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Please advice me on my next course of action

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
hi guys, thanks for reading.

im a 20 year old student.

i got to know this girl because i bumped into her once and i asked her her name.

things went smoothly, asking her out and all was a breeze.

the first until the third date went perfectly fine, yet after the third date, the girl began ignoring my messages and calls, yet when i talk to her on MSN or when i meet her in school, she acts as if nothing had gone wrong; she talked as if she knew me.

i've never had any problems forgetting past relationships, yet ive not been able to forget this girl. god her smile was perfect :crying:...

that was a few months ago, but still i was unable to forget this girl.

now that valentine's day is creeping up, i was thinking of using this opportunity to try to win her back by writing her a letter.

should i do it? please advice me on the best course of action.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey valin :wave:

    It sounds like this girl has been giving you mixed signals. Trying to figure out why could be impossible but if you still can't stop thinking about her then maybe you need to just let your feelings be known? It sounds like it's getting to you not knowing what she's thinking.

    Valentine's Day is as good an excuse as any to be able to send her a card or a letter and tell her you like her, it doesn't have to be a really big deal or a long letter but just something that shows her that you're still keen and maybe you'd like to go on another date. The fact that it's Valentine's might take away from any embarassment you might feel has stopped you doing it already.

    From there, all you can really do is wait to see how she reacts and be prepared that things might not go the way you want them to :( If that's the case then putting a bit of space between you and distracting yourself with other friends should help you to get over her and move on.

    Good luck, hopefully the romance of Valentine's Day will win her over :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    oh man, I hate when they do this. I have no answer to that, sadly. good luck.

    the logical reason is, she's not interested, because would you let someone hanging like that for no good reason if you were interested in that person? I don't think so, and if you had good reason, wouldn't you let her know asap? Unfortunately a no is just a no for me, if there is a no. Ignoring and acting as nothing happens is no no for me.
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