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someone plz help me

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
omg seriously im loosing the will to live
my legs r huge nothing works to thin ma discusting thighs :(
cant stop cutting :crying:
I dont even know why im on here i dont deserve help and plzzzzzz
dont say i do coz i dont
i hate myself so much and need to scream!!!!!!!!!!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You've got no reason to hate yourself, and feeling you have fat thighs doesn't justify loosing the will to live or cutting. I'm sure your legs are fine. Everyone deserves help, and you should know all you need to do is ask. If you feel like screaming them scream, let it all out, will do a lot less harm than cutting,or botteling up how you are feeling about everything xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi depressedgirl:wave: ,

    I am sorry that you are feeling like this at the moment, You say that you dont even know why you are on here ?, however this is a very positive step for you to be voicing how you are feeling and asking for guidance and advice on here.

    I have added some information on Body image and Low self esteem for you too have a look through.

    It may be an idea to talk things through in person with a family member, friend or someone else you feel comfortable opening up to.

    Please let us know how you are getting on,


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wow.. it's times like this i wish i knew how to multi quote.


    to the original poster, you do deserve to be here.

    firstly part of the reason i come on here is so that i can talk to you. you are a lovely person and don't forget that.

    sedcondly.. you're in the right place, this site is full of information to help you out.

    jamie, i tend to disagree with your statement. it can be devistating to some.. even the simpklest of things.

    becky, i love how you come and here and help out. you are an insparation to us all
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    omg seriously im loosing the will to live
    my legs r huge nothing works to thin ma discusting thighs :(
    cant stop cutting :crying:
    I dont even know why im on here i dont deserve help and plzzzzzz
    dont say i do coz i dont
    i hate myself so much and need to scream!!!!!!!!!!
    It's actually good to screem you know by screeming it lets alot of emotions out and everything instead of keeping then to your self.

    I sometimes feel exactly like you, you DO deserve help and we @ thesite can give you the help I believe in you x

    I don't think body image matters much the picture you put on your site of you is really pretty well I think it is definetly prettier than me :)

    I hate myself I also cut alot and do more things to harm myself but it not really body image that matters it the person you are inside

    And BTW You are dead pretty :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    why do you hate yourself? really there is no need to. you need to ask yourself why you feel like this. go to the doctors and talk to them in confidence how you feel. they will give you the help you need and the help you get will make you feel more confident and really there is no reason to hate yourself for.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wow thanks becky thanks anxious and thanks agony,
    Becky ru a new mod? we havent met hi :)

    Thanks becky ill look in a bit :)
    i dont believe i have body dis thingy as i have perfect eyes and can see quite well :D

    tried to tell care worker everything via letter via post
    she sed to me today to not write again as not helping me and if she recieves a letter she wont read it :(
    that really hurt a bloody lot because she clearly doesnt care as she knows i struggle to talk aspec how i feel and she knows 4 a fact i now wont talk :(

    prooves how much she h8z me :(:(
    soo upset i actually feel like quitting seeing her,
    she doesnt seem to help me

    and i hate myself for being such a fatty ugly cow :(
    i fail everything including life xx :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sure your eyes are fine but when you have an eating disorder/body dysmorphia your brain sees something different to what is real.
    You seem to concentrate on a lot of negative things, maybe you could find something to occupy your time. Volunteering is good for that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    tried to tell care worker everything via letter via post
    she sed to me today to not write again as not helping me and if she recieves a letter she wont read it :(
    that really hurt a bloody lot because she clearly doesnt care as she knows i struggle to talk aspec how i feel and she knows 4 a fact i now wont talk :(

    prooves how much she h8z me :(:(
    soo upset i actually feel like quitting seeing her,
    she doesnt seem to help me

    Your care worker probably can't reply to your letters because she has been told not to, or it could be the way the system works... after all if everyone wrote her a letter, she would have to be doing a lot of reading and replying to everyone and she just wouldn't have the time. I know that a lot of GPs have a no email / letter policy for this reason, and it could be the same with her.

    We've talked about this in chat before... if you find it hard to talk, could you write a letter and give it to her when you see her? Write down that you want further help perhaps? Remember her job is to help you - not to make stuff harder for you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thats the thing she is allowed to accept letters been writing for a YEAR now shes just being funny :(
    she sed if i post or give her one she wont read it xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thats the thing she is allowed to accept letters been writing for a YEAR now shes just being funny :(
    she sed if i post or give her one she wont read it xx

    I don't think that it is anything to do with if she hates you or not.
    If she has said that she will not read them, then to me its her trying to get you to talk. Has she ever said before that she would prefer if you phoned?

    You seem pretty adamant that you do not want to phone but it also really looks like you want the help.

    This is a two way thing, she can only help you if you are willing to help yourself and refusing to phone / talk is making it harder for her as well as you.

    Its a long process to getting better, and it will take patience and a lot of time. But more than anything it takes a lot courage to step away from your habits and leave your comfort zone. And talking / phoning her looks like it would be the first step for you to take.

    You don't have to spill everything, but maybe ask her if she can help you open up a bit, just phone and have a normal conversation and if she asks how you are feeling tell her if you're not feeling great.

    Its hard, it really is but its something that has to be done and you can do it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    no-one understand i cannot ring people about anything let alone problems so talking about problems is a defant no no sorry wish someone wud understand :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    no-one understand i cannot ring people about anything let alone problems so talking about problems is a defant no no sorry wish someone wud understand :(

    we do understand


    okay, you say you can't talk about the problems, why is that.

    i'm thinking that it's a confidence issue and though it may be really hard to take that step forward, it will really help you get the support you need. if you don't talk about it, no one can understand.

    if it's you don't want certain people to hear, why not try ringing from a pay phone or somewhere where it is quiet and it is just you. i think you can do it, i have a lot of faith in you

    we're all here to listen to you, and i know sometimes it feels like we're not, but hey.. some of us have even been there too and can relate.


    i'll stop now, i can write on this thread all night if you let me.


    take care and we're here for you

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    no its not the fact people can hear,
    its my shitty confidence :crying:
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