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Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Before I jump in, I'm interested to see where this is going...:chin:

    I think that you know.

    Dislike of muslims is, using Matt argument, in part a reaction to the tiny minority who are terrorists - just as there was once a tiny minority of catholic (and protestants) who were terrorists in Ireland.

    To suggest that such an argument has any place in a disucssion about right to benefits is bollocks.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sanitize wrote: »
    Can you have two independant adults living in the same home?

    You mean apart from students, flatmates etc?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think that you know.

    Dislike of muslims is, using Matt argument, in part a reaction to the tiny minority who are terrorists - just as there was once a tiny minority of catholic (and protestants) who were terrorists in Ireland.

    To suggest that such an argument has any place in a disucssion about right to benefits is bollocks.

    At the risk of going totally off-topic the cases are totally different. With Islamic terrorism the justification is religion (not that many Moslems would support them).

    In Northern Ireland the justification was politics (either a United Ireland or a United Kingdom). It was lazy media short-hand to describe groups as either Catholic or Protestant
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You will need a new thread to discuss that by the way - it's a long, long way off topic
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The fact that this would apply to mormons too (for example) is pretty much overlooked because of an obsession in our media (and some members of these boards) with islam and muslims.

    Maybe that has something to do with the fact that pologamy has been banned in Mormonism since 1904.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It is a factor you should include when you make remarks on people who have a dislike to Muslims.
    I'm just saying that generalising people who dislike muslims in this way is ignorant, especially when they have good reason to.
    Matt... nobody "dislikes" Muslims...... (I hope).

    If anybody does dislike or judge a person because they happen to identify themselves as a 'Muslim'... then they're a stupid discriminatory prejudiced ignorant warped individual.

    Disliking polygamy or any other teaching of Islam does NOT mean that you dislike people who identify themselves as 'Muslims'.

    Don't worry you're not the only person on these forums who is having difficulty distinguishing between "Islam" and "people who identify themselves as Muslims".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Namaste wrote: »
    Where can women have more than one husband?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Big Gay wrote: »
    Under Chinese rule?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It is a factor you should include when you make remarks on people who have a dislike to Muslims. It would be interesting for you to make those comments to the family's of victims. It's very relevant to what you said.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Namaste wrote: »
    Under Chinese rule?

    I think so. There was a Radio 4 program about 6 months ago.

    I don't remember any details, sorry.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Namaste wrote: »
    Where can women have more than one husband?

    tibet and a nepalese minority practice it
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    minimi38 wrote: »
    tibet and a nepalese minority practice it

    Oh good - I didn't make Tibet up
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    that generalising people who dislike muslims in this way is ignorant, especially when they have good reason to.

    They don't have good reason to dislike muslims. They have good reason to dislike terrorists.

    The two are not the same.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They don't have good reason to dislike muslims. They have good reason to dislike terrorists.

    The two are not the same.
    ^ Yes.

    AND... they should have good reason to dislike the ideology, or cult, or teachings which inspire such behaviour too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sanitize wrote: »
    ^ MOK, does it look like anyone is trying to hide the fact that 'Islam' and 'Muslims' will feature in this thread? Of COURSE this topic is very much associated with the practice of polygamy amongst (the very small minority of) Muslims.

    What on earth is the point you're trying to make? Do you just enjoy stating the bleedin obvious? :confused:

    So obvious that you missed the clearly stated point earlier, you mean.

    My point is that this is another example of media obsession with pushing an anti-muslim message. Incidentally, one which you are happy to help with.

    The reality of this story is different to the way it is being reported.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    minimi38 wrote: »
    tibet and a nepalese minority practice it
    Oh... Never saw this in Nepal.

    It's very interesting though... I wonder if women who have more than one husband would have the same legal rights as men who have more than one wife.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right, at the request of the OP and those who've reported a number of posts throughout this thread it's been pared back to something that hopefully looks more like a thread about the actual topic. Let's see if it can stay that way.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My point is that this is another example of media obsession with pushing an anti-muslim message. Incidentally, one which you are happy to help with.
    ^ You're still having difficulty distinguishing between the teachings of "Islam".... and "Muslims".

    During the reformation of Christianity many centuries ago, were the reformers and intellectuals pushing an anti-Christians message or were they pushing an anti-elements-of-Christianity message? Baring in mind that these reformers were Christians themselves?

    Can you PLEASE make the distinction.

    When anyone criticises elements of Christianity, NOBODY assumes that they're being anti-Cliff Richard or anti-Dot Cotton or anti-John Smith or anti-70%-of-the-UKs-Christian-population.

    The reality of this story is different to the way it is being reported.
    ^ Please enlighten us. That is what this discussion is for.

    I made the point that this isn't as unfair as people seem to think it is too over HERE.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They read from the same book and while on paper you're right, the reality is much different.

    Sorry, what reality - it certainly isn't one I recognise.

    The vast, massive, majority of muslims are not, have never been and will never be terrorists. Simple as. What you are supporting is hatred of an entire religious group based on the actions of a minority and that is reprehensible.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not having a lugh, but then neither do I hate approximately 1bn people purely on the bsis of their religion.

    Not one person has become the "victim of theire religion", the are a number who have become victims of terrorists, but as I said before the two things are not the same. It doesn't matter how many time you say that they are, the simple fact is that they aren't.

    You are also (and in part I thank you for this) proving my point to sanitize about how dangerous threads like this (and media reporting generally) is because it has given you a screwy view of the faith and it's followers. You seem more than happy to pick up on the negative propaganda and less to pick up on the reality.

    Your comment...
    My main point is that you can't go round looking down your nose at people who dislike Muslims when terrorists, who are always Muslims are killing people in our country.

    ... is part of that problem. There are terrorists from all religions, some claim that they religion is part, others it is more a coincidence that there are same religion - but they may well be same nationality.

    It could be argued that you should hate all Irish because, at one time, all of the terrorism in this country was perpetrated by people from Ireland. It could also be argued that Muslims have every right to hate Jews and Christians because most of the attacks on muslims nations is perpetrated by those religious groups.

    Let me ask you a simple question - are you personally responsible for every death caused by the Iraq War or the Afghanistan conflict?

    If the answer is no, and thos acts are being carried out by people from your country with your religion, then how can you argue your point?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I do not hate them, I think there are a lot of very disillusioned and dangerous people in middle eastern countries under Islam right now.

    I don't have to say they are, they are already linked and openly admit "Death to the west", that is a vast majority.

    No, what is reported in our media is that it's the vast majority, whereas the reality is different.

    Can't you see the difference. You are not being told the whole truth, just a small part of what is happenening and it clouds your perspective.

    Muslims are the new bogeyman - it used to be nazis, commies, jews, blacks, irish, catholics, cavalier or roundheads. There is always a bogeyman and at the moment it's muslims.
    What is the reality? we are ignorant foaming at the mouth brigade? or there is an overwhelming attitude in the middle eastern countries of death to western civilisation?

    It's more the former than the latter.

    And regardless of any of that argument it still has fuckall to do with whether anyone is entitled to benefits in this country.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The funniest thing is you are not believing what is in front of your eyes.

    The funniest thing is that you believe what you are being told without question.

    Point of fact - there are approximately 1bn muslims in the world.

    What proportion do you think are terrorists?

    And why do you think that what happens in another country should affect people in this country and their rights to benefits?
    It's on your doorstep right now, if you can't see that now, then i won't try to persuade you.

    What I see, given that I work in a sector which has a high proportion of ethnic minoroties, is just how offended they are by the action of a minority. Actions ebing carried out in the name of their religion.

    What I also see are actions being carried out in my name which I cannot agree with.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Presumably Matt you must agree then that it is perfectly normal and understandable if Arabs and Muslims think all Westerners are mass-murdering, crusading, greedy, oil-obsessed warmongering child killers and illegal invaders, seeing as for many of them it will be the only first hand experience they will have of us.

    Generalisations are never accurate- or a good idea.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And how is all of that different from people here who have been brainwashed into blindly supporting illegal acts of war and occupation against Arab/Muslim nations?

    Yet many others have not. So if you think it is unfair for many in the Middle East believing we in the West are all blood-thirsty dangerous warmongering criminals, try to think whether it is fair for us to think Muslims are terrorists and violent.

    You CANNOT generalise against an entire people and religion. Simple as.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Were you brainwashed? I wasn't.
    Many others were. Including our Prime Minister, happy to tag along in a war built on lies conducted by a mentally-unstable lunatic who says he hears God in his head telling him to attack those countries and speaks of 'Crusades' while doing so.

    I havn't generalised. I've just plain said what is and what isn't. But, OTOH If you read the book they all read from, there is cause for generalisation there.
    No there isn't. Are you aware of the atrocities peddled in the book 'we all read from' in Christian countries?

    Naturally most Christians dismiss and ignore the more unsavoury passages of the Bible. Just as most Muslims do with the Koran.

    No difference at all.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    People become suicide bombers for religious reasons. Other people support them with calls for "death to the West" for political reasons. That is all. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm gonna give my quick 2 cents...

    I am sick and tired of this recurrent STRAWMAN which seems to feature in every single discussion involving Islam.

    You know the one...

    Someone talks about any negative aspect of Islam or terrorism committed by Muslims in the name of Islam, only to be confronted with the recurrent STRAWMAN of...

    "Not all Muslims are terrorist"!
    "How can you generalise over 1 billion people"!


    For Gods sakes NOBODY is saying that ALL Muslims are terrorists so STOP SAYING THAT THEY ARE SAYING THAT!

    This is probably the ONLY subject in which we are confronted with this strawman over and over and over and over and over again.

    When we discuss "teenage binge drinkers", do we just reassure ourselves that not ALL "teenagers" are "binge drinkers" in order to solve the problem?

    When we try to tackle the problem of "illegal immigration", do we just solve the problem by reaffirming to ourselves that not ALL "immigrants" are "illegal"?

    Do we stifle every debate about "football fan hooligans" because not ALL "football fans" are "hooligans"?

    Do we stifle every debate about, say, the "Oldham riots" by saying that not ALL of "Oldham" were "rioting"?

    Man Of Kent, in this thread you said that Australians are a "racist society". Shall I hit back at you with this strawman too?

    "Man Of Kent, there over 20 million people in Australia. How many of them are racist? Stop generalising over 20 million people!" :rolleyes:

    This is an insult to every single 'compound term' that has ever existed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not one person has become the "victim of theire religion"
    Yes they have become victims of their religion. Keep reading...
    the are a number who have become victims of terrorists, but as I said before the two things are not the same.
    You're right, they have become victims of terrorists. In particular, a terrorist by the name of 'Muhammad' who lived 1400 years ago, and whose example still lives on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think they were brainwashed, Sudam Hussain had defied the united nations and continued to mobilize his forces for voer 10 eyars even when ordered to stop. He was committing atrocities and genocide across his own country. Which is why he hanged at his trial. America was attacked and thousands died in the World trade Centre. When we recieved a roport he may have WoMD we took no chances and invaded. I don't think at that time we had any idea how hard it would be to stabalise the area and Anti-Western terrorists used this opportunity to boost their own agenda with Islam against the west.

    don't get me wrong, i hate Bush, he recently passed a bill to make him immune to war crimes over 9/11.
    Allow me to comment on a few points in your post:

    - By 2003 Saddam Hussein's forces were no threat to an old people's home- let alone other nations. He had a demoralised, ill-equipped conscript army with antiques as weapons, no spares for his aging and vulnerable tanks and no airforce and navy to speak of. He was simply no risk to others.

    - By 2003 Saddam Hussein had no WMDs whatsoever. This was a fact and was known to just about anyone, not least the US and British governments, who went as far as lying and fabricating evidence to claim the contrary.

    - The UN inspectors were pulled out because they were going to declare just that.

    - Most of the killing and butchering Saddam carried out took place while he was shaking hands with the US State Secretary and buying weapons from the British government. Funnily enough our righteous rulers didn't didn't concern themselves much about the plight of the Iraqis at the time. What do you think Middle Easterns thought of Britain and America when we tried to justify the war on Saddam's human right records? They're not stupid you know...

    - Saddam Hussein had precisely fuck all to do with 9/11. That the US government tried to claim otherwise is not only an insult to the intelligence of everyone in the ME and indeed the world, but a disgraceful insult on the victims of that atrocity.

    - Saddam Hussein had also fuck all to do with terrorism. In fact there was zero terrorist activity, Al Qaida presence and religious extremism in Iraq under his rule. Women in Iraq were able to wear Western clothes and make-up and go about their business without the fear of being killed by religious extremists. Look at where they are now... wearing burqas and unable to leave their house without a male relative. Thanks, Christian Crusaders!

    - The Coallition of the Killing had no contingency plans whatsoever for the situation after Saddam's regime was removed. Their thinking only extended as far as getting their greedy, blood stained hands in Iraq's oil fields and government. In fact some observers think the resulting anarchy and civil was exactly what the neocon movement in America had in mind. That way they can justify their military presence in the province for decades to come, while using the bogeyman of muslim extremism they have unleashed in the region to justify other imperialistic enterprises and antidemocratic 'security' legislation at home.

    When you think about it, Arabs and Muslims have far better reason to think all Christian Westerners are evil murdering bastards than we have of believing they are all terrorists. Both assumptions are completely wrong of course.

    Of course, our texts were updated not so long ago to try and modernise for todays society. Christianity was very brutal at one time. The same needs to be done for Islam.
    Really? I wasn't aware the Old Testament is no longer printed in Holy Bibles and that it has been officially rejected by the Christian faith.

    In fact Christian fundies are using that very text to justify their continuing hate campaign against homosexuals, amongst other things.

    I guess that's a generalisation when you look at how many wars deaths and suicide bombers there are ro have been with both religions.
    I think it is fair to say organised religion has done far more harm than good to humanity, yes.

    But even though I have no time for religion I'm happy to declare that the majority of religious people are decent human beings, even if I disagree with their beliefs.
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