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real depressed and need advice

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Just wondering if i could get any advice on this.
Im 17 male /gay and still go to school...
and i am completely in love with this friend of mine, i know it is love for many reasons. I can not stop thinking about him and because i know nothing is gonna happen, i am just so so depressed (I dont know if he is gay, but if he is, it sure doesnt seem he is interested in me). This has been going on for many months now and i can not handle it anymore. I just want to die, (just wanna point out, although i feel like this doesnt mean im gonna comit suicide).
Has anyone got any ideas on what the hell i should do about this guy, because i can not continue with the way thinks are happening now, its just making me too sad.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    There was a post very similar to yours only a few days ago: http://www.thesite.org/ubb/Forum4/HTML/000874.html

    You could also try searching through previous threads.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The only advice I can think of, that will help the situation but might sound a bit harsh, is to have a long think about it and get it into perspective! Im not saying u r being silly or are in anyway wrong to feel like u do, but that u can either get over it and move on or let this be the death of u.

    I cant understand why anyone would aim for the last choice unless they were very depressed and there were other issues aswell, because killing yourself over loving someone is really a bit extreme in my eyes.

    The fact is u have fallen head over heals for someone who u knew u would never have a chance with, and now u r beating yourself up by dwelling on it, when u could make an effort to move on.
    feeling down over this isnt going to get u anywhere and the only thing that will is accepting itll never happen and moving on.

    Thats about all I can suggest to be honest because really the balls in your court and its down to u wether or not u let this continue to eat u away (which I hope u wont coz its not worth dying over, especially at 17!).

    One last thing that I heard from a faithless track which I remind myself whenever I feel sad or let down and it certainly helps me remember that I am in control of my feelings...

    "No one can be the source of your content. It lies within, in the center."

    in other words dont look for your happiness in others people, be happy in yourself and that way u can make sure u dont feel let down or rejected!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I was in your same position when I was 17 I
    know it feels really awful at the minute but believe it or not it will get better.
    I was wondering if you have come out to the people around you yet because it will help to have someone close to you to talk to. At least then you can be honest with your mate if you don't want to do that try and find someone to help you take your mind of him.
    I know it sounds easier said than done but you need to do something. that doesn't mean taking the drastic step of doing something silly because at the end of the day your worth more than that.
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