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Why Boys Will Be Boys But Not Always

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
What makes a woman a woman and a man a man? Is being gay really a choice? Why does a lesbian prefer women? How did bisexuals manage to get a foot on both sides of the fence? Are you who you are because you had an aggresive mother, or your father was emotionally cold or detached, or was it that you had a crush on your Third Year teacher? In this article we'll look at what happens when a human foetus recieves too much or too little male hormone.

Reseach shows that the basic template for the body and brain of a human foetus is female in its structure. As a result men have some redundant female features such as nipples.

As we now know, six to eight weeks after conception, a male foetus (XY) recieves a massive dose of male hormones called androgens which first forms the testes, and then a second dose to alter the brain from a female format to a male configuration. If the male foetus doesn't receive enough male hormone at the appropriate time, one or two things may happen/ Firstly, a baby boy may be born a transgender or secondly will be born with a brain that is more feminine than masculine, in other words, a boy who will most likely be gay by puberty.

Among the acient Greeks, homosexuality was not only permitted, it was highly respected. The slim, boyish, youthful figure was their ideal of beauty, and paintins and statues were erected in its honour. They also found young gay men proved to be some of their most courageous, successful warriors as they would fight 'side-by-side in love with each other'. In Roman times, Julius Caesar was described as 'every womans man and every man's woman'.

When Christianity frowned on same-sex relationships and God reportedly brought his vengence down on the city sodom, homosexuality was banned and wasn't seen in public again until recently. The Victorian era refused to acknowledge that homosexuality existed and, even if it did, must be the devils work and would be serverly punished. In the 21st Century, most older generations believe homosexuality is a recent phenomenon and an 'unnatual' act. The reality is its been around as long as is known.

Not only is homosexuality mostly inborn, but the enviroment in which we are raised plays a lesser role in our behaviour than previously thought. Scientists have found that as an adolecent or adult, parents efforts to suppress homosexuality tendencies in their off-string has practically no effect. And because the impact of male hormone (or lack of it) on the brain is the main culprit, most homosexuals are males.

There is no solid evidence that upbringing affects the likelihood of a child becoming homosexual. For every lesbian there are about eight to ten gay men. If the gay and lesbian movement was to embrace this research and, if the education system taught these findings then gay/lesbian people wouldn't encounter as much prejudice. Most people are more tolerant and accepting of a person who has inborn differences than they are of a person who, in their opinion, makes an unacceptable choice. Take for example Parkinson's sufferers, autism or people who have cerebral palsy. The public is more accepting of these people because they are usually born with these conditions, as opposed to homosexuals who supposedly choose their lifestyle.

Can we be critical of a person who is born left-handed or dyslexic? Most homosexuals believe that their homosexuality is a choice and, like many minority groups, often use public forums to display their 'choice'. Scientists have shown that homosexuality is an orientation that is unalterable, its not a choice. If it was a choice, as many proclaim, why would any intelligent person choose a way of life that exposes them to so much hostility, prejudice and discrimination? Hormones are responisble, not human choices.

There are reasons also why gay men aren't all alike. In simple terms, there are two main centres associated with homosexual behaviour, the 'mating centre' and the 'behaviour centre'. The 'mating centre' is located in the hypothalamus and decides which sex we will be attrated to. In males, it needs to be dosed in male hormones to convert it to male operational function, so that a man will be attracted to a woman. If it receives insufficient males hormones it will remain, to a greater or lesser extent, female in operation and so the man will be attracted to other men. The 'behaviour centre' in the brain may not, however, recieve enough male hormones to give a man masculine behaviour, speech and body language. If it doesn't receive enough for male reconfiguration, the man's behaviour will be significantly feminine. How the mating and behaviour centres can recieve different amounts of male hormone is still a mystery, but it certainly demonstrates why not all effeminate males are gay, and not all macho men are hetrosexual.

If a women recieves additional male hormones it can also masculinise the mating centre. This means that as a woman she will be attracted to other women. If her behaviour centre is also masculinised, she will take on masculine behaviour and may be described as 'butch'. If her behaviour centre is not converted by male hormones, on the other hand, she will remain feminine in behaviour, but will still be attracted to other females. Many people today still resist the idea that feminine lesbians are also prisoners of their make-up. They suggest these women must have actually chosen to be gay because they most certainly don't look gay. Just witness the number of men who say, when they see a very feminine, or 'lipstick', lesbian, 'I bet I could get her to change her mind'. These women, however, really are attracted to other women.

Article Subtracted from:
Why Men Don't Listen & Woman Can't Read Maps
Allan & Barbara Pease - Orion Publishing


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Interesting stuff. Neurobiology and foetus development are two areas rich in theory but poor in experimental evidence. Guess I should add to this the fact that there are more than the traditional two genetic classifications for male and female (XX + XY)as the recombination process can give other, more unusual, combinations (XXY etc).

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    Girl-From-MarsGirl-From-Mars Posts: 2,822 Boards Guru
    very interesting, thanks for posting that justin <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hey, that's interesting.. thanks <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    stay air-chilled :)
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