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How Curious....

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
My boyfriend and I were in the club on wednesday, just being all cuddly and in love as usual.

This totally random bloke comes up to me and asks how long we've been together. I said 4 months. He replied:

"Ah, I wish I was like that with my girlfriend after 4 months, been with her for 2 years! Trust me, its downhill from there!"

I was just like, What?! :eek2:

My boyfriend wasn't too happy with the 'downhill from there' comment either.

I was just wondering, are most couples still totally loved up after a while and is it just a matter of time before it all goes sour?

Personally, I couldn't give a shit what this bloke was on about because I love my boyfriend, I totally adore him, and I don't think he has any idea about how were gonna feel about eachother in another 6 months. Jeez, just cos hes in a pants relationship.

Eejit :rolleyes:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ive been with my g'f 4 nearly 5 months, were still all cuddly, and in love. This is the longest serious relationship ive been in, so im not sure if it will go down hill, i hope it doesn't. U can see what he means though, u've gotta work at relationships and he's obviously not bothered with his so he dont try. Simple. Stick at it and u can be lovey dovey anytime u like.

    thats how i see it anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    OK so he's bitter...but you have to be prepared for the fact that if you do stay together for more than 2 years some of the feelings of excitement and 'new love' will disappear.

    It can be hard fighting the temptation to get that 'just in love' feeling with someone else, many people don't manage it and it sounds like this bloke was expecting things to be lovely all the time for ever - because life isn't like that he was disappointed.

    As you will be..if you don't prepare yourselves for a longterm relationship sometimes seeming mundane.

    Having said that - why he thought he should come and spoil your moment I don't know!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by byny
    you have to be prepared for the fact that if you do stay together for more than 2 years some of the feelings of excitement and 'new love' will disappear.

    I've been with my boyf for 2&1/2 years now. Some days I feel really loved up and happy, and others it's kinda the opposite. We didn't argue at all for months when we first got together, now it's kinda a regular thing :( I don't think there's many couples who have been together for a couple of years that feel the same about each other as they did in the begining, things just change. You get used to each other, stop trying to impress each other, etc.
    I'm not very happy today cos me & my boyf had a bit of a fall out, had you asked this question last week when i was all loved up you'd probably have got a more positive answer! Maybe I'll reply again in a few days!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm in a relationship over the internet, so any touch I will eventually have with my boyfriend, is going to be like a touch from Heaven. Even if all we would be able to do was just hug, or hold hands, I'd have the happiest moment in my life. I still need to wait till the summer for our first touch though... The countdown to July 5th continues...

    However, some couples do get bored after a long while in a relationship - Mainly I think because the couple starts taking each other for granted, and forgets that they are in love. They argue and start fighting about every little thing for excitement. Then they shut each other off from each other, and then when one is cooking dinner, the other goes and watches TV and during the day one works, one stays home, and late at night, one goes to bed early, and the other watches TV... Then you're not doing anything at all together anymore, argue at dinner for excitement, and forget to love.

    I've been with my boyfriend (online, but I'm deeply in love with him, and he's deeply in love with me) for 8 months or so, and since we'll have limited time the next few years in being able to see each other... We can't take each other for granted. And I'm not going to let either of us let shut ourselves off from the other. And neither is he. I somehow feel (I know this will sound cheesy.) that him and I aren't going to shut ourselves off. We may argue now and then, but we can't be mad at each other. If you have a good feeling about your relationship, and so does your partner, then you're not going downhill - you're going uphill. Don't lose love, don't take for granted, and be happy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lets face it, do you see your parents kissing and cuddling constantly and going out on dates anymore? Nope not at all. It develops into a different kind of love after a few months/years and you'll only get out of it as much as you put in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Me and my boyfriend are approaching two years and we are still very touchy- feely and rarely argue. But maybe we've got all that to come!:confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dpends really. my girlfriends parents often get off in front of us (not showing us!!! just cos they love each other) and they kiss cuddle, go out on dates. i think they go out for a meal together at least once a week. my parents on the other hand i suspect do not know what each others bodies look like....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Sprouts
    Me and my boyfriend are approaching two years and we are still very touchy- feely and rarely argue. But maybe we've got all that to come!:confused:

    Me & my boyf are still touchy feely and that, and we never have major arguments its more bickering. I dunno, I guess it depends on the situation. I think we bicker cos we're always apart from each other, that's the only time we argue, when we're together it's all fab! I dunno....relationships are confusing! Even after a few years!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We bicker. I think sometimes we pick up on something and argue just for the sake of it. Not like shouty arguments, just bickering ones.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The spark of 'falling in love' goes after a few months, and the love changes from being new and exciting to being comfortable and safe. Its not that the relationship deteriorates, its just that it changes. Rather than fucking like rabbits all night long, sometimes its just nice to get some sleep. Though not always:naughty:

    It doesnt lose its cuddliness, its just that life gets in the way eventually. Especially if you move in together. Although, on the plus side, like a fine wine, sex improves with age:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you DO NOT need to be in love to hug someone.

    You just want to get them in bed (or on the sofa, of in the lift, or in public toilets, or in a bush, etc)

    just be gald that you want to make love to him, not just love him!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Sprouts
    Me and my boyfriend are approaching two years and we are still very touchy- feely and rarely argue. But maybe we've got all that to come!:confused:

    You probably have becasue as a relationship develops you learn more about a person, you get annoyed about things that never annoyed you before. As your life changes so does theirs and it may pull you in different directions.

    If only one of you wants to make it work then it will go no-where. If one of you has to have that mad rush of lust and love that you had in the forst months then it won't work.

    I think people give up too easily these days anyway!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All i no is my mom has been with her bf for a year and two months (he sends her a card on every month thats how i no) They are still all over each other its sick. Like today my mom was lieing on him and he got up and said do u wana cup of tea AND she jumped up going no no ill make it. Next thing i no there danceing around the room together. I was just like oh please act your age:lol: . But im glad my mom is happy
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How old are they then? 40 something... How do you think a person that age is supposed to act!!

    Why not come back online when you're 40 ...bet you its different to what you imagine!! ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    One of my 'friends' said a similar thing to me, as in "aah when we'd been together six months it was like that. Now he doesn't make the effort, your relationship will go that way too, blah blah". Nearly a year now and its still perfect. :) On the other hand, she's still in her (longer) relationship and still not happy. People say it out of jealous spite. Don't listen to them - everyone's relationship is different. He's obviously bitter & cynical.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've been with my bf for nearly 2 yrs and we never argue. Neither of us are the type who like arguing so it works very well. Whenevr we statr to feel like the relationship is loosing the spark we play a game.
    He meets me in a pub and pretends he has never met me. I dress up nice like i'm out on the pull. He uses his best chat up lines, and we dance, get a bit touchy feely, blah, blah. We taxi home and he asks me in for coffee then we go at it like it was the first time all over again!!
    Next morning we have a giggle about the night before and i remember why i love him so much.
    Then after a few months we do it again only we swap roles.
    Every time i have the same butterflies i had on our first date, its fantastic!!!!! Would recommend it to anyone
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    But you're still severely undershagged!!??? :D:D:D
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