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Different acid crystals?

Now I'm not that much of a chemist but my dealer is certain that acid comes in different crystals, from I think purple at the bottom through yellow, silver and then white at the top.
The bottom of the scale being dirty headfuck style and then the white crystal being clear and clean.

Personaly I'm not really so sure, I would think that the different types of acid are the different varients, as in ALD-52.

Your thoughts please.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Different acid crystals?
    Originally posted by bongbudda

    Personaly I'm not really so sure, I would think that the different types of acid are the different varients, as in ALD-52.

    Your thoughts please.

    Well Acid, as in LSD, as in Lysergic acid di-ethyl-amide, is whats known as pure LSD. Ive done a bit of chemistry in my time and i think the practice was known as isotropy or spectroscopy, that is you can actually break down the structure and guess what kind of chemical structure is defined in a compound purely from the spectral diagram of a crystal of the element.

    So yes, i imagine you do get lots of different coloured 'acid' crystals, the purest being white, colourless odourless and tasteless as found by ol mr hoffmann, but there will be many either isotropes or isomers of the same drug, a couple extra carbons and oxygens here, couple extra nitrogens and hydrogens there, a slightly dfferent chemichal physical structure, which although different share similar effects to lsd-25 the original, and thus will show us a different spectrum under light, but could still be deemed as lsd.

    I know as you that acid comes in may flavours forms and contents, its almost impossible to know whether youre gonna get some dirty stricnine and speed defiled acid, or if youre gonna get the real bona fide lsd-25. The affects of acid can be totally different, ive had varieties where the trips start 30-45 mins after taking, provide immense peripheral visuals and hallucinations but nothing structural (ie no mountains or clouds moving around by themselves but rather leaves and lights doing there thing) and from what i can tell the real pure stuff sometimes can take a full 2 hours to come on properly, is a lot smoother on the up and the down, and only structural hallucination and no peripherals.

    Acid comes in many states and forms, trips can contain mescalin, speed, stricnine, amphetamine, methamphetamine... But most importantly the acid itsself, the hallucinatory ingredient comes in many forms itsself, with similar backbones but different structures.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: Different acid crystals?
    Originally posted by D-Baser
    I know as you that acid comes in may flavours forms and contents, its almost impossible to know whether youre gonna get some dirty stricnine and speed defiled acid

    There has never been strychnine in acid. Nor speed.
    See here http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_myth5.shtml
    The reasons for different 'types' of acid could be from either getting LSD or ALD or LSA etc, could also conceivably be due to contaminants from the synthesis or from breakdown products, but its more likely to be psychological. LSD is extremely unpredictable and set and setting are vitally important. Even the smallest subconscious worry can massively alter the direction of a trip.
    Acid comes in many states and forms, trips can contain mescalin, speed, stricnine, amphetamine, methamphetamine...

    Again, complete bollocks I'm afraid.

    Personally I reckon your dealer's full of shit (most are IME).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I like the bloke that I deal with and he does know what he's selling 95% of the time and does his best to understand everything, get test results etc but I think he belives too much of what the hippies tell him.

    As for the slight changes in atomic structure, I'd aggree with that, I know you can play around with chemicals and get slightly different ones.

    I'd have to disaggree with acid being 'spiked' with anything, speed would be really obvious, you'd be able to taste it even if you could get a blotter to take enough to even be worth it. As for mescal, thats active in the 200mg+ range which would get a good few drips before you'd get anything.

    I'm not sure about LSA, from what I've heard of mates doing it its really quite different from lsd, more stonny and really puts you out of it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: Re: Different acid crystals?
    Originally posted by Blagsta

    There has never been strychnine in acid. Nor speed.
    See here http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_myth5.shtml
    The reasons for different 'types' of acid could be from either getting LSD or ALD or LSA etc, could also conceivably be due to contaminants from the synthesis or from breakdown products, but its more likely to be psychological. LSD is extremely unpredictable and set and setting are vitally important. Even the smallest subconscious worry can massively alter the direction of a trip.

    Again, complete bollocks I'm afraid.

    Personally I reckon your dealer's full of shit (most are IME).

    Ever notice how some trips taste like something, and leave you with an aching back and an awful headache, and others dont taste like anything?

    I dont disagree with the fact that the subconscious is the biggest factor in an acid trip. With regards the Webpage : "So if the two materials are together in a drug sample, it could only be by the hand of man."

    I know some such men.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Different acid crystals?
    Originally posted by D-Baser

    Ever notice how some trips taste like something, and leave you with an aching back and an awful headache, and others dont taste like anything?

    I dont disagree with the fact that the subconscious is the biggest factor in an acid trip. With regards the Webpage : "So if the two materials are together in a drug sample, it could only be by the hand of man."

    I know some such men.

    Well I haven't actually done any acid for about 5 years and haven't done it regularly for about 12, but I don't ever remember acid tasting of anything. Yes, some trips would leave me more achey than others, but I seem to be susceptible to these effects of acid anyway - friends of mine who would take acid from the same batch would quite often not get tense muscles, which leads me to believe in a more psychological explanation, maybe a 'muscular armour' thing as postulated by Reich.
    As I said, it could also be impurites etc, maybe some ergot left over from the synth, or from a breakdown product - but it is NOT strychnine.

    Acid is also NEVER cut with speed (impossible to get enough on a blotter), or mescaline - this is very rare and the effective dose is many magnitudes larger than for LSD, so it would not fit on a blotter or dot. Also why sell mescaline as acid? Its rare enough to be sold at many times the street value of acid.

    And Erowid is probably the foremost authority on the web for info on psychedelics - I'd rather believe it than you or someone's dodgy dealer.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Lighten up dude. You believe what you like man.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, whatever :rolleyes:

    I just find it amazing that the same old bullshit myths and half truths that were floating around 10 or 15 years ago are still believed by some people, when the info is at your fingertips on the net...
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