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Is he about to tell me loves me...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
This is my first post on the message boards so hello to everyone here :)
Im after a bit of advice really...
Recently a guy i was good friends with back in secndary school got in contact with me after about 2 years of having no contact.We hadnt parted on bad terms more that we had drifted apart when i left school and he had a very jealous girlfriend who didnt like him being friends with other girls.I had known since i was about 13 that he had feelings for me which i never reciporcated.I knew that he continued to have these feelings thru secondary school but when he started going out with this girl i assumed that he musnt feel that way anymore...
Very soon after he ended things with his girlfriend [early march] he contacted me to meet up.I found this a bit strange but put it down to him having found some freedom since he and his ex split.Since we had always been good friends we decided to meet up and catch up on things.That was all ok.
We began to see each other on a very frequent basis and i soon realised that i had feelings for him.I wasnt sure how he felt until one evening we had been out drinking and we ended up in bed at a friends house.Nothing sexual happened but he spent all night rubbing and stroking my back.I knew instinctivly that he must feel something for me.We continued to see alot of each other and the realationship became sexual.However i began to doubt things and feel a bit uneasy at the thought i was possibly just a rebound girl.
We came to continual blows over it with me accusing him of just using me to get over his ex and him claiming that he hadnt wanted to be with ex for the last 6 months of there realationship so there was nothing to get over and that he had always felt somerthing for me even when he was with his ex. :banghead:
Eventually i realised that he wasnt on the rebound and we started having a proper realationship just over a month ago.Thinsg have been going well and i feel its a relief to have a realationship with someone who gives back as much as they take if you get me.Its on very equal terms.The only niggle i have is that at times i sometimes wonder how hes feeling or if this is what he really wants because he never says how hes feeling.I questioned him about it and he said that he didnt want to frighten me off by being to full on about his feelings and stuff but agreed he would try to open up a bit more.I was quite chuffed by that especially as hes male!!!![only kidding]
This weekend hes been in london and weve been communicatiing alot via phone and text while hes been away,Last night [after a few glasses of wine]he sent me a message saying that he wants to tell me about some emotion that he feels,but will wait till he is sober.
Wrap my knuckles if im looking to much into this,but does this mean hes going to tell me he loves me?And if so is it just because he feels pressured into expressing feelings?Maybe hes just going to say it for effect?Or am i barking up the wrong tree....
Im a bit worried about this because although i can easily say im falling in love with him,im not at the stage where i can say "i love him".How do i deal with this in a nice wya without hurting him?...
Advice would be much appreciated...
The indie kid x x x
Ps.Sorry about the long essay!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think you should just wait and see what happens without dwelling on it too much and thinking "what if" beforehand. I'm in a very similar situation with my b/f (your story sounds quite a lot like mine), and recently he's been saying that he's suddenly feeling a lot closer to me and has realised how much I am a part of his life now...which has made me, like you, wonder if he's really trying to say I love you. However, I'm just trying as hard as possible not to let it play on my mind. The way I see it, I'd rather things just continue to get better and better between us and for his feelings for me to show through his actions rather than worry about the words he does and doesn't say. I agree it's nice to know how someone feels - and of course it would be amazing to hear him actually say it - but the stuff he's said recently (that I mentioned above) is more than enough to make me feel over-the-moon and the last thing I want to do is to push him on the subject. So yeah, I would say just try to be patient and let him express himself in his own time. If he does say it and you don't feel able to say it back just yet, just try to let him know how much he means to you and how much it means to you for him to tell you something so amazing. Keep us posted anyway! :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Last night [after a few glasses of wine]he sent me a message saying that he wants to tell me about some emotion that he feels,but will wait till he is sober.

    Emotions are a lot stronger when people are drunk so don't read too much into this. No doubt he does really like you but he might think differently about telling you that when he's sober.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My boyfriend first told me he loved me via a drunken text :o

    Luckily he then repeated it over the phone a few days later......
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