africa, i went to Ridgevale Primary and then Allen Glen High, Finished in 1999 , at the age of 17

    - Messed around for a Year and a half trying to decide what i wanted to do.

    - Went to C.T.I (Comptuer Taining Institue) and successfully completed a Diploma in Jave Programming and Internet devlopment.

    - Currenty - Live with Boyfriend, and i am very happy, and i am working for an ERP enterprise Software company, as a trainee technical consultant and specialising in Java.

    - My parents are still married and happy, i think

    - My sister is 18 and busy finishing her last year of High School and then wants to go into Interior Design and Decorating!

    - I am 20 years old - (21 in June :D)

    - Boyfriend is 26 and is an Audio Visual Technition *spelling is Shite*

    - Only Piercing in ears, which i have had done since i was 2

    - Want a tatoo, but to scared

    well i think that that covers everything!!

    :wave: :wave: :wave:
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Originally posted by Miffy
    Don`t want to sound like an old nag, but do you think it`s a good idea to tell people in so much detail where you live?

    It crossed my mind but I didn't think there was much harm even with the illegal activities I quite openly admit on the Drugs board.

    Anyone fancy stalking me? :naughty:
    Weekender Offender 
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