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Evil people :(

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

Lately my ex has been acting really nasty. When we were together, it was great but she ended up cheating on me with a not very nice person, and eventually finishing with me by text message. Since then, she's been texting me evil messages, deliberatley canoodling with her b/f outside my house, and crying on my shoulder then telling her b/f I came on to her (amongst other things). I've told her to leave it, and to get lost, but she keeps going on and on.

Last night, I got a message from her boyfriend, saying he'd caught her with the evil bloke that she cheated on me with, and he'd finished with her. I was really angry, I couldn't understand how the hell she could do that to someone else, after seeing how upset I was after she did it to me.

Anyway, I texted her straight away, telling her exactly what I thought of her, and the way she was behaving. I then got a phone call from her old boyfriend, saying how he felt like ripping the other bloke's head off. I eventually managed to calm him down, with the whole "they're not worth it" thing, and told him to leave it.

So at 7am this morning I get a text from the evil bloke basically saying how I'd better watch myself and he didn't like how I spoke to her, and how she didnt deserve this shit from me. I was really mad at this point, and I forwarded the text to the other bloke. He then texted back saying "he'd willingly kick his ass, on behalf of the both of us" (which I was dead set against).

Anyway, then my ex texts me again saying how she wanted me and the other bloke to meet up with her and the evil bloke, to get all this sorted out. I did wonder why she wanted me there, but in the end I agreed.

So the four of us ended up meeting up in the park. She immediatley started saying to her old b/f how she was sorry but she couldn't help the way she felt (a classic line of hers) and he started pushing the evil bloke in the chest, and they ended up rolling on the grass. I tried to pull him off, but ended up getting pulled down onto the grass, where I got an elbow hard in the face from the evil bloke. I'm now the not so proud owner of a pretty ugly looking swollen eye. But at least it broke the fight up.

Anyway I ended up a bit dazed, and my mam says the swelling should go down in a few days. But I'm pretty pissed off now to say the least. There aint no point goin to the police, it could have been accidental (at least thats what I told my mam).

I know I could have avoided all this mess by keeping my cool though.

It just doesn't seem fair.She's wrecked my night out tonight I've had planned for weeks, and I probably wont be able to go to the footie tomorrow :(

I just dunno how I can trust anyone again. I know all girls aren't like this, but she was so lovely when I was with her. Maybe it was my fault, but I can't think of anything I did so wrong to her, for her to be acting like this.

Its also the way he walked all over me. One day, he saw my g/f, decided he wanted her, and now he's got her. She left me for him without a second thought. What's to stop the next girl doing the same ??

Sorry for the long post, I just feel like shit, both physically and mentally :(


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So wat answer exactly are u lookin for? i know i can tell u that the next girl won't be like that i cant garentee it but i know that not all girls are like her an u can only jus try and be careful of wat girl u choose. May i ask how long u actually went out for?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sorry Brian.

    But why do you bother stayig in contact with her?

    Having a clean break sounds like a good idea, allows you to get on with your life and move on.

    This sounds like it's causing you a lot of hassle and is not worth it.

    She sounds messed up, like she doesn't know what she wants and needs to grow up and stop hurting people.

    You deserve someone nice.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Dark Pheonix
    May i ask how long u actually went out for?

    A year and a half on and off. We suported each other through a lot, which is why it's so nasty to see her being like this.

    Just needed to get it all off my chest.

    I'm annoyed with myself more than anything, I should have avoided it all happening.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by PussyKatty

    But why do you bother stayig in contact with her?

    I try not to :)

    But she just keeps having a go all the time, she even phones my house phone sometimes.

    But I'm changing my mobile number the minute I can afford to.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Brian you have to make a clean break, you cant have her hasseling you all the time. If she phones or texts you again just tell her its OVER. She sounds as though she only wants to use you when it suits her. You can get someone much better than that.

    As far as trusting someone else Ill tell you about my Hubbies ex wife. She used to go out with her friends on a Friday night, she would get back in whenever it suited her. Anyway he had an idea that she was cheating on him. Then one Friday night she came home at whatever time, and he was in bed. He came downstairs for whatever reason and caught her on the settee with another fella, I need say no more. Obviously he hit the roof, kicked him and her out, they got divorced then later we met.
    He didnt trust me one bit and I used to get the where have you been, who you been with treatment. He used to think that it would happen to him again, and to be honest we had loads of arguments because I used to get sick of him giving me question time when I got home. I used to say Im not her and im not gonna do that, eventually he realised that I was not gonna do that to him.
    What im trying to say is dont think that were all bad because we are not. And if you happen to meet someone explain whats happened but just try not to give them the twenty questions all the time.

    Good luck ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey hun. I don't really have very much to say, cuz I'm tired and incoherent, but I wanted to send some *hugs* your way.

    I also wanted to say that getting a new SIM card isn't that expensive. It's about 15 pounds or so, and then you'll have a new number. :) Unless you're waiting until you can afford a new phone. Just a thought, anyway.

    Oh, and listen to Becky. She knows what she's talking about. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do you still hold feeling for this girl?

    She has hurt you lots of times and i believe if you let her she will carry on hurting you

    I'd only give a girl one chance, if she hurt me I walk and don't come back

    ignore this bitch! right now she thinks that she has you wrapped around her little finger and can treat you anyway she likes cos you're a nice guy and will take it!

    You need to show her that you won't put up with her bull shit no more, delete her number from your mob, that will be your first step in moving on and when she phones/txt treat her like the bitch she is!

    This also might work in your favour because she might enjoy being treated like this!

    She sounds like a right cuntrag and you don't need her in your life do you?

    Or are you holding out that she might one day return to the nice person she was when you first knew her?:confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Harmless

    I'd only give a girl one chance, if she hurt me I walk and don't come back

    See thats what I'd love to be like. But then I think back to when we were together, and how she helped me when I was upset over my granny dying. She helped me so much back then, and even now after everything thats happened, I still feel gratefull that she was there when no-one else seemed to understand what was going on.

    I've certainly not got any romantic feelings for her, they went the minute she cheated on me. But she was also a friend as well as a lover. It's not just me she's hurt either, she hurt her latest b/f by cheating on him, something the old her would never have done.

    I told her I'd never forget what she did for me when I was upset about my granny, and now she's sorta thrown it all back in my face (I gave her my grannys ring she gave me before she died, and she told me she threw it away) and I feel really weird about it all.

    I wish I could just tell her to fuck off, but then that'd cause even more problems, her new b/f would get pissed off, and then there would be another fight. And I'm not proud of the way I acted today.

    I'm sore, I'm tired and I cant sleep :rolleyes: I keep thinking about her and why she's being so nasty towards people who care about her, but I really have no idea :(
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