The Edge - a 15 minute poem. (TW)

When I started I only had the first two lines in mind, the rest just flowed out before I knew it.
Putting a trigger warning because it describes falling, and uses metaphors to vaguely connote suicide.
The Edge
I tend to live life on the edge - but not because I want to.
I live my life barely hanging on.
Every time I finally think it’s getting better,
That I’m finally climbing out of this hole
Life tips the balance once more
And once more I barely get a hold
But alas, when I finally go..
When I soar over the edge and down
I’m caught by a dangling rope
That prevents my fall to the ground.
Dreams of freedom, of finally letting go
Crushed once more as he* pulls that damn rope.
He drags me back to the edge with clawed hands,
And the nightmare resumes once more.
One day I’ll break the cycle, I’ll climb back through.
I’ll make it to stable ground where he can’t return me to
The hell I am living, that causes me this strife
Either that, or cut the rope of life
Take that plunge, finally be free.
Finally the ground rushes to me.
But once more, I awake, it was all just a dream.
And the weight of the world is stifling me.
* "He" refers to 'life,' as if it was a person. If you're religious you could consider it as being 'God'
As a result the "Rope of life" is the rope that 'life' is dangling me by.
I'm really sorry to hear you've had to face those feelings:(
Just wanted to show my support, for the poem, the reasons behind it and just generally:)
Facing those feelings, as well as the feelings I've spoke about in other poems, has been the hardest part. But now I write about them in the hope that my writing will help others in any way possible.