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the mix chronicles [reupload] (parts 1-3)

The Mix Party
● @JustV
● @Emma_
● @Gemma
● @Aife
● @HarryT
[Location] Emails
V- Hey Gemma and Aife let's have a party on boards
G- ooo yesss let's do it
A- omg yes
[Location] Boards
🔊- V entered the party
*V Dances 🕺 *
🔊 Gemma entered the party
G - hey V great music 🎶
V - it's my groovy playlist 😎
G - it's amazing
*Gemma dances*
🔊 Aife entered the party
A - loving the vibes guys
*Aife dances*
[Location] Emails
*Emma emails Harry*
E - omg there having a party without us
H - *gasps* How dare they
E - let's have a party in tesco without them
H - *cheers* yes great idea Queen
E - awesome i'll see you there
H - oki doki
[Location] Tesco
*Harry enters the shampoo section*
*Emma enters the shampoo section*
🔊 uptown funk plays ▶️
*Harry does some hip hop*
*Emma does jazz*
[Location] Boards
*Aife leaves*
V - arghhh I've been caught, gotta dash
*V leaves*
G - im just gonna have some wine 🍷
*V enters*
V - Gemma we can't party here *cries*
G - (disappointed) oh okay
V - ive been caught again
G - let's go party in Costa
*V and gemma leaves party*
[Location] - Costa
V- ahhh we have some piece now
*V does the worm*
G - yes some peace from those pesky kids
*Gemma dances*
Narrator - They both had to much coffee and fell asleep 😴 💤
(The End)
● @JustV
● @Emma_
● @Gemma
● @Aife
● @HarryT
[Location] Emails
V- Hey Gemma and Aife let's have a party on boards
G- ooo yesss let's do it
A- omg yes
[Location] Boards
🔊- V entered the party
*V Dances 🕺 *
🔊 Gemma entered the party
G - hey V great music 🎶
V - it's my groovy playlist 😎
G - it's amazing
*Gemma dances*
🔊 Aife entered the party
A - loving the vibes guys
*Aife dances*
[Location] Emails
*Emma emails Harry*
E - omg there having a party without us
H - *gasps* How dare they
E - let's have a party in tesco without them
H - *cheers* yes great idea Queen
E - awesome i'll see you there
H - oki doki
[Location] Tesco
*Harry enters the shampoo section*
*Emma enters the shampoo section*
🔊 uptown funk plays ▶️
*Harry does some hip hop*
*Emma does jazz*
[Location] Boards
*Aife leaves*
V - arghhh I've been caught, gotta dash
*V leaves*
G - im just gonna have some wine 🍷
*V enters*
V - Gemma we can't party here *cries*
G - (disappointed) oh okay
V - ive been caught again
G - let's go party in Costa
*V and gemma leaves party*
[Location] - Costa
V- ahhh we have some piece now
*V does the worm*
G - yes some peace from those pesky kids
*Gemma dances*
Narrator - They both had to much coffee and fell asleep 😴 💤
(The End)
Sometimes when the people most like you don't love you, it is a hurt that can cause the greatest pain, and this pain can lead you to hate everything.
[Location] - Mars
*JustV and Aife is chilling*
📢 Alien Amy landed on planet Mars
Amy - Hello Humans *alien language - hridbfjevhdjGrj*
JustV - Howdy
Aife - Hello
*Ed joins mars and spots amy’s pizza *
Ed - PIZZAAAA *alien language - Bleeep bloooop*
*Ed eats a slice of pizza*
*Amy eats Ed cos he stole pizza from them*
📢 don't mess with Amy’s love of pizza 😛
*JustV and Aife stand shocked and slightly scared as Amy turns back to him and two other fellow aliens join Amy*
📢Alien Leyla and Laura have now entered the planet accompanied by Winnie the pooh and stitch
Leyla - Meet stitch, my fellow acquaintance *alien language - bleep bloop bleep blob*
Laura - This is winnie the pooh, my friend i met when watching Alien TV *alien language -
Blurb bloop bleep bloo bla*
Amy - hello Leyla and Laura, we have imposters, time to destroyyyyyy *alien language - blur blarg boop bleeeep*
*JustV frantically reaches for the help caller and hits it so hard it breaks*
📢 Gemma has joined to save JustV and Aife.
JustV and Aife - Gemmaaaaa thank goodness you're here
Gemma - blimey what's going on here
*Laura plays ed sheeran to hypnotise Gemma*
Aife - Gemma are you okay?
JustV - oh goodness it's Ed sheeran's song *face palms*
*Gemma squeals with joy and starts dancing*
JustV - noooooooooo
Aife - *laughs*
Leyla - *stunned* what is Gemma doing *alien language - bleep bleep bleep blob*
Laura - huh, humans are weird *alien language - bleep bloop*
Amy - runnnnnnnnnnnnn! *alien language - bleeeep*
Leyla - why? It looks fun! *alien language - bloop bleep blob*
*Leyla begins to dance with Gemma*
Leyla - come on Laura its fun *alien language - bleep bloop bleep blob*
Laura - are you sure? *alien language - bloop blob*
Leyla - yessssss hehe *alien language - bleep bleep*
*Laura slowly begins to join in as JustV, Aife, and Amy stand and watch*
JustV - i have an idea *insert light bulb💡*
*JustV runs off mars and gets mystery items*
Aife - Where's he gone off to now?
*Gemma shouts over the music*
Gemma - Probably to get them MIx TuTu’s and Octopuses
Aife - I thought I got rid of all of them!
Gemma - Nope he's been hiding the last one!
Aife - Ahhhh I'm gonna find it later!
*JustV returns with TuTus and hands them to everyone*
JustV - I know it sounds ridiculous but maybe we should just join in and let loose a little?
*JustV begins to join in and dance*
Amy - I mean I've got nothing to lose *alien language - bleep blob blob*
*Amy joins in and winnie the pooh runs to join Laura and stitch runs to Leyla*
*Aife sighs then reluctantly joins in*
📢Everyone is now dancing together and it's a mix party!
Main characters
All = every mod
[Location] - Chatwee
📢 A moderator chat session is taking place today and a few of the mods are a bit hyper and keep going off task on what the purpose of the meet up is meant to be about. 📢
JustV - howdy everyone
All - Hi 🙂
JustV - Guess what? I have exciting news
*Everyone goes silent in state of confusion and shock*
JustV - Sand no. I am not… I joined ballet though
All - Oooooo exciting
Emma - Omg I do ballet toooo!
Laura - It's the final countdown do dodoooo do do dooo
Emma - Uhm Laura are you okay?
Laura - Oh yes, although I am a bit excited.
Laura - V I’d have said yep haha, pregnant with triplets and married 3 times 😛
*Everyone bursts into laughter*
Nina - Whoops, sorry I'm late.
Laura - It's okay, glad to have you here hehe. How are you?
Nina - I’m alright but, I broke my arm recently
JustV - Gosh, hope you feel better soon
*Everyone agrees with V*
Sand - I had to have an x-ray on my foot once because of ONE step
Nina - Thanks guys
*Everyone laughs at what sand said*
Emma - So. Hello everyone, today we are here to discuss keeping the group chats a safe place
All - Just freeze everyone if they mean!!!
The boss guy person - Interesting. I like it .
Nina - And we also help people feel a bit better by just using a million hearts and providing them a listening ear.
📢 After some important discussions, the meeting has come to the end and everyone is saying their goodbyes until they see each other whilst modding.📢
That`s something I`ll never forget haha.
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous