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Mushrrom advice

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I have just got a bag of dried mushies and I want to know the best way to get hammered off them. We got a bag last week and they were fresh, we boiled them and made tea. I s it still the best way to do them when dried ?

Any suggestions would be great

cheers :D


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just eat them.... they taste like evil but its worth it.....

    if you make tea you kill a lot of the potency in the process because even a mild heat will break down all the psilocin and most of the psilocybin very quickly..... just eating them is the most efficient way to get the most out of them.... if you wanna make it easier to measure them and to eat them, grind them up into a fine powder and weigh out the powder and put the right amount in a bit of paper folded into a v-shaped kind of funnel type thing, tip it to the back of your mouth and down it with a drink.... makes the taste much more bearable and its easier than chewing on them :yuck:

    if you need to know the dosage weights, look on www.shroomery.org at the dosage calculator.....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Mushrrom advice
    Originally posted by CRAZYREDEYES
    I have just got a bag of dried mushies and I want to know the best way to get hammered off them. We got a bag last week and they were fresh, we boiled them and made tea. I s it still the best way to do them when dried ?

    Any suggestions would be great

    cheers :D

    I tried these a few weeks ago. I just ate them. First and last time i can tell you. Be careful how many you take, cos i wasn't getting a buzz off them for ages i just kept eating and eating (greedy cow). When it hit me i felt bloody awful. You had them before??? I presume so, or am i wrong to resume.

    No.... didn't like them at all. Mind you, we went clubbing to Bed in Sheffield so i don't think it was the best environment to be eating them really. Just felt ike every bugger was staring at me.

    Think i'll stick to pills or coke!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok looks like I am munching them, the plan is to get a quater pounder with cheese and stick em in and close my eyes and nose and munch away !

    Wish me luck, hopefully i will be able to keep them down :D

    Yeah I have done them a few times before and love em disco balls !
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They don't actually taste that bad. Lokk bloody awful but if you just give em a quick chew and swallow followed by swig of beer there ok.

    Going seeing Erick Morrillo this weekend so will be off my tits yet again. But i like it!

    Have a good one. :D and don't do anything i wouldn't
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by disco balls
    They don't actually taste that bad. Lokk bloody awful but if you just give em a quick chew and swallow followed by swig of beer there ok.

    Going seeing Erick Morrillo this weekend so will be off my tits yet again. But i like it!

    Have a good one. :D and don't do anything i wouldn't

    :yuck: your so wrong..... they taste like pure distilled evil.. and you cant just give them a quick chew... when they are dried they are horrible and chewey and impossible to swallow till you've really chewed them up and you get bits in your teeth and stuff.... *gag* :yuck: :eek: :eek2:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've never tried em but like if they're dried couldnt u just crush em up, stick em into rizla's and eat em like they was speed bombs? :yum: :yuck:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Loco4Life
    I've never tried em but like if they're dried couldnt u just crush em up, stick em into rizla's and eat em like they was speed bombs? :yum: :yuck:

    not really cause you have to eat a lot of them you would have to eat like 100 bombs or something! but you can do what i said and grind them up and get the powder to the back of your mouth with a bit of paper folded into a v-shape kind of thing and wash them down with water..... slightly less foul.....:yuck:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by octopus of doom

    :yuck: your so wrong..... they taste like pure distilled evil.. and you cant just give them a quick chew... when they are dried they are horrible and chewey and impossible to swallow till you've really chewed them up and you get bits in your teeth and stuff.... *gag* :yuck: :eek: :eek2:

    Maybe i was just too pissed at the time of consuming them to actually taste them.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Haev you ever seen some of the bugs and worms that you find in shrooms. That's why I always brew 'em up. Maybe you don't get as fucked, but believe me, a brew of 50 is enough start you tripping and you don't consume any nasties.

    What we do is brew 'em up in a saucpan while mashing them with a potato masher, until you get a dirty white froth that appears on the surface. Pour the contents through a fine sive into another container, leaving all the mushrooms in the sive. Now mash the shrooms in the sive and squeeze out all the liquid you can into the container (this should be thick like gravy).

    Now you have a brew ready to drink without any seroius bits in it. Still gets you fucked as well.
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The taste depends on the type that you get, I used to get these little thin ones, I forget the name now, they dont really have a taste just a wierd texture.
    However the thick fat mexican ones taste horrible.

    I have heard that the best option for not tasting it is to put warm but not hot water into a coffee plunger thing (about 40-50oC) stir and then push down. The water should, wierdly enough turn a blue colour and then you can try to hide the taste in juice or whatever.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeah... the mexican ones are what i grew and have a shit load of.... in fact its all ive ever had.....
    its good cause you dont need to eat that many of them..... only 5 or 6 for quite a strong trip....
    but basically, they taste like evil.:yuck:

    they arent nearly as bad if you eat them fresh though.
    they still taste sick and wrong but they are mostly water so you just chew them a couple of times and swallow its not too bad.
    dried ones though..... nothing should be allowed to taste that bad.
    oh well thats what you get for eating things that grow on poo i guess......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by octopus of doom

    :yuck: your so wrong..... they taste like pure distilled evil.. and you cant just give them a quick chew... when they are dried they are horrible and chewey and impossible to swallow till you've really chewed them up and you get bits in your teeth and stuff.... *gag* :yuck: :eek: :eek2:

    toooooooo true.... altho stickin em in a ham roll was quite effective :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think eating them is probably best.

    Can anyone explain this one???

    I had done mushrooms twice before, and they tasted like absolute cow manure.

    However, last Thursday, I ate an eighth and they really did not taste badly at all. My friends I were worried, thinking they may be bunk, but they turned out to be AMAZING!

    Anyone know what the difference was? Why they didnt taste awful, yet still worked their magic?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Could you not just fry em :confused:

    * Runs like fuck cos I know im gonna get slaughtered for that comment*

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think the taste of the shrooms has a lot to how they were grown and the type.

    As for frying them, that would make them into nasty tasting bunk, the temp at which they are destroyed is about 80oc.
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