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is this a crap suggestion 4 UK

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
im not studying a degree in politics but i have a strong sense of political involvement and crap anyway heres my shot:

do u rekon that the problem with new labour is their targets and crap and conservatives lack of understanderin of peoples needs well to my point

1.do u rekon if we increased public spendin as is set out for this year, and got rid of all the managers and statitians and stupid bureaucracy and invested it all in doctors nurses etc, that our health service and schools wuld improve greatly?

2.oh and replacing tony blair with gordon brown and put tony blair as george bushes foreign minister?

3. and if the government closed down all those crap universities out there, not saying any names ahem luton university, and/or courses which provide noone with jobs in the end ie media studies(and im not having a go at students because they still work their bolloks off, but the universities should focues their resources on providing people with useful skills and knowledge), and put the money into improving the higher education that is actually useful and any money students pay is paid back through tax after graduation/dropping out, that our higher education would improve

only prob i can fink of, all those unemplyed statitistics gatherers and PR people!!! HAHAHAAHHA


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: is this a crap suggestion 4 UK
    Originally posted by LonDoNErcHriS85
    and if the government closed down all those crap universities out there ... the universities should focues their resources on providing people with useful skills and knowledge

    Like, um, how to write?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: is this a crap suggestion 4 UK
    Originally posted by LonDoNErcHriS85
    do u rekon that the problem with new labour is their targets and crap and conservatives lack of understanderin of peoples needs well to my point

    Yes that is labour's problem, but the tories do understand people's needs. They just have problems telling people they do.
    1.do u rekon if we increased public spendin as is set out for this year, and got rid of all the managers and statitians and stupid bureaucracy and invested it all in doctors nurses etc, that our health service and schools wuld improve greatly?

    I reckon if we got rid of all the managers and bureaucracy we wouldn't need to increase spending.
    2.oh and replacing tony blair with gordon brown and put tony blair as george bushes foreign minister?

    Yes, or better still, replacing Tony Blair with Iain Duncan-Smith.
    3. and if the government closed down all those crap universities out there, not saying any names ahem luton university, and/or courses which provide noone with jobs in the end ie media studies(and im not having a go at students because they still work their bolloks off, but the universities should focues their resources on providing people with useful skills and knowledge), and put the money into improving the higher education that is actually useful and any money students pay is paid back through tax after graduation/dropping out, that our higher education would improve

    Yes, I think the government's aim to get 50% of school leavers through uni is unrealistic. More emphasis should be put on training people in trades like welding and plumbing. We need people who can make and do things, not people with degrees in bullshitting. More vocational training and apprenticeships are what is needed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: is this a crap suggestion 4 UK
    Originally posted by LonDoNErcHriS85

    do u rekon that the problem with new labour is their targets and crap and conservatives lack of understanderin of peoples needs well to my point

    The above makes no sense.
    1.do u rekon if we increased public spendin as is set out for this year, and got rid of all the managers and statitians and stupid bureaucracy and invested it all in doctors nurses etc, that our health service and schools wuld improve greatly?

    Perhaps. Though I feel that the NHS should have greater private investment.
    2.oh and replacing tony blair with gordon brown and put tony blair as george bushes foreign minister?

    Nothing would drastically change if Brown were PM. In all likelihood the New Labour ethos would still exist.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think the main problem with this country (or maybe just this government) at the moment is that we have to sit on the bloody fence all the time.

    with the war in iraq - sitting on the fence between the USA and the rest of europe

    with immigration - sitting on the fence - saying we will make changes but not actually doing anything

    with HE - trying to have a mass education system AND universities which are as prestigious as America's (i.e. sitting on the fence) not gonna happen!

    sorry, am a bit drunk at the time of writing.

    ignore this if you like.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: is this a crap suggestion 4 UK
    Originally posted by LonDoNErcHriS85
    do u rekon that the problem with new labour is their targets and crap and conservatives lack of understanderin of peoples needs well to my point

    That's fairly true. Labour's target setting often misses the actual crux of any problem. I can only talk about the effect that thier NHS tragets have had, but often they miss the vital point.

    Like their original target of reducing the number of patients waiting for surgery by 100,000. Now, that really meant nothing. It doesn't matter how many people are waiting, but how long they have to wait. Fortunately they have recognised this now and we (in the NHS) are tasked to reuduce thewait by three months every year - i.e. at the end of March this year, no-one will have waiting more than 12 months for surgery, next March it will be a maximum of 9 months, March 2005 it will be six...

    The Tories main problem at the moment is their history. Many people don't trust them. We had 18 years of Tory Govt and many of the problems in Public Services stem from that. If you starve a service of funding for so long it will have an effect...consequently they find themseleves in a position where they cannot accuse Labour of a failure in six years on something they failed in over the preceding 18 years...
    1.do u rekon if we increased public spendin as is set out for this year, and got rid of all the managers and statitians and stupid bureaucracy and invested it all in doctors nurses etc, that our health service and schools wuld improve greatly?

    Public sector funding had to increase. Massive underfunding for 20 years has left us with obsolete equipment and services which need improvement. That doesn't come for free.

    Every year the NHS is expected to see more people, carry out more operations and offer new services. Until recently this has all been contained within the same inflation linked budget. The number of beds in the NHS has dropped every year for the past 40-odd years so clearly this is going to have an effect eventually. Although we offer more operations on a "day case" basis, there are still a significant number of operations where this isn't possible. And it doesn't depend on what operation you are having either, some people will never be fit enough to have a simple operation as a day case.

    So then we get to managers. I'm one. I'm offended that people think that we are the problem, seen as grey suits there to look at finances more than patients. Sorry, but whilst we can take some of the blame, it isn't just down to us.

    We've already highlighted one problem, lack of resources. We also have medical staff who aren't interested in the patients. Consultants recently refused to agree new contracts, why? Well, becuase it meant that their private practices would be reduced and they would have to devote more time to the NHS. Currently they work 7 half day sessions for the NHS, but are paid full time. I'm have found that they are the biggest block to any changes I want to introduce, more so than the funding issue.

    We also have too much tnkering by politicals. Targets being a prime case inpoint. But the NHS is a political football, and that is a big problem.

    And finally we have the "more managers than nurses" bullshit. Little known fact, but a huge proportion of managers are ex-nurses. Once they reach a high grade there is nowhere else for them to go, as a promotion, within the nusring hireachy. So they become managers.

    Now a good nurse, is a good nurse but that doesn't mean that they will make good managers. They recieve little or no formal management training and a dropped in the deep end. That is something we need to rectify. I could not have got my job without formal training plus experience and it should be the same for a nurse...


    I could go on for hours, but then improving the NHS is my job...
    2.oh and replacing tony blair with gordon brown and put tony blair as george bushes foreign minister?

    Nope big mistake. Much as Blair disgusts me, he is a figurehead that we need. Brown should stick to keeping our finances in check.

    As for Blair being Bush's foreigh minister. Don't make me laugh. He's always portrayed as the poodle but without him, we'd already be at war with Iraq. His intervention is what sent Bush to then UN at all.
    3. and if the government closed down all those crap universities out there, not saying any names ahem luton university, and/or courses which provide noone with jobs in the end ie media studies(and im not having a go at students because they still work their bolloks off, but the universities should focues their resources on providing people with useful skills and knowledge), and put the money into improving the higher education that is actually useful and any money students pay is paid back through tax after graduation/dropping out, that our higher education would improve

    So what are the useful skills that Universities should be providing? Surely "useful skills is what schools are all about.

    If someone leaves school at 16 unable to count, read/write, budget their finances, cook then we have a problem. That we are so focussed on people learning more than one language etc shows that our focus is wrong.

    That said, many of the things I have mentioned are also the responsibility of parents.

    I think we made a mistake in devaluing the standard of university, through the creation of "university colleges" though...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by KoolCat
    i think the main problem with this country (or maybe just this government) at the moment is that we have to sit on the bloody fence all the time.

    with the war in iraq - sitting on the fence between the USA and the rest of europe

    with immigration - sitting on the fence - saying we will make changes but not actually doing anything

    with HE - trying to have a mass education system AND universities which are as prestigious as America's (i.e. sitting on the fence) not gonna happen!

    sorry, am a bit drunk at the time of writing.

    ignore this if you like.

    And then there's the Euro, house of lords reform, transport investment...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Captain Slog

    And then there's the Euro, house of lords reform, transport investment...

    yes exactly!!

    one word

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    true true, i didnt kno how to put what into words what iwas i was on about, but sitting on the fence is so true!

    my main point of higher education, is that too, the want a mass education system (50% under 30s) but that just isnt achieavble, and we need more manual labourers etc, but on bout useful skills, im on about the advanced analytical ones you get from going to universities etc andi welcome higher uni fees in general but making sure poorer students pay less/or with less difficulties whilst richer ones pay more

    a us style uni system would collapse the system here for actual english nationals

    and for the NHS i agree, were low on nurses doctors resources etc so we hire private ones, but those same private agency staff are normally ex nhs people, whose yearly wage on the nhs was lower than their monthly agency earnings, thats why i think wages should be increased more, also care home closures dont help etc and most problems stem from our previous government of 18 years who kept all the money to themselves, though all governments do that, either increase taxes but increase spending by less and skim money off hte top, or cut taxes and spend even less and increase their money in their pockets

    main problem is that politicians are too afraid to be assertive and trying please everyone in their polls, and i dont think privatisation wokrs because, well, it aint just about public services working well and efficiently, because it needs to do what its meant to , help anyone who needs the help! a private healthcare system would work but that is because many people would not be able to afford the treatment as what happens in america!!

    *political jokes are good... until theyre elected*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would like to point out that the New LAb 50% target is not based on fantasy but to a large extent on the predicted large increase in the number of jobs that require graduate skills, we do need manual workers but they contribute an increasingly small amount to our economy.........
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since Tony Blair's support of the war isn't good for his career, isn't it logical that he's doing it for the good of his country?
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