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A friendly reminder to Germany.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The British and French governments initiated the war????

    By declaring war on Germany rather than Germany declaring war on Great Britain and France.
    Remind me again who invaded Poland?

    Germany - after the Polish government continued to slaughter and persecute German civilians as well as other ethnic minorities.
    After being warned that doing so would mean war?

    The war between Germany, France, and Great Britain was initiated by France and Great Britain's declaration of war against Germany. It was not the other way around. The Polish-German war DID NOT entail a world war, only the actions of Britain and France made that possible. Germany DID NOT want war with either Britain or France, and likewise did not declare war upon either of those parties. The reality of the situation is that Britain and France out of vindictive self interest stripped millions of Germans from their own homeland and put them under the alien rule of Polish fascists - the same Poland which was brutalizing its white Russian minority in the East and the Ukranian minority in the South. The purpose of this treaty was to commercially emasculate Germany. Germany was 100% within its rights to wage war against an alien power - Poland - which was brutalizing the German people. In fact, it is the duty of any leader to DEFEND his own people from such atrocities.
    5 million starved to death by the British, huh?

    In the artifical Bengali famine which accounted for 90% of casualities in the British Empire during the war.
    What about the 1 million plus that starved to death in Stalingrad? Or Leningrad?

    Thanks to Josef Stalin destroying his own foodstocks.
    Not to mention the combat deaths caused by the war.

    Combat deaths in a declared war are not murder.
    The Soviet POW's starved and worked to death in labor camps. Add up the numbers.

    The Soviet's annihilated millions of German POWs after the war. The Western allies exterminated more German POWs AFTER THE WAR than died in the entire Western theatre. This does not include the massive ethnic cleansing of Germans from their homes in the East either. The Soviets were deliberately destroying their own foodstocks. They WANTED their own people to starve to death.
    The 12 million figure? It came from the Nazis themselves.

    Give me a source.

    [quuote]Being good Germans, they documented everything. The figure that stands out in my head was that at Auschvitz (sp) alone, over 3 million people were put to death. All documented by the people who did it. [/quote]



    Well which is it?
    The Soviet Union invaded these countries while pushing back the German army that invaded their country.

    The Soviet Union - allied with the United States and Great Britain - brutally conquered Eastern Europe. To the victors go the spoils I suppose. As Churchill said, "So far as Britain and Russia were concerned, how would it do for you to have 90% of Romania, for us to have 90% of the say in Greece, and go 50/50 about Yugoslavia?"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This guy Heydrich is dangerous. His opinions are racist , aggressive , belligerant , Nazi and basically sick.

    How THE HELL can you DEFEND the HOLOCAUST!??

    The Jews were buissnessmen , they were rich and powerful in Germany , but does that mean you should slaughter them? Every last one? Women and children? Polish Jews as well? Greek Jews , Romanian Jews , Russian Jews?

    You disgust me.

    The Allies NEVER slaughtered German troops on the Western front. I dunno where u got that lod of bollocks from.

    It was in the East where the real war was fought , Russians did crush Germany ruthlessly , but after what the Nazis did to them first , did you expect anything less?

    The Nazis deserved everything that happened to them , they destroyed a prosperous country and split the world in 2 for 50 years.

    Nazi Germanys crimes are unforgivable , they were so enormous and terrible that some may think they have been distorted. The Fact is they are for real.

    Dont u come up with some load of tripe about American , British or other crimes Heydrich , all countries have black marks in their histories , you just cant seem to admit that the worst tradgedy ever was commited by the civlised , peaceful Germans (and the Nazis).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He's the first person I've met, that hates any open society...including modern day Russia.

    My point with this post was the peace movement in Germany doesn't know what its talking about.

    Heyrich, the world has changed. And it's a good thing. The Soviet Union WAS bigger...and a horrible place to live. Don't get your leder hosen in a wad.:lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My point with this post was the peace movement in Germany doesn't know what its talking about

    Half the time you don't have much of a clue what youre talking about either pnj, the rest of the time youre talking bollocks.

    Guess you'd fit right in with them if they are as clueless as you continually claim.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Clandestine, the only point of all of your posts is to knock America ...while you haven't said anything about France selling missiles to Iraq in 2002.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    Clandestine, the only point of all of your posts is to knock America ...while you haven't said anything about France selling missiles to Iraq in 2002.

    Just as you haven't said anything about America selling missiles to Iraq throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Because whether its 2002 or the 1980's as far as Im concerned, France is no more culpable than our own nation is. Everybody has had their hands in that pie and now we decided to make it into a puppet regime which is just adds to the roster of foreign policy wrongs Washington has committed around the world and which will only exacerbate tensions which are near to the breaking point throughout the region.

    You on the other hand gloat over a military victory which was in little or no doubt from the start and fail to comprehend that the greater problems are yet to come (and to come our way).

    The difference between us is that I have the credentials and the firsthand experience in many regions of the world where Ive seen the evil Washington has supported, you have not.

    I see no reason to make pointless, warm fuzzy posts about the US when I feel it is being led completely down the wrong path. My love for my country plays itself out in working to expose lies, half truths and misconceptions that you and those like you - who choose not to question our own leaders - are being fed daily.

    Its a tough job and in this atmosphere an uphill battle, but the public has never been enlightened by those who simply go along with the crowd waving their little flags like mindless drones.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How could you see I was waving an America flag. Freaky.:crazyeyes
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You and untold millions of mindless sheeple. Hardly surprising.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You assume Clandestine that all supporters of America are flag-waving retards , with no grasp of life outside their hometown.

    I am from Britain , where the majority (over 70%) support the war.

    The Iraqis can look forward to a future of their own choosing , with democratic elections.

    How can that be a bad thing?

    People have died , Brits and Americans included , to remove Saddam , the Iraqi people are HAPPY he has gone , and the overwhelming majority are looking forward to democratic , representative government.

    This is a golden opportunity for the Iraqis , one that has never been avaliable to an Arab state before.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Id like to see what hat you pulled that 70% support rating from. The general public in the UK has been recorded throughout as being overwhelmingly against the UK's involvement.

    As for these wonderful cozy pictures of liberal democracy just springing from the ground in Iraq, you had seriously better pay closer attention to more than just the corporate media staged PR stunts, other reports emerging are showing clearly that the historic fault lines in that society are reemerging and it is highly doubtful that the puppets flown in by Washington will be viewed as acceptable leaders by those who never had the luxury of escaping to suburban American/British hideaways.

    If you think that little more than doom and gloom forecasting as you claimed elsewhere the other day, then you had best go educate yourself into the nature of Iraqi politics and its ethnic power struggles.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    in the UK has been recorded throughout as being overwhelmingly against the UK's involvement.

    Sorry , but thats simply wrong. The UK has always backed its troops in war , this being no exception. The war being right simply bolstered support even more.

    To all opponents of war and America in general : Grow up.

    American power is a fact , its not going to change. They are determined and they are righteous , defend facist tyrannies if you wish , but theres nothing you can do to save them , theyre a dying breed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If anyone needs to grow up and take their head out of the smoke blown by corporate media its you and others who show little critical reasoning or historic awareness.

    First off, my country's foreign policy history, and its support of countless equally as, if not more, heinous regimes than Saddam's, our backing of insurgencies to overthrow legitimate democratic regimes bacuse they were too far to the left for Washington's taste, and our sale of arms to disreputable govts and movements is anything but righteous. The hypocrisy of those who close their eyes and pretend it hasn't happened (and doesn't continue to happen) is breathtaking in its ignorance and self-deception.

    I refer you to this excellent editorial which I would suggest you use as a start to doing some real research into what is going on and what is likely given the actors and interests underlying this whole PR spin campaign...


    Although I suspect you like many others are so used to believing the half truths even this insightful analysis will have little effect.

    Equally, you are indeed deluded in making the preposterous claim concerning the level of public support for the war. Obviously youve been living in the woods.



    I expect others of your countrymen will be here in due course to provide further confirmation of your gross inaccuracy in this regard. Its just too ludicrous to waste any more of my time on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How was a child, in Poland, doing that?

    German children did not ask to be willfully exterminated in British firebombing raids. In war, children often find themselves caught in the crossfire of wars initiated by their guardians.
    So, it is the British who murdered them then?

    It was the British Government which sealed their fate by refusing to allow them to immigrate to Palestine or the UK itself.
    How exactly are their actions distorted?

    The excesses of the National Socialists are blown well out of historical context in comparison to the atrocities of the allies.
    What do we claim that they did, that in fact they didn't do? And vice versa?

    That is not the point. What irritates me personally is when several millions Jews die in a war they themselves more than any other party initiated we never hear the end of it yet when several million Africans are hacked to death with machates or when tens of millions of Indians are starved to death by the British Empire it is largely brushed under the carpet. The distortion of history is what irritates me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This guy Heydrich is dangerous. His opinions are racist , aggressive , belligerant , Nazi and basically sick.

    This just goes to show how ignorant you are. Here I am attacking WHITE yankees and WHITE limeys and the atrocities of their savage imperialism upon nonwhite arabs and nonwhite Indians and you are calling me the racist?
    How THE HELL can you DEFEND the HOLOCAUST!??

    I do not believe in the concept of a "Holocaust." I see nothing whatsoever special about the Jews that warrants the enormous historical distortion made out of that event. The British starved to death tens of millions of Indians. Just a few years ago millions of Africans in Central Africa were slaughtered with machetes. Robert Mugabe is practicing ethnic cleansing in Zimbabwe right now and no one cares so much as to stop him. No one gave a damn about that. No one makes MOVIE after MOVIE after MOVIE about the hundreds of thousands of German POWs exterminated in Allied POW camps, the millions of women raped by the allies, much less the savage genocide perpetrated by the Americans against the Indochinese peoples - to top it all off, how America and Great Britain armed the Communist Soviet Union to the teeth.
    The Jews were buissnessmen , they were rich and powerful in Germany , but does that mean you should slaughter them?

    Absolutely when they used those resources to influence foreign powers to attack their own country. They should have been immediantly shot to death for treason.
    Every last one? Women and children? Polish Jews as well? Greek Jews , Romanian Jews , Russian Jews?

    If I had it my way these Jews would have been shipped to Palestine.
    You disgust me.

    The savagery of the British Empire in Ireland, South Africa, and India disgusts me.
    The Allies NEVER slaughtered German troops on the Western front. I dunno where u got that lod of bollocks from.

    James Bacque, Other Losses. The Allies deliberately exterminated hundreds of thousands of German POWs in Allied POW camps in France and Germany.
    It was in the East where the real war was fought , Russians did crush Germany ruthlessly

    Along with all of Eastern Europe. . .after Churchill partitioned the European continent itself with the Bolsheviks.
    but after what the Nazis did to them first , did you expect anything less?

    Stalin signed a secret military pact with Roosevelt in 1937.
    The Nazis deserved everything that happened to them , they destroyed a prosperous country and split the world in 2 for 50 years.

    ROFL! It was not the Germans, but the United States and Great Britain who were entirely responsible for the Cold War despotism. America alone gave the Soviets over a trillion dollars from 1945 to 1976!
    Nazi Germanys crimes are unforgivable

    There is nothing in the history of Nazi Germany that compares to the tens of millions of Indians who were starved to death in their own country by Great Britain. This is on top of the slave trade, colonialism, the atrocities in Ireland and South Africa.
    e , they were so enormous and terrible that some may think they have been distorted. The Fact is they are for real.

    The fact is that the British Empire starved to death MILLIONS of Indians, by far more than the number of Jews purported to be killed by the Nazis. It wasn't Germany that enslaved millions of Africans like Great Britain. It was not Germany which addicted the Chinese to heroin in order to exploit their country.
    Dont u come up with some load of tripe about American , British or other crimes Heydrich

    You mean like how America simply annihilated the American enemies? But hey, that's manifest destiny right?
    all countries have black marks in their histories

    There is nothing in the history of Germany that compares to the sheer size of the outrages committed by Great Britain and the United States.
    you just cant seem to admit that the worst tradgedy ever was commited by the civlised , peaceful Germans (and the Nazis).

    Sorry I do not buy into the theory that the Jews are a master race, that they are worth any more as human beings than the millions of Africans enslaved by the Americans and the British as well as the tens of millions of Indians starved to death by the British Empire.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Heydrich
    German children did not ask to be willfully exterminated in British firebombing raids.

    But then it wasn't the stated aim of the UK to wipe all Germans from the face of the earth.

    And, once again, I am not defending the Firebombing raids. You are defending the German camps.

    Spot the difference?
    It was the British Government which sealed their fate by refusing to allow them to immigrate to Palestine or the UK itself.

    So the only other option was to kill them all?
    The excesses of the National Socialists are blown well out of historical context in comparison to the atrocities of the allies.

    I don't dispute that, but again I need to point out that no-one here has defended the allies.
    That is not the point. What irritates me personally is when several millions Jews die in a war they themselves more than any other party initiated we never hear the end of it yet when several million Africans are hacked to death with machates or when tens of millions of Indians are starved to death by the British Empire it is largely brushed under the carpet. The distortion of history is what irritates me.

    Have we brushed it under the carpet?

    Or is the difference that no-one defends what we did, yet people like you will defend what the Nazis did - on the basis that other countries may have done the same thing. Or at least something similar. You see, no-one set up camps designed to systematically wipe out an entire race, or should I say several races. No other nation decided that there should be a "master race" - a 1000 year reich.

    In you attempt to place the blame on the UK for WW2, you conveniently gloss over the expansion aims of the Nazi Party, instead making apologies for their anti-semite approach.
    Here I am attacking WHITE yankees and WHITE limeys and the atrocities of their savage imperialism upon nonwhite arabs and nonwhite Indians and you are calling me the racist?

    Which just highlights your own ignorance. It is possible to be racist against whites.

    More so when you aim your vitriol against jews in particular.
    If I had it my way these Jews would have been shipped to Palestine.

    But without a timemachine you have no option. So instead you make apologies for those who carried out the genocide, and try to blame someone else.

    The only people responsible for the Holocaust, is the German State who perpetrated it.
    The savagery of the British Empire in Ireland, South Africa, and India disgusts me.

    Me too, but then you won't find me defending it.

    The savagery of the genocide which was perpetrated against the European Jews between 1933-1945 disgusts me.

    You seem to want to defend it. To be honest I'm not sure what is sicker, the act itself or your defence of it.
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