Impact of Coke on the heart

I did post a message some time ago about the impact of the drug on your nose. However since then I have a bigger worry, my heart. I have only very occasionally used and have gone months at a time without doing any at all, I am much more focused on my exercise which I do a lot. Ive now decided (better late than never) that this is not worth doing, the risks associated with it at are large, I think I was naïve to think otherwise. So to give some idea I have used very occasionally over the last 2 or 3 years, perhaps only 3 or 4 times per year so not regular by any stretch of the imagination.
Since last week I have felt some heart fluttering's, I decided to do a private health assessment which included a resting ECG. I have been feeling very anxious recently and I had assumed perhaps this was to do with that. I can even see my heart fluttering if I lift my shirt up. The ECG showed a bit of a strange rhythm, the GP wasn't entirely clear on her thoughts but is running it past a cardiologist next week. She did say not to worry though and that she didn't consider anything immediately dangerous. I was honest with her about the drug use as it was something weighing on my mind, he opinion was that for such occasional use its unlikely that it would be a factor, but I cant help but think it might be. These flutters came on about 10 days after my last use at a festival (and that really will be my last use). She suggested next step may be to have an echocardiogram and perhaps a 24hr ECG just to have a better look. I know that anxiety can play a big part in this. The thing I cant get out of my head is in comparison to a regular user mine is so small, I understand over time you can do damage to the heart (or if you took a lot in one go which would be a possible OD) but this has just really frightened me, I have a family and responsibilities and its times like this you realize you may need to re-evaluate your life.
Not even sure why I am putting this on here, guess im just feeling a bit alone with it, whilst also suffering with anxiety/mental issues. One piece of advice I would have (without sounding preachy) is never touch the stuff if you have any kind of anxiety/depression to start with, I can say from first hand experience even occasional use can play havoc with those problems and its tough to deal with.
I have to admit I am terrified. Still having palpitations and a few other smaller issues which I wonder if they are related. When I searched those symptoms most are also signs of heart failure and that absolutely terrifies me even if there's also a chance it's something other than that. I have got young children and the thought of this (and not being able to tell my family) is really killing me. I won't have any further ECG results back until end of the coming week and I don't know what to do with myself.
I don't know much about drugs but you didn't take too many and your GP not being concerned was very positive x
Just feeling really concerned and helpless. Just so annoyed that I have put myself in this position.
Thank you for your message. I had a phone call from the Dr. to say that the Cardiologist was a bit concerned by my readings as It showed that my heart was a bit enlarged and that the walls are thickened. Im not full sure what all this means but they want to get me looked at asap. So they are trying to organize a Echocardiogram for tomorrow if possible then a meeting with the cardiologist on Monday to go through everything followed by a 24hr ECG to check the rhythm over a longer period and a blood test to check thyroid.
So all in all im not sure how I feel, pretty scared to be honest, but they did say some of this may be due to the extensive sports training I do which works my heart quite a bit. So that could be a factor in an enlarged heart, but they felt that they couldn't sit back and say my ECG was fine without having some extensive investigation.
So im really worried what this may show, ive got a young family and im terrified of not being there for them, especially if this is all my own selfish fault
no never taken any kind of steroids, always done everything clean. yes I probably train 10-15 hours a week which I realize is a lot. Im not sure what impact that could have. I really hope that that could be the reason my heart is showing as potentially enlarged. But for sure all of this has shaken me up as the honest thing is I have no idea. I really haven't done that much coke in my life when compared to others who use it, literally every 2 or 3 months probably on average over a few years so its not major, but I guess it only takes one time for consequences to happen. I don't know if im putting 2 and 2 together and reaching 5, just had to be rational at this moment. I look at my young daughter and feel instant guilt that if I have caused myself problems I really haven't been thinking about her when I have been doing all this, she should be my number 1 and after this episode she will be. I just need to know I don't have something very serious, I looked up some of the symptoms I had on Dr Google (worst idea ever) and I kept seeing things like Heart Failure, that has been the main reason that I have started to panic.
Thank you for the reply, yes you are of course right. And well done for giving it up, I think most people reach a point where they realize the health impact of coke is very bad. Certainly ive got friends who do it MUCH more than me, probably at least once a week. That's who I tended to do it with when we went out raving etc. They don't seem to worry as much as me and have (to their knowledge) had no health impacts. Im wondering whether mine is caused by other problems but because I have put myself in this position I have come to the conclusion I have done this to myself through drug use. Anyway whatever the result im not putting myself in this position again.
Anyway. Hope it turns out alright for you. Let us know how you get on.
so ive now had my check up on this, my cardiologist said that my first ECG showed strong signs of 2nd degree heart block which is a block in the electrical circuit of the heart. I did a 2nd ECG yesterday and that didn't show the issue so its something that's likely to be intermittent at the moment. He said its important I know as if it were to become more problematic they would probably recommend a pacemaker to protect me should the block ever become permanent as that could cause much more serious problems. At this moment though he doesn't think that is necessary, he wants me to do a 24hr ECG so we get a bigger picture when im resting and am at home etc,.
He also reassured me that he sees nothing in my results that could have been caused by any drugs, he thinks this is something completely unrelated. So all in all im happy that its not something immediately serious, im a little nervous carrying round a potentially dangerous heart condition but then again im glad I know so that I can take the steps to keep an eye on it as I move forward and at least know that one day I may need a pacemaker to protect me, that knowledge could one day save me I guess. For now I just need that 24hr test then to have regular (probably annual) ECG's to monitor the condition.
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