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Which season is the best

SherlockSherlock Posts: 10 Settling in
Hi Everyone, (Its my first ever thread :), many more to come Im sure )

Earlier today I was talking to my friend about how glad I am that its finally cold. I love the cold, I sleep easier, enjoy leaving the house more and love when its dark and rainy. My friend had some very choice words about how crazy I am to think that. That started a 30 minute debate on what the best season of the year is. I'm a firm believer in Winter being Winner!

What do others think?


  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,021 Boards Champion
    I don't think I have a favourite season, it's more about what happens during each season. For example, I can say I love summer the most since that's the time I always go on holiday to visit my family in another country. But generally I prefer the cold. Reason being, when it's cold I can always put something on that can make me warm, whether it's a coat when I'm outside, or a blanket when I'm inside. When it's hot however, there isn't much I can do.
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  • jess63jess63 Posts: 287 The Mix Regular
    Autumn for me I think, starting to get cold and cosy but before it gets super cold, and you get some great sunsets
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  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,523 The Mix Elder
    Also a autumn lover just because it is isn't too hot or warm eventhough I do also love Summer as I can sit in my garden and read or do a project or something. But I do find that the heat is so overwhelming for me sometimes so autumn is very nice especially as the leaves change colour. Plus there is also Halloween and I love Halloween so so much!
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  • lunarcat522lunarcat522 Moderator Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
    I would say autumn as it's cooler and it's really pretty to see all the different colours of the leaves. I also agree with @Amy22 I enjoy Halloween, especially as I can find a lot of black cat themed items in the shops! I love black cats as I used to have one until recently. I also find the summer a bit much as I overheat really easily.
  • Katie12Katie12 Posts: 317 The Mix Regular
    I definitely would have said spring because its starting to get warmer again and everything is so colourful but after reading all your posts i kind of agree that autumn is nice especially for things such as Halloween like you said @Amy22 @lunarcat522! I can't get over how cold it has been recently though! I do not enjoy getting out of bed when the weather is like this! :lol:
  • cherrybluceoc84cherrybluceoc84 Posts: 9 Confirmed not a robot
    I agree with you! Winter is the best season, I don't know why but I love the cold weather. Going under the covers on a cold night just feels cozy. :)
  • LydsRose9LydsRose9 Posts: 106 The Mix Convert
    There are some very convincing arguments for all seasons here so I’m not so sure on my favourite anymore😆I do have to say I’m also a fan of winter, I love being able to wrap up in a blanket and cosy jumpers with a hot drink, especially as it gets closer to Christmas!
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