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Losing Weight

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Does any one know of any good diets?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Soup. Not by choice i could only eat liquids for 3 weeks and ive lost weight. I never want to eat soup again.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since february I've lost and kept of 15 pounds just by eating healthier. I went to the gym the same amount of time I did before and it was only small changes. Say no to mayo, not everything needs to be smothered in cheese and sour cream and butter, get vegi's instead of fry's at resturants and lots of yogurt. Sweet, so it makes for a nice snack if you're wanting a bag of cookies or something. And don't forget breakfast. And if you're going to pig out at an all you can eat place, fill up on the salad and fruit before the unhealthy stuff so you won't be tempted to eat as much of it, as you'll already be full.

    I did sign up to weight watchers online, as I found a free trial. Mainly to help keep track of everything. I didn't really follow the points, I just found it helpful as you could easily look up how good and bad things are and keep track of if you're lacking in the fruits/vegi's or going overboard on theh sweets. But you can do that by yourself. I found that keeping track and actually being able to see for just a month was very helpful.

    Seeing a burger king lunch with 1200+ calories, 50+g of fat for lunch, dinner that had a pound of mayo, then I'd ask for more to dip my fries in it, then maybe a 1000+ calorie dairy queen for desert, actually seeing it all was quite amazing and thats what really helped me change!

    Drinking too. I would notice that on weeks when I wouldn't lose much weight, or even gain a pound or two would be weeks when I drank every day, and I would mix with coke zero too. When I could cut back to only a couple a week, then the weight loss would continue.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Does any one know of any good diets?

    None that will keep the weight off in the long term. If you're serious about losing weight, then you have to make changes for life by eating a well balanced diet, cutting no food groups and exercising.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know an excellent one - eat less calories, excercise more.

    It works - FACT!

    seriously though there is no easy answer - not one special magical diet that works. you probaby have to really watch what your eating, eat healthily and sensibly and do lots of excercise.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go_away wrote: »
    None that will keep the weight off in the long term. If you're serious about losing weight, then you have to make changes for life by eating a well balanced diet, cutting no food groups and exercising.

    Wasn't there a study that showed that?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yep, this one. Sadly, the mass media would make little money if they sold the 'eat sensibly and exercise in the long term'. Faddy diets, shitty diet products, exercise machines like ones that claim to do wonders for abs etc will always sell, because people, particularly women want short term solutions for as little effort as possible.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How much do you think its an issue that people dont deal with the reasons why they eat too much/bad stuff to help them lose weight?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    On a random note, the fda approved the first otc diet pill, I think it was the first. The common side effect is anal leakage. Surely paying 70+ a month + new underwear for that would be only an extreme extreme last case kind of thing. But think of how many people (who probably aren't even all that fat) have used it :no:

    I liked this quote from the article, from Go_away
    "Keeping weight off is a life-long challenge. It is just like heart disease or mental health problems, if you stop taking your medicine you can get worse.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    diddlybop wrote: »
    How much do you think its an issue that people dont deal with the reasons why they eat too much/bad stuff to help them lose weight?

    Hmm, I'm not sure to be honest but it's a good thing to consider. I think a lot of people are often in a state of stalemate where they're kind of drifting along without really thinking about how their bodies have changed or what's going into them. But yeah, dealing with the reasons why someone might be overweight are pretty crucial when starting a journey to change, and can often be quite painful, for instance, overeating due to a loss etc.

    In my case, I was in a bit of denial (I often overate because I was bored/lonely) and it wasn't until I saw pictures of myself 8 months ago thinking how awful I looked that I realised I couldn't hide behind the clothing label (I could get into size 10 clothing, a nice shield to hide behind despite my high body fat levels). Once I had accepted that I was no longer the skinny 16 year old I once was (nor did I want to go back to that) and acknowledged the reasons why, I found it easier to start, rather than just getting into a diet - restriction - hunger - temptation - overindulgence - feeling of failure - guilt - new diet cycle.
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