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Blair - President of Europe

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd rather have an Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin hybrid clone in charge, to be honest.

    The only place in Europe where Blair should be at is at The Hague International Wars Tribunal- as a defendant.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Go for it Tony, he would make a good President of Europe :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He should be at The Hague International Tribunal, facing charges of crimes against humanity. Whilst the trial is not sitting, he should be held in the most dangerous prison in the world, amongst the most dangerous rapists and murderers on the planet. He should be living every single day in fear of the next. If he suddenly dies during the trial, it'll be no loss to any of us. It's nothing less than he deserves. By taking Britain into an illegal war on the basis of a tissue of lies, he has committed an enormous crime of aggression. He, along with that moron Dubya, must be punished.

    Unfortunately, we don't live in a fair world. In the last few months, Blair has been doing loads of absolutely rubbish speeches to pay his enormous mortgage for a hideous house in Connaught Square in West London. We are told that he recently gave a speech in China, and charged a fee of no less than £500,000. If he has any conscience whatsoever, he will give all the money that he earns from these speeches to charities and organisations trying to get Iraq and Afghanistan out of the mess that he put them in. Naturally, I know that Blair has no conscience and no integrity, so he will do no such thing. Just before Christmas, it transpired that he's now become a Catholic. I'm not sure why the Pope wants himself to be associated with a war criminal, but there we are - Blair, the man who thinks he has a direct phone line to God, doesn't see himself as accountable to lowly mortals such as us. He's also been taking jobs with various banks. In other words, he'll prostitute himself to practically anyone if the money's right. I would ask if he has any shame, but we all know the answer to that.

    Can you just imagine the look on Gordon Brown's face when he read this story today? I'd love to have been a fly-on-the-wall at the time. In particular, I feel sorry for any civil servants in the room at the time - they would have heard more than their fair share of colourful language. I couldn't blame Brown for shouting any four-lettered obscenities about this either. He's spent the last ten years trying to get rid of the money-grabbing cunt, and last year, he finally got his way. Now it looks like his predecessor wants to be EU President. I somehow doubt Blair will be getting an invite to No 10 for tea and biscuits. Gordon's more likely to invite Blair into the car, so they can go for a nice drive together...

    Every single time I see Tony Blair's face, my hatred of him grows. That insincere smile, the holier-than-thou look in his eyes, the crooked teeth... everything about him indicates he's a man not to be trusted. Which is why the EU are so keen to hire him. Tony Blair will go down in history as one of the worst British Prime Ministers of all time. The EU, however, is a haven for failed politicians - just look at how Peter Mandelson and Neil Kinnock have done in it for proof. It's no wonder Blair wants to be amongst other smug bastards like himself.

    I hope the post of EU President goes to anyone but Blair. I was going to suggest the job go to an orangutan instead, but that would be a massive insult to those warm, friendly creatures. Even comparing Blair to a snake is offensive. I urge EU leaders - please, please, PLEASE, give the job to anyone but that simpleton. I'll stand for the job if I have to - as long as it's not Blair, I'll be happy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    I'd rather have an Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin hybrid clone in charge, to be honest.

    The only place in Europe where Blair should be at is at The Hague International Wars Tribunal- as a defendant.

    Between them Hitler and Stalin killed nearly 100 million people, either in a war they started or mass purges before/after.
    To suggest you'd prefer them as overlords of Europe is pretty crass tbh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote: »
    Between them Hitler and Stalin killed nearly 100 million people, either in a war they started or mass purges before/after.
    To suggest you'd prefer them as overlords of Europe is pretty crass tbh.
    Well of course I wouldn't really prefer it Whowhere. It was a hyperbole :D

    Blair is still an odious war criminal scumbag though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    Well of course I wouldn't really prefer it Whowhere. It was a hyperbole :D

    Blair is still an odious war criminal scumbag though.

    You've gotta be careful about what you write without smileys, you conjured up images of standing next to Hitler and watching the cattle carts roll past with a satanic glint in your eye......:rolleyes:

    As for Blair, meh, he's gone now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote: »
    I'd rather have an Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin hybrid clone in charge, to be honest.

    Either you're exaggerating, fair enough (hard to tell online) or you mean it in which case I disagree completely. Blair was by no means perfect but the labour government he led has improved standards of education and healthcare since they came to power, compared to the crimes perpetrated by Hitler and Stalin.

    - oops, just noticed your post ;) np.

    Why do people get so emotive when it comes to Blair though? Is it the Iraq situation? I don't think that was single minded motivation on his part, I think him and the government were compelled by (admittedly poor) intelligence they had. I'm not excusing him, they should be held accountable, but people always say they 'hate' Blair or that's he's 'evil' when if you looked at the stuff that happened whilst he was in power - on balance - it was for the better.

    If someone has to do the job, he's got the experience in office, he's got strong political ties with the US, the middle east and China - he's got a 'personality' to be a figurehead too. I also agree with his ideas on economic policy i.e. tax a bit and spend on education and healthcare. I don't know we need a permenent european president - maybe it gives them too much power and unfair bias towards their country - but if we have to have a president of the EU permenently, I think I'd vote for him not because I'm his biggest fan (although just defending him against being a child eating middle class raping monster will no doubt provoke accusations of such) but because he's probably the best candidate for the job.

    I'm pro-european integration btw, just for context (if you didn't guess)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    Why do people get so emotive when it comes to Blair though? Is it the Iraq situation? I don't think that was single minded motivation on his part...
    For years, there was a lot of talk that Blair would make a lot of money when he had left as PM, particularly in the USA. They've always held him in widespread affection since September 11, 2001. However, those millions that the money-grabber Blair wanted to earn were dependent on him supporting US policy. So he took it to extremes - shoving his head all the way up the arse of the White House and staying up there. It's inconceivable that, when he made the decision to go to war, he hadn't been thinking about the implications for his bank balance. Bush's cronies in the business world have done well out of it, and depressingly, Bush himself will do well out of it when he leaves the White House early next year. I see no reason why Blair wouldn't have been thinking any differently.

    As for his record, give me a break. His very modest successes as PM are overshadowed by huge failures. Taxes have risen to eye-watering levels (can anyone seriously justify the cost of fuel being so high, for example?) to fund a spending binge on the NHS, on schools and the like. And what have we seen? Waiting lists in the NHS are down, apparently. Not good enough. If the NHS was working properly, there would be no such thing as waiting lists. In some European countries, you have the right to be treated within 48 hours. If New Labour was truly ambitious, they would have been aiming for this years ago. We've got problems with MRSA in our hospitals, which aren't even kept clean. Ministers have known about this for years, but done nothing.

    Schools? Every single year, there are accusations of dumbing down in the education system. Those voices saying exams are getting easier are louder and louder each year. Transport? There's more cars on the road than ever before, and the railways are still a complete joke - difference being they're now a hell of a lot more expensive than they were in 1997. And I haven't even gone onto failures in Iraq, massive underspending in the military, (who were sent out to conflicts by the warrior Blair with disturbing zeal) endless political scandals, the politicisation of the civil service... everywhere you look, Blair's record is a disaster.

    The most radical proposals that Blair wanted to implement were all either watered down or never introduced. Who stopped him? More often than not, Gordon Brown, that socialist dinosaur who is now a PM, thanks to a putsch inside the Labour Party. Nothing will convince me that Blair was anything but one of the worst Prime Ministers this country has ever had.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a lot of people hate blair, not because of what he did as much as the fact he went against pretty much his whole country and his whole cabinet to do it.
    He was never anything he promised to be
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a lot of people hate blair, not because of what he did as much as the fact he went against pretty much his whole country and his whole cabinet to do it. He was never anything he promised to be
    Precisely. We were told that his government was going to be "whiter than white". After all the scandals during the Major years, it was a call that resonated with voters. What did we get? By the end of Blair's time as PM, New Labour were regarded in certain opinion polls as being more sleazy than the last Major government! And that's just one example.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a lot of people hate blair, not because of what he did as much as the fact he went against pretty much his whole country and his whole cabinet to do it.
    He was never anything he promised to be

    Though I am glad he repealed Section 28 and has passed legislation to avoid LGBT discrimination in goods and services and civil partnerships (a step in the right direction, but not perfect). Of course, it wasn't him who did it... It was the hard work of campaigners and lobbyists... But I don't know if it would have happened under Tory rule.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote: »
    Between them Hitler and Stalin killed nearly 100 million people, either in a war they started or mass purges before/after.


    ETA: Blair was good until around 2002, then the whole Iraq fiasco wrecked his reputation. He done a lot to bring peace to this country and for that I'm eternelly grateful to the man though I hate him for what he done to Iraq.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Namaste wrote: »
    Though I am glad he repealed Section 28 and has passed legislation to avoid LGBT discrimination in goods and services and civil partnerships. Of course, it wasn't him who did it... It was the hard work of campaigners and lobbyists... But I don't know if it would have happened under Tory rule.
    The repealing of Section 28 was largely symbolic. If I recall correctly, not a single person was ever prosected for any breaches of this law. It would have been removed from the statute book eventually, regardless of whom was in power.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think it would be a great benifit to europe if he became president. He is a good person and i think, qualified for the job. I hope he does, only good will come of it.
    Only good? The man is tainted goods. He's a divisive figure in the extreme. France has never quite forgiven him for taking part in the Iraq war, and most of Europe think he's too controversial a choice. As for him being a good person, well, your definition of "good person" must be very different to mine.
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