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Aint seen him for 5 weeks

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi guys its moaning mandi ere again. Me and Russ are over our differences now, all that insecurity before was all in my head like most of you said, and everything is just fine. I don't have to worry about his ex coz bless his little cotton sox, he's been working for the past 5 weeks solid!!! even his kids aint seen him, his mum thinks he's dead!!! and i miss him terribly <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/frown.gif"&gt;

We talk on the phone nearly every nite, but i need a hug and all the nice stuff. I'd go and see him on the train or something, but he's always bloody working. Its not his fault, i know, he's working extra coz someone fell off a roof and hurt himself badly. I try to keep busy myself, but how can i make the days go quicker??????

Not expecting a response just need to moan.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    awwwwww! im afraid 2 say u cant make the days go quicker u just have 2 keep urself busy. i can member (although its not the same!) my bf went on hol 2 ibiza with 2 of his mates i couldnt stand and 1 who i dint know, and im not joking when he went 4 about the forst 5 days i cried all the time. i was at school, but in my lessons i just wanted 2 cry. it was so horrible, the 1st week dragged on and on but the second week went quite quick.

    all u have 2 do is try not 2 think about it. just keep busy do u work???

    ne way keep in touch luv jo xxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah i work....i have chance of overtime on tuesdays, so i'm all up for that. Did u read my post i did on behalf of a friend. Well she don't help coz she gets me to go out, purely coz she don't wanna go to the pub by herself to meet her bloke then she's all over him, making me feel goosberry!!! But i'm out on a girly nite on saturday.

    I'm not upset coz i don't see him, but i'm one of these that think of the future. We have spoke about living together one day. But its hard to pick a location when he can be working anywhere. Like i said he aint been home in 5 weeks either, he lives like a jippo!!! lol. Suppose we could buy a carvan!!
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