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Not sure how to put it...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Recently been hanging out with someone who is a new friend. They have told me that they like spending time with me. I enjoy their company, but they seem to want to see me everyday pretty much and I would prefer to see them a little less as I have other friends to see as well and work to do. I think they dont know many people in the area. They also send me texts when they have been drinking about how they fancy me though deny it when sober. Guess I am flattered in a wierd way, but find the whole thing a bit strange. They also have a girlfriend who they hardly see and dont seem too bothered about. I am just not sure I want to waste too much time on being their flirty friend. I am pretty sure they are just loving attention off me, although they are the one who is coming across as being incredibly desperate! I like them, but feel I need to say something about seeing them less. Not sure how to put it politely without offending them! As they come across as being the type who will get offended easily!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    maybe next time they ask you to go out somewhere just say you had already arranged something with another friend?

    See if they take the hint first then think about having a chat about it with them, if that doesnt work.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    maybe next time they ask you to go out somewhere just say you had already arranged something with another friend?

    See if they take the hint first then think about having a chat about it with them, if that doesnt work.

    Yeah I have started doing this....done it about 3 times now I think. It is getting to the point now though where I need to actually say something I think. My friends are laughing about the situation saying hes my stalker. I really dont want someone who appears obsessed though. They also seem to get jealous when I mention other people and we are not even a couple or seeing eachother. Maybe its a bit tongue and cheek at times, but I dont exactly find it enjoyable. Plus I feel bad for their 'gf' with the way they are coming across towards me. Find it odd! Just want a regular friendship. But, yes in the meantime I am making lots of plans with other friends for this coming week. Particularly the weekend as being single I feel I need to be out meeting new people for new possibilities.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ... desperate and overly dependant on you... the guy has issues.
    be honest and tell it to him straight, otherwise he probably won't get the message.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    otter wrote:
    ... desperate and overly dependant on you... the guy has issues.
    be honest and tell it to him straight, otherwise he probably won't get the message.

    Yeah Ive done the whole thing about him not being completely platonic when he has a gf! He apologised, although I reckon he should be apologising to his gf as well! Met up with him as a test and I acted totally normal. He was more platonic than he has been before. However, I am worried he will slip back into being how he was before. Guess I should just see him less! Not quite convinced he is worthy of my friendship now though as he actually denied a few things at first, which has completely made me loose any possible respect towards him! Was such a stupid move from his point of view! Just feeling like I cant be asked now and thinking how lucky Im not his girlfriend!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I just have to tell you that me and my fuck buddy started out like that (him beeing in ur situation i think) we ended up together in the same english class and things started to happen... (this about 6 or 7 months ago! ) although we do have more friends and dont want to spend the whole day together before doing anything we just maded it clear what that was... friendship with sex... maybe you should tell him that u like hiim very much (as a friend) but u have a life besides him!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Marishka wrote:
    I just have to tell you that me and my fuck buddy started out like that (him beeing in ur situation i think) we ended up together in the same english class and things started to happen... (this about 6 or 7 months ago! ) although we do have more friends and dont want to spend the whole day together before doing anything we just maded it clear what that was... friendship with sex... maybe you should tell him that u like hiim very much (as a friend) but u have a life besides him!

    Sounds like a good idea! Maybe I do need to spell it out to him! Not sure I want to see him more than once a week! Feel bad for his girlfriend though and am thinking do I really want to be friends with someone who is not being so great to their gf! I dont particularly want to get caught up in his love life either though!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fairy wrote:
    Sounds like a good idea! Maybe I do need to spell it out to him! Not sure I want to see him more than once a week! Feel bad for his girlfriend though and am thinking do I really want to be friends with someone who is not being so great to their gf! I dont particularly want to get caught up in his love life either though!

    well, i wasnt beeing so nice eiter... besides i spent valentines day wit my buddy than with him, but i had really strong reasons, it appeared as just he only wanted me to f*vk... maybe he has reasons too
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Marishka wrote:
    well, i wasnt beeing so nice eiter... besides i spent valentines day wit my buddy than with him, but i had really strong reasons, it appeared as just he only wanted me to f*vk... maybe he has reasons too

    yeah could well be, its long distance which I think is the main thing...I guess at least hes admitted he should sort things now as I have had a go. Still feel in a bit of an uncomfortable position though recieving dodgy texts from someone who is involved. least he knows he cant go any further than that with me now I guess. I just dont think I would ever want to be involved with someone who is already in a relationship. Would feel so wrong.
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