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Any ideas please

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Im currently at uni and just been accepted to do a PGCE next year which is what i really want to do. I should be really happy and proactive about my degree because i need it to go do my PGCE but im just not!

I have suffered with anxiety/depression on and off for the past five years, i am currently on setraline antidepressants which although they seemed to work when i first started on them they dont seem to make a difference anymore.

My counseller recently told me that she was worried about me, something she has never done before and i can feel my life starting to plunge out of my control. I have a history of self harm but have not done so for two weeks now. I recently took ten times the stated dose of sleeping pills not because i wanted to end my life but just because i wanted a decent nights sleep!

Please can anyone give me any advice on how to stop my life spiralling out of control and/or how to get a decent nights sleep!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well it's a tough one because you have already sought help.

    have you read many self-help books? or perhaps joined a group therapy thing? have a look on amazon or in a library for the books and see if there are any groups you could join. that way you know everyone is in the same boat as you and you might feel comfortable there. the books might offer more options on what you could do.
    hope you find something that helps you.
    i am working through similar issues, although not exactly the same (obviously).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Fairydust,

    Seems like there are a few things going on for you at the moment and you feel your life is plunging out of control. It can often be hard to see when feeling low, but you have spoken about some really positive things in your post - you have been accepted onto a PGCE course, you are accessing support and you haven't self-harmed in 2 weeks. Those are all really great things.

    Often with any medication, our bodeis get 'used to' it and the medication becomes less effective. Can you talk about this with the Doctor that persrcibed it to you and see if they can perhaps review your medication?

    When your counsellor said that she was worried about you - did she say why she felt this way, explain, or offer you any lines of support? As it seems like what she has said has affected and concerned you. Maybe you could talk about this with her the next time you visit her?

    If you need some advice about sleeping, Thesite's pages may be able to help? You could also raise your sleeping difficulties with your counsellor and / or Doctors.

    Do you have any family, friends, or anyone else that you could talk to when you feel that things are spiralling out of control? You can also keep posting here, the comunity here are very supportive.

    Take care - :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks for the lovely messages, its good to know theres others out there who know how i feel.
    Anyway, really proud of myself - i have a managed not to self harm for four weeks and five days even though this included a really stressful week with loads of coursework deadlines at the end of term. This said i have been smoking and had the occasional drink (i'm not supposed to drink with my medication and only smoke when i cant calm down another way) but nothing disastrous has happened.
    I had yto miss my last counselling appointment before the hols because of a oduble booking and i only have the support of a couple of friends while im home (no counsellor etc)so things are likely to get worse before they get better.
    I'm supposed to be going away for xmas but the last time this was planned i ran away the night before so i didnt have to go, i'm fighting the urge not to do it again as my parents are already giving me grief about nothing and i have only been home 5 days!

    Anyway just realised how much i have typed- soz just needed to get it off my chest
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