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I cant help myself saying yes

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ok, me and my ex split up 18 months ago, and although were not really mates, we still text each other occasionally! In that time hes asked me to get back with him loads, and ive always said yes, then he always lets me down and we dont get back together. Last week he split up with the girl he was seeing cos he said he still loved me. I said i didnt want to get back with him, cos hed just end up huryting me again, even though oi still love him!

Last night though, he asked me again, and i said yes! That was the last i heard of him until today when he text me saying he couldnt talk to me no-more cos hes back with his girlfriend!

I love him so much, and he says he loves me, so why has he got back with her?

And even when hes with her hes constantly texting me telling me how much he loves me, why does he do it? I dont let him know that it bothers me, in fact i pretend i dont care, so he cant just being doing it to hurt me, or can he??:(


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This guy knows he's got you where he wants you. Trust me, there's nothing that makes a guy feel good than to have a girl there that he knows loves him, and is there for him to say she loves him whenever he wants her to.

    It's not easy for you to see this because you love him. I'm in a similar situation. But you have to stop going back to him like this. Even if you said yes and you got back together, who's to say he would be off again when he felt like it.

    Whether he loves you or not just doesn't matter. No-one deserves to be strung along like you're being.

    Tell him to get lost. It might be hard now, but you'll be better off without him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ive been trying to do that for 18 months, but everytime i start to think that im getting over him, he starts teloling me he loves me. its like he knows when im losing intrest, even though sometime we havent spoke for weeks, and as soon as im interested, he looses intrest! (if that makes sense!!)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I love him so much, and he says he loves me,
    I doubt your bf loves you.
    so why has he got back with her?
    Maybe she given him something that you don't.
    And even when hes with her hes constantly texting me telling me how much he loves me,
    Maybe when he's with you, he txt's her as well. I think you and his gf should talk, you might find you both have something in common apart from both liking little pricks.
    why does he do it?
    He does it cos he can, he can pick you up when he likes and put you down, maybe it's a power thing or maybe the guy had a fucked up childhood

    I think the question should be why you still fancy him?
    -(Not sure if you love him, They do say Loves is blind and all, but all he's seem to have done to you is upset you so I can't understand how you could form loving feeling for him)-

    Of course, I know not the full story behind you two so maybe you were happy before he dump you...over and over again ?

    I think moving on and looking for a new person to go out with would do you the world of good, You don't need to love them, just date other people and don't go for the usual bad boys!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yep, I know it's hard. But it's all part of his game. For some reason he wants to know your still there and still care for him. Once he knows that he goes off and does whatever he likes. That's not fair on you.

    He probably wants you to be there as a backup plan incase he ever needs a girlfriend, and he'll always do that if you let him.

    Try and forget about him if you can. Easier said than done though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know its really hard but you have to get over him...even if that means cutting off all contact with him. He's using you as his back up plan and its not fair for him to do that its obviously stressing u out so u need to do something for your own good!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Harmless

    I doubt your bf loves you.

    Maybe she given him something that you don't.

    Maybe when he's with you, he txt's her as well. I think you and his gf should talk, you might find you both have something in common apart from both liking little pricks.

    He does it cos he can, he can pick you up when he likes and put you down, maybe it's a power thing or maybe the guy had a fucked up childhood

    I think the question should be why you still fancy him?
    -(Not sure if you love him, They do say Loves is blind and all, but all he's seem to have done to you is upset you so I can't understand how you could form loving feeling for him)-

    Of course, I know not the full story behind you two so maybe you were happy before he dump you...over and over again ?

    I think moving on and looking for a new person to go out with would do you the world of good, You don't need to love them, just date other people and don't go for the usual bad boys!

    I dont think you read it properly, hes not my bf, hes my ex, we dont spend time togethjer, we only text and speak on the phone. He has never dumped me as such, i finished hime 18 months ago, and since then hes asked me to get back with him ,then changed his mind!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He is obviously just using you.

    You must say no and stand your ground however difficult this may be for you!!

    You deserve someone alot better, and given time the right one will come, but only if you get over this guy first!!

    Do not give in under any circumstances!!! You will only be let down again in the future!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dizzy blonde babe, sorry but he is using you as a big ego boost for himself when he`s feeling less than fantastic, i.e. just split up with someone.

    He says he loves you.... but anyone can say that, words are easy. Maybe he even believes it at the time he`s saying it. But are his actions the actions of someone who loves you? Is that the way you treat someone you really love? No.

    Next time he does this you should turn him down flat. And then you should feel really proud of yourself for doing so.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He was texting me again today, and i asked him why hed done it. He said it was because ive said no to him so many times, that he didnt think itd happen this time!! Im starting to think that he does care who he has me, or his gf, just as long as hes with someone!:(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if u really wana be with him try telling him no. sounds backwards but say no to gettin back with him dont text him back quickly dont fone him....let him work for your attention....if he gives up then he doesnt love u and atleast u will know but if he realises 'hey hang on a sec she isnt just goin along with it nemore ah shit i mite lose her if i dont watch out' i can assure u if he thnks that then he loves you and he will do summat bout it.

    Chin up
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