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Former MemberFormer Member
Posts: 1,875,648
The Mix Honorary Guru
What's the mobile phone number for Samaritans please?


  • Former MemberFormer Member
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    You can text them on 07725 909090 :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member
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    Hope you're okay starlight - remember we're always here for you too. Well done for being so brave and contacting the samaritans *hug*
  • Former MemberFormer Member
    Part of the furniture Posts: 11,722
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    Petrichor wrote: »
    You can text them on 07725 909090 :)

    08457 90 90 90
    You can also call them on the above number, normal charges apply. - Do let us know how you are Starlight :heart:
  • Former MemberFormer Member
    Posts: 1,875,648
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    Hi guys thank you. I've not yet contacted them, tried to deal with it on my own by over dosing of ketamine and drinking gin straight out the bottle. X
  • Former MemberFormer Member
    Part of the furniture Posts: 11,722
    An Original Mixlorian
    How are you feeling today? - What stopped you from contacting them? - You don't have to deal with this alone, you don't ever have to deal with this alone, because you have us!! And if you do ever feel like overdosing again, or get unwanted difficult feelings, you can always go to A&E, or phone 111 to talk to someone :heart:

    Look after yourself Starlight :heart:
    Always a message away! *hug*
  • Former MemberFormer Member
    Inactive Posts: 1,706
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    Hey starlight,

    Sounds like last night was a tough one.
    Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.

    You can also phone the Samaritans for free on: 116 123

    Let us know how it's going :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member
    Posts: 1,875,648
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    Hi Guys, bless ya! I'm still over dosing so I'm not alright yet. I'm back on the gin, when I was seeing services they got me off the gin with support, been back on it now about 3 - 4 months. I got my ultra sound scan the end of this month, I can't imagine how big my liver has got if I've been back on the spirits. I am struggling, it's sad really. I've been waking up every morning/afternoon for the last several years thinking why am I here, I don't want to live, I can't keep doing this and I know this is selfish I know but I can't help how I feel. Also each morning a I wake up I say to myself, whats your purpose Hayley, what and why are you here for. That's why I drink, one because I'm addicted and I know one day the drink of an over dose will take my life. The only person keeping me here at the moment is my Mom but the feelings are intense. X
  • Former MemberFormer Member
    Mod Posts: 213
    Hi starlight

    Well done for contacting The Samaritans and reaching out for help when you needed it. It sounds like you're going through a particularly tough time and you're finding it difficult to get through the days without drinking. You mentioned how when you were seeing services, they were able to support you in cutting down - is there any chance you can get back in touch with them for some extra support now?

    You also mentioned asking yourself questions about what your purpose is and why are you here. Those sound like quite harsh questions to be asking yourself - is it feeling difficult to show yourself kindness and compassion at the moment? All of the feelings you've been having are very tough to deal with and it sounds like you're in need of some extra help.

    Keep talking and reaching out :)

  • Former MemberFormer Member
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    Hi SarahR. I can do yes but I've got it in my head that they won't want to help me, don't ask me why I'm thinking that because I don't know either. I very rarely show myself kindness and compassion. Last night I took another over dose, some may say it's silly I don't know but when you really don't want to me here, it's not silly. It's real life. X
  • Former MemberFormer Member
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    Hey starlight - just wanted to check in and see how you're doing? I'm glad to hear you have your Mom - are you able to talk to her about how low you've been feeling?

    Hearing that you're over-dosing is really concerning and I just would like to encourage you to get back in touch with the services that have helped you in the past. I know you mentioned being worried that they won't want to help you - but is that your gut feeling or more your thoughts trying to talk you out of it?

    Giving yourself kindness and compassion isn't always easy if it's not something you're used to doing but you do deserve it, especially when times feel really hard and hopeless. I wonder if you can start small with doing something nice for yourself today?

    Let us know how you're doing and if you want to talk a bit more about what's been going on. It would be good to get to know a bit more about you.

    Big hug *hug*
  • Former MemberFormer Member
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    Hi Jo. I'm ok, I was locked up last Saturday for 7 & a half hours - 8 hours, I told them it's not locking up I need its help. I've self referred myself to a a service here called the Reablement Service I go and see them Thursday to do the referral process. Yes I'm still over dosing and each time I do it I know I'm taking a very big risk with my life. I don't see the psychiatrist until October but I think I may ring up some time tomorrow to book an earlier appointment as I been seriously thinking about voluntarily putting myself in hospital because I feel my mental health has declined and I just don't trust myself. I hate hospitals, in all honesty I'm very surprised I haven't been sectioned. I do see myself as a risk but there you go. It's a gut feeling, I just feel the drug and alcohol services get fed up of seeing the same face but I haven't seen them for like 2 years now. Sorry for the late reply, I've been hiding away in bedroom and shutting myself off from everyone and the internet. Thanks for the hug. I haven't done that for a VERY long time, given myself kindness or compassion. Well what would you like to know? I'm 25, names Hayley hmmm lol anything else?
  • Former MemberFormer Member
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    Hi Vitelina. Thank you for your kind words. When my anxiety isn't really bad etc, I like playing, love being outdoors especially when the weather is nice. Love music. I enjoy walking my dogs, going to the gym but thats kind of difficult with my anxiety thats why i work out around the house. I enjoy boxing and martial although I don't do it anymore I still have the knowledge and moves! And I like motorsport. How about you?
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