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i need a guys advice but gals r just as welcome 2 comment PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Right basically i'v been with my boyfriend for over 2years and we hav a gorgeous little boy who is 3months old and i'v got a little boy from a previous relationship who is 5. My figure is just as good as it was wen i was 18, i'v got no stretch marks or flab n im a nice size 8. I make a effort every morning to try and look nice, i do my makeup and my hair n even try and dress nice but recently my boyfriend has lost intrest in me. He makes no effort to look good anymore, he never does his hair, hasn't had a bath in ages, even though he washes every morning, a bath would still b nice. Whats his problem. When we first got together we had sex ALL THE TIME, i mean all the time, but now im lucky if its once a month. He's not tired as i do all the work with the baby, I do all the night feeds and all the housework, he doesn't lift a finger, all he does is go to work and then come home, thats it!!!! am i doing somethin wrong here????
Another thing thats REALLY REALLY bothering me is that he is holding back when we have sex, i know there is something he wants me to do or that HE wants to do! I know this because he's told me but when i ask him what it is he refuses to tell me. The only time he has ever given me a incling of what it is, was when we were drunk, and it was AMAZIN, i loved every second of it but now, nothing! Iv talked untill im blue in the face about it but he's just holding back saying that there isn't anything he wants. Iv instigated sex more times than i can count but still nothing, im at my wits end as our relationship is suffering now, what can i do to make him open up and tell me as our relationship really needs this!!!! please can someone help me out here? :(:(:(


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Get him drunk again?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lol, tried that but nothin!!! he alwz loses his inabitions wen he's drunk but nothin like last time!!! ok hit me with another! i mean im not bad lookin at all, far from it n i hav a nice figure so y the sudden loss of interest in me and y wont he tell me wot he wants from me????:(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    how old are you? why do you type like a angsty teenager?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I lost the will to read on after the first couple of words, i dont think you will be getting much advice if you still type like a 12 year old girl.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im 24 n thats just the way i type.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    robz_1109 wrote: »
    im 24 n thats just the way i type.
    That may well be, but it won't be accepted here. I couldn't read your original post because of the poor spelling and complete lack of punctuation. You won't get help if you don't make an effort to type properly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Should i type the whole thing out again and this time use correct spelling and punctuation so you can understand it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What's the thing he wants to do?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You can edit your post, and yes that would be appreciated :).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    robz_1109 wrote: »
    Should i type the whole thing out again and this time use correct spelling and punctuation so you can understand it?

    That would help a great deal, then maybe we can give you some decent advice.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right it's been edited, now can someone help me :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think it has anything to do with you looking nice or not nice. Some people just grow "accustomed" to their partners and take them for granted and then it doesn't matter how good they make themselves look, because you are way past a looks-stage. I think he falls into a mild depression, that might be caused of his job and the daily routine that stays the same every day (quarterlife/midlife crisis, burn out or something like that). That affects the sexual life too and he just doesn't have the will or energy to change it.

    Unfortunately I don't really know what to do, but as stupid as it sounds: maybe get him a little bit drunk so he opens up more and you can talk about the problems and work together to a solution.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thankyou for that, it helps a little. But the problem iv found is that no matter how much i talk to him when he is drunk, he does tell me that his work is bothering him and that sometimes things can be very routined, but he wont leave his job and given the fact that we have 2 children very young, we are pretty much limited to what we can do to change the routine! We dont have that much money so we cant really go out and he only gets one day off a week and as my son is at school, we cant go very far as i have to pick him up.
    I just dont know what to do to resolve the rut we've become stuck in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How old is your boyfriend? Maybe he has something happening at work that is worrying him and he doesn't know how to deal with it.
    This is one of those things that really needs him to talk, when you try and get him to talk where do you do it? Is it worth perhaps getting rid of the kids for an evening and making an effort to go out, book a meal or even just go for a drive to somewhere secluded in the countryside where you can talk without being bothered?

    Men do tend to bottle up their emotions, it's the way we're wired and most guys find it difficult to express themselves.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He is a manager so his job is stressful but when he comes home, he doesn't unwind. He ponders on everything thats happening at work rather than just chilling out. Do things at work really affect guys that much that they lose the ability to want to come home to a loving girlfriend and have sex the way they used to???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It does seem to me that he is stressed with work, i also suggest get him slightly drunk so he confesses - otherwise i dont see where it would go if he isnt going to tell you whats up it will ruin this relationship.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know, this is my main problem. Iv tried numerous times when he is tipsy, but its just like talking to a brick wall. The shutters come down and he closes up. He has told me he isn't enjoying his job and that he is stressed out with it but no matter what solutions i come up with, he just choses to ignore then.
    Iv told him that its affecting our relationship and he says that he doesn't mean to, and for a few days everything is fantastic but within a week maximum, we are right back to where we were before!
    I cant be the only person trying to make this relationship work, i need some help from him but what do i do when he wont talk about it, even when he is tipsy???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the next thing i was going to suggest is maybe couple counciling, that sounds good (although ive never been).
    im not too sure have you made it extremly clear that if you cant sort it out - the relationship Will NOT work?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Iv lost count of the number of times iv told him this. I adore him more than anything and when we're good we're FANTASTIC but everyday for the past 4months he's come home from work, grunted at me, sat on the computer until about 11/12ish and then crawled into bed! Now i fully understand that he must be under pressure but there is only so much of this i can take, its physically and mentally exhausting me! Iv tried everything, from offering to run him a nice quiet bath where he can just chill out, to taking a few days holiday so he can get away from work for a while but he just shuns everything i suggest!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im outta ideas already - if he is shunning everything you ask it doesnt look like he wants to give anything a go (maybe he should go see a doctor about it, as Strubbles said earlier it could be mild depression).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right ok, Thankyou for the ideas anyway, But another quick question then, Do you have any ideas how to break the routine that is causing this, I mean things we can do that may take his mind away from the stress of work, but bear in mind, we have very little cash and neither of us drive!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    robz_1109 wrote: »
    Right ok, Thankyou for the ideas anyway, But another quick question then, Do you have any ideas how to break the routine that is causing this, I mean things we can do that may take his mind away from the stress of work, but bear in mind, we have very little cash and neither of us drive!


    Maybe do things that you both really have a passion for and take your mind away from everything else? - example when im pissed off or upset i play computer games, do you both share hobbies of any sort?

    or maybe go on a short break (obv not soon as your tight on cash) but scrape together for one?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lol, (thats tx speak for laughing) erm he has a very bad interest in computer games and spends most of his spare time on them but i dont like them, i'd much rather go out and have a walk round town than spend all day cooped up inside but he is the opposite!
    We are pretty much different in everyway when it comes to things like that! I mean we share the same interest in music etc but when i suggest taking my son swimming and have a mess around, he always says no and spends his time on the computer playing world of warcraft! Its true what they say about that game anyway, married couples have actually got divorced over that game lol! I can see us going the same way if he spends much more time on that game.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    robz_1109 wrote: »
    lol, (thats tx speak for laughing) erm he has a very bad interest in computer games and spends most of his spare time on them but i dont like them, i'd much rather go out and have a walk round town than spend all day cooped up inside but he is the opposite!
    We are pretty much different in everyway when it comes to things like that! I mean we share the same interest in music etc but when i suggest taking my son swimming and have a mess around, he always says no and spends his time on the computer playing world of warcraft! Its true what they say about that game anyway, married couples have actually got divorced over that game lol! I can see us going the same way if he spends much more time on that game.

    Lol yeah it can be a marriage wrecker. I wouldnt no what else to suggest really :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lol so i take it you can see my predicament??? Im not just going crazy then am i???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know it may not be what you want to hear but from reading this I don't know what else you can do really. A relationship should be about compromise, give and take and all that - you have been doing all the hard work, striving to improve the relationship but getting zero response from him, that doesn't sound right to me. I think he needs a wake-up call to make him see that you won't put up with this forever. I'm not saying give him an ultimatum - or maybe I am. I just think he may not realise how much this is upsetting you and if he'd rather spend all his time playing on the computer than spending time with you and his kids, perhaps it's about time you told him that you're worth more than that and if he's not prepared to put any work into the relationship then you will find someone else who will.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    StupidGirl wrote: »
    I know it may not be what you want to hear but from reading this I don't know what else you can do really. A relationship should be about compromise, give and take and all that - you have been doing all the hard work, striving to improve the relationship but getting zero response from him, that doesn't sound right to me. I think he needs a wake-up call to make him see that you won't put up with this forever. I'm not saying give him an ultimatum - or maybe I am. I just think he may not realise how much this is upsetting you and if he'd rather spend all his time playing on the computer than spending time with you and his kids, perhaps it's about time you told him that you're worth more than that and if he's not prepared to put any work into the relationship then you will find someone else who will.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right... well I'm going to go from the other side of the argument.

    In your first post you said something like "ALL he does is go to work and come home", well ALL you do is stay at home and look after the baby... I know which i'd rather do and it would be the baby everytime.

    I'm not saying he's perfect and theres obviously stuff that need sorting out but cut the guy some slack, he's going out and earning the money thats allowing you to stay home and look after your baby and also your other kid, maybe the pressure of supporting 3 people is stressing him out? Maybe he hates his job but knows he has no choice but to go because you and the kids need his money to live?

    Pestering him with "whats wrong with you" kinda stuff all the time would piss me off even more and probably push me further away... its a guy thing!

    Why don't you look for childcare for sometime in the near future and go out and get yourself a job, ease the financial pressure he may be feeling? Only if its part-time.

    Also it doesn't cost much to get away for a day, bit harder without a car obviously but i'm sure trains run to the coast, theres some nice places in England (although shame about the shitty weather).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ur completly misunderstanding what it is im saying to him. Im not pestering him all day everyday with....Whats wrong Whats wrong! Far from it. I try in other ways to help him with the stress of what i know is a annoying job but im getting nowhere with him. There is only so much i can take from this, im trying everything i can to make it easier for him but when im getting nothing back then you tell me what it is i should do. Im not about to sit back and get ignored all the time and let our children get ignored while he goes on the computer as soon as he gets in until about 1am. Its not fair. Im trying to get a job, i have a interview in a few weeks so its not like im just sitting on my backside doing nothing while he goes out 2work, i just stayed at home for a few weeks while i had my baby who is only 4months old, so i hardly see that as unreasonable.
    But do you honestly think its reasonable to ignore your fiance and children because your stressed at work, I would have thought that coming home to a girlfriend and children would be a nice change from the stress of work, or am i wrong?????
    Its not easy for me doing the things that i do everyday, which suprisingly is, a hell of alot, but i dont ignore him and my children, so why should he???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No its not unreasonable and I'm glad your looking to get back into work. It just pissed me off how you said "ALL he does is go to work"

    Stress can have many implications, and just because he comes home to a loving fiance and child, them implications don't just dis-appear as if like magic! He could need to go to the doctors and see how they can help.

    The computer thing needs sorting out, but also you both need to have your own lifes, you can't live in each others pockets, it would do my crust in and in my opinion is a recipe for disaster!
    What does he have to talk to you about? He hates is job so he's not gonna come home and talk about that! you hate computer games so he's not gonna talk to you about that! Your at home all day doing washing, ironing, cleaning up baby sick...probably not his idea of pleasant conversation..... ya see what I'm getting at?? You both need hobbys, or to go out and do stuff on your own, then you can come home and be able to have a normal conversation about what you've been up to.... I believe this is an important part of a successful relationship.
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