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is it possible to find out EXACTLY what is on your medical record?

i am applying to become a PCSO and have got through to the third stage. if i pass this stage, i'll be invited to a medical asessment.

i have a medical questionnaire to fill in but the 'mental health' section scares me as i know ive got be honest (as its on my medical record - no hiding from it as they get access) and ive got to tick quite a few boxes. if i can get away with ticking less, i won't look like so much of a unsuitable candidate.

i emailed recruitment regarding my history and they said they do not require 2 years medication free like most forces but "they will require a report from your specialist or GP with regards to your illness and treatment when you go for your medical assessment".

anyway, i want to know EXACTLY what is on my medical history so i know what to tick on here. i can't even remember what things ive mentionned to my doctor in the past :(

is there any way of doing this? if i went to my doctor with this medical questionnaire, would they be able to help me?

also, is it possible to find out when you had your immunisations? my doctor doesn't know...they asked me for dates when i signed up but i never got round to getting them. i think my mum does because she has that little red book thing but she's gone off the rails and won't help me out.

my interview is next monday and i need to sort all this :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If they write for a medical report you have the option to approve it before it's sent to the service. At my surgery the doctor leaves it for you in reception and you tell them if it's OK, or you can suggest amendments if you want.

    If you want a copy of your entire medical file you can get it under the DPA, ask your surgery manager how to do this. It's usually in writing and it usually costs a tenner.

    If the GP doesn't have a record of your immunisations then it's a case of finding out from your old GP.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All of what Kermit said.

    If you take it to your GP then they will probably help you fill it out, although it may depend slightly how helpful your GP is. I can think of some who would try and charge you an exorbitant fee for doing so, and others who would see you understanding how to articulate your health as part of their role as a GP.

    I know you know this, but you've got to be over cautious on those forms as deliberately covering something up is the kind of thing they can take the job away from you for if it comes to light later.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i don't know what to tick though.

    i know i've got to tick "self injury", "depression" and "sleeping tablets" but theres nothing there about an eating disorder. i was shocked to find out a few months ago that my doctor had diagnosed with with anorexia like a year and a half ago or something. i went a few months ago to see what they had down for the same reason. does that class as an "mental illness"? if so, i've got to tick that box too *sigh*

    also, a few years back, i suffered from anxiety/panic attacks and got my doctors to write a letter for me so i could get help at university. theres two boxes "anxiety states" and "panic attacks" -do need to tick both of these? :( i dont know which one it falls under as my doctor wrote on this letter "anxiety syndrome".

    oh and one more thing, it asks me if ive ever been referred to a psychiatrist - does an eating disorder clinic count? i don't think it does but i don't know.

    im just really worried about all this tbh :( i wish i never went to my doctor about anything as its all coming back and hitting me in the face.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In my experience GPs won't charge patients for help with these forms, but they will absolutely fleece companies for reports. When my employer requested one, to try and dismiss me as incapable of work I think, the GP charged them £100 for a two-parapgraph letter. I could have kissed him :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I really feel for you, i hate employment health checks, because you can't lie about medical stuff, and it leads me to wonder if i should bother applying! I don't know how much they take on board about mental illness when they consider hiring someone, it's frustrating not knowing how it affects your application!

    I was sacked for a job once, for being depressed. I was signed off by the doctor, but ohh no that wasn't enough :( They got around that with a legal technicallity ... because i wasn't 'receiving treatment' for my condition EVERY DAY i was signed off.... it was therefore over their sickness policy of 7 days for new staff (i was 4 months into a 6 month probation also... which means after the 6 months, i would have been entitled to more sick leave :() and because i couldn't see my psychiatrist EVERY DAY .... and apparently tablets didn't count as treatment.. the sacked me! cheers. /end rant
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That dismissal wasn't legal, the Disability Discrimination Act prevents that. You could have taken it to Tribunal and you'd have probably won.

    For my current job I ticked that I was disabled. I got the job. It does help that I work in the touchy-feely advice sector, but then again, my last place was an advice charity (a very famous one) and they got rid of me for my illness. They did it through claiming I was incompetent and I didn't challenge it to Tribunal because I just wanted to move on. Probably should have taken the fuckers to court though.

    Sorry, that was a bit of a tangential rant!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I did appeal against the decision through my union who were great, but in the end i just wanted to get another job and my self confidence wasn't great at the time to think i would win a employment tribunal... also, i was in my probation period, so i guess that's how they got around it :( meh.

    (also this was a government place... i bet they had wicked lawyers :/)
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