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2 down- 3 to go

Two of the racist scumbags who murdered Stephen Lawrence have been found guilty of a racist attack and jailed for 18 months .

Although they should be serving life for the murder they committed, it's good to see that at last two of them are behind bars. I really hope they are made the bitches of the biggest (in every sense) black inmates the prison holds.

One day perhaps we will remove the double jeopardy rule so criminals who have escaped prison because of cock-ups by the prosecutors or police can be judged again. In the meantime, I look forward to the imprisonment of the other 3 scumbags who remain free.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I thought we had / were in the process of remoiving the double jeopody rule.... I thought it was everybody walking away from the Damilola Taylor case that started that one off.

    And i STILL don't think that we should put people in prison if they are not going to be protected.
    I think there was quite a heated thread on this subject a while ago
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How can anyone say 2 down 3 to go?Acourt is not guilty of Lawrence murder, of which we have all heard far too much.

    This latest case smacks of State persecution of 2 guys who must be clobbered to set an example.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    How can anyone say 2 down 3 to go?Acourt is not guilty of Lawrence murder

    I don’t know if you’ve been living on another planet or your nature would want you to believe those five animals are innocent. I suggest you do a bit of research on the case or read the Macpherson Report. Just so you understand, there is much more compelling evidence of those five murdering Stephen Lawrence than of Osama bin Laden being behind the 9/11 attacks. But I bet you don’t have any doubts about that one do you?

    of which we have all heard far too much
    No we haven’t. This was a most hideous and disgusting crime, and because of major police incompetence those murdering racists are allowed to laugh at the justice system and carry on with life (and further racist crimes).

    This latest case smacks of State persecution of 2 guys who must be clobbered to set an example.

    You find it disproportionate do you? You obviously are of the opinion that running at a black man with a car and throwing a bottle at him while calling him a ‘n’ this and a ‘n’ that is nothing more than a bit of fun and shouldn’t carry a custodial sentence.

    Lads will be lads eh?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin: get your facts right, it wasn't a bottle, it was a cardboard cup. I read one account in a Kent paper suggesting the car was swerved , not driven at the black man

    You'd think the Stephen Lawrence murder was the only committed in the last decade.

    No focus on Whites/Asians murdered by Blacks because there was an agenda to create a Black icon of White racism against Blacks
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They were aquitted, so to say they murdered Steven Lawrence is wrong until they are tried and convicted. And the MacPherson report was quite seriously flawed in many ways, but its given this huge thing as if it was right and everyone else was wrong.

    But solo, go back to reading your BNP comics, eh, and leave us people out here in the real world. Those men committed a sever racist attack on a black policeman, and should have got a severe custodial sentence. I dont know why you think it was a paper cup, but you are obviously living up on planet WASP.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by solo
    You'd think the Stephen Lawrence murder was the only committed in the last decade.

    No focus on Whites/Asians murdered by Blacks because there was an agenda to create a Black icon of White racism against Blacks

    Some murders are indeed more high-profile than others. This one still attracts attention because A) as murders go, racially-motivated ones are arguably the most despicable. B) the murderers have been walking the streets for ten years, being involved in further racist incidents and gloating about their achievements without a care in the world C) the breathtaking blunders by the police that allowed these very guilty 'persons' get away with murder.

    With regard to the hidden agenda to create an image of white racism: that kind of utter bollocks is only found on the BNP or NF website. Anyone with a grasp of reality knows how to regard such accusations.

    Do I notice a certain irritation about this case? Would you rather the whole thing was left alone and those poor 5 lads were allowed to get along with their lives?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Those men committed a sever racist attack on a black policeman, and should have got a severe custodial sentence.

    It was a cardboard cup, from fast-food places (maybe you don't have any such places up North, don't know,never been up there)

    The offence was as flimsy as the cup thrown, the whole case stinks of State connivance.

    The Lawrence case was a joke in no small part due to the ineptitude of Duwayne Brooks who changed his story 4 times.

    They'll never safely convict anyone for the Lawrence case, it has no more significance thab any other such case
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Calling a black off duty policeman a Nigger is not a nice thing to do, and something that I think is unnecessary and uncalled for, but an18 month sentence is just plain ridiculous. A few hours community service would be a more appropriate punishment.

    We have Sheik Tosshead Muhammad standing in Trafalgar Sq, calling on people to kill Jews, Gays and Americas, and the cops protect him from the British public who quite rightly wish to give him a good kicking.

    The British judiciary system - another institution that seems to be falling apart.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin

    as murders go, racially-motivated ones are arguably the most despicable.

    No I think that that honor goes, by a million miles, to those who kill children.
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