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Interfering girl from my blokes work place

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Me and my partner have tried for 3 years to get together but things havent always been easy, so when we finally found that opportunity back in april i was so happy and excited as ive always felt we were made for each other.

Recently a girl from the reception at my boyfriends workplace is starting to ease her way into his social circle. When he first started his job in april he told me how she kept giving him the eye when he was in his bike gear, then she would be really flirty and start txting him asking him to go out for a drink with her. He has turned round to her and told her he is with me so there is no way he'll be meeting her from a drink alone.

She has now set my boyfriend and her male cousin up as housemates, and they r moving in with one another end of month. To get to know each other my boyfriend and his housemate have been meeting up at the pub and to introduce each other to their mates. Thing is this girl is tagging along with her cousin and the minute she see's rus she's all over him, giggling and saying his name constantly "oh russell your so funny" "russell dont be so rude" "russell, russell, russell" It is so annoying to see her flaunt herself at him infront of me because she knows we r serious yet she must feel she can still win him over.

The other night she txt him and aked AGAIN if he wanted to go 4 a drink with her (i was not invited) i feel so angry and upset about the whole ordeal. I know i have no reason to worry about rus as he has told both me and her that he is in no way interested in her and never will be so she is wasting her time in trying to win him over. So i definitely trust him. She just said "oh ok" but she is so kaniving and decieving it drives me mad!!!

I hate feeling so jealous, angry and threatened all the time. I was the same with my ex but he flirted back with the girl who liked him. Maybe im just insecure, but how do i let go of these bad feelings? Any advice u may have will really be appreciated.




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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    at least your bf has told her you're together and serious, and he doesn't seem to be responding - i know it would deffinatly annoy me aswell....next time she asks him out for a drink, say to him to bring you along aswell.....just to annoy her slightly (haha) and see if she's still the same if you're there. If she is, i'd confront her there and then, say to her you don't mind them being friends, but she's being too flirty and upfront and you want it to stop.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    she sounds like a really desperate person.....shes a fool, ignore her.

    you have your man, she is just stupid.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dinted wrote:
    she sounds like a really desperate person.....shes a fool, ignore her.

    you have your man, she is just stupid.

    I agree. He's being straight up by the sound of it and doing everything he ought to. She sounds sad and insecure, and I think she's trying to feel better about herself by attempting to "prove" that she's better than you. Clearly she's not. Dinted is right, she's a fool. Pity the fool.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    She is a fool coz she tried to deny all the flirting but 2 other ppl backed me up when i told rus what she was doing. He couldnt see it at first so i spose in a way she was getting away with it coz he wasnt retaliating negativiely.

    I dont think i wanna go up the pub when she's there anymore she is like headlice - irritating, annoying and u wanna get them out of sight the minute u c one.

    Thanks 4 making me feel at ease guys i havent laughed about the situation at all yet but that pity the fool comment has totally made me think of mr t and everytime i c this girl now im gonna just c a big black guy standing there saying "i pity da fool" lmao!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    squishter wrote:
    but that pity the fool comment has totally made me think of mr t and everytime i c this girl now im gonna just c a big black guy standing there saying "i pity da fool" lmao!


    who's having the last laugh eh??
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Personally i would corner her in the pub one day when you guys are all out and say something along of the lines as "You do not stand a chance,he is not interested,he loves me and your only making a fool out of yourself.Now grow up and run along."
    All very calmly of course so you have the control in the situation.
    The temptation to sock her one just isnt worth it.Your the one who will look like the kiddy.
    Good luck :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The temptation to sock her one just isnt worth it.Your the one who will look like the kiddy

    Personally im not one for confrontation! Especially with ppl tht really get on my tits! And yes i would love to sock her one and laugh at her then spit on her fat head, but once again i wouldnt ever do it coz tht isnt me.

    Instead im just gonna act the cool, be happy with my boyfriend who loves ME and make sure that when she is about that i can catch his attention and be the one who does the flirting with him. We may be in a relationship but who says flirting isnt allowed between us still? :flirt:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Personally i would corner her in the pub one day when you guys are all out and say something along of the lines as "You do not stand a chance,he is not interested,he loves me and your only making a fool out of yourself.Now grow up and run along."

    Fantastic idea! I'm in a similar situation myself, involving my bf and a girl in his social group. No matter how much he tells her he's not interested (sometimes he actually insults her), shes still trying to get in with him. Unfortunately, I'm a big softy, and shes mates with a lot of scary chav girls, so I'm not going to confront her. I may, however, write a couple of things in the school toilets :naughty:. I know, I'm immature.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why say anything? All it does is give her attention, which is what she obviously craves.

    If you say anything then she knows she's riling you, and will do it all the more.

    Has your bloke gone with her? No. So what the heck is the problem?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Why say anything? All it does is give her attention, which is what she obviously craves.

    If you say anything then she knows she's riling you, and will do it all the more.

    Has your bloke gone with her? No. So what the heck is the problem?

    Oh dont be so black and white about it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    But it is a black and white situation.

    This lad is not going with the girl, therefore she is not a threat.

    This other girl is stirring. She wants attention. A stand-off gives her the attention and the satisfaction of knowing that she is riling this girl.

    She only becomes a threat when the girlfriend gets clingy, possessive and accusative. Fact.

    It wouldn't be unreasonable for this girl to ask her boyfriend not to see this girl without the gf tagging along too, though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since when were the rules of love documented so clinically as your saying?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since always. It's not rocket science.

    This girl at work is a silly little girl who is craving attention. You can humour her, have a huge fight, and give her all the attention she wants, and give her the satisfaction of knowing she's upset you and pissed you off. Or you can ignore her.

    I know which option is the mature one. I know which option will be the successful one. Hint, it's not creating a scene.

    Act like the possessive, clingy girl and you will drive your bf into the arms of the workmate. Fact.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My fella's neighbour was like that, everytime we pulled up on drive she would be in window, she used to txt him and stuff. Ask him out, once she was drunk and went round to my fella's and said 'i love you' and stuff and started crying, he just said Im with Bri and love her now go away!

    Just ignore her, when I stoped giving her dirty looks and started blanking her she soon stopped. My fella stopped replying to her txt's and calls - he got peed of with her an' all.

    But yeah, just ignore her. Dont bother confrunting her - it will show her that she is bothering you and will keep doing it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Guess what i found out!!!
    This girl from work is always after attention from any bloke she can get. She obviously has a soft spot for my man because he's taken, therefore a big challenge in getting attention from him. Knowing she can win his attention away from me must give her a buzz.

    Its stupid tht ppl have to go to desperate measures for attention, thats what going out on the pull to a nightclub is for, not flaunting yourself infront of other girl's boyfriend.

    She was at my boyfriend's house warming party because the lad he's house sharing with is the girl's cousin.

    I began the night by blanking her and she soon came crawling to me appologising for being a bitch. It didnt make her stop flirting and asking him to go out still but my mind is at ease now i know she's a serial slapper :lol:
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