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North Korea officially announces it has nukes, pulls out of talks

"North Korea on Thursday announced for the first time that it has nuclear weapons and rejected moves to restart disarmament talks any time soon, saying it needs the weapons as protection against an increasingly hostile United States."


"North Korea will stay away from talks on its nuclear programme for an "indefinite period", according to the nation's foreign ministry.
Pyongyang said there was no point in the talks since the US had termed North Korea an "outpost of tyranny".


Well, congratulations Mr. Bush! Another victory in your crusade to make the world a safer place. Please continue to call countries "outposts of tyranny" and part of an "axis of evil", and to attack those who don't have nukes to defend themselves. That will sure make the world a safer place.

And some people fucking wonder why Iran is trying to obtain their own nukes...

I wonder why could that be...
Beep boop. I'm a bot.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It is to be expected for North Korea to pull out of talks, having these nuclear weapons are a fantastic bargaining tool to get concessions and finance aid. Iran hasn’t got them but the EU is going out of they way to try and make sure that Iran doesn’t get them by basically bribing them. Aid is important for NK as they are facing economic hardship coupled with severe famine.

    Also proves that banging the drum and making threatening comments isn’t going to force states to toe the line.

    Suppose I better get started on that nuclear bunker just in case...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The whole exclusive focus on WMD has actually made them a far more attractive thing to own.

    Used to be if you had them you'd just get sanctions against you, now if you have them other governments will give you billions of dollars to get rid of them.

    See Libya for a clear example of this.

    The North Koreans will come back to the bargining table after a while, but they will make sure to get a LOT in exchange for their nukes.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In a strange sort of way countries like Iran and North Korea acquiring nukes would make the world more stable, not less.

    This would have not been true at all until recently. But one fateful day in November 2000 the Republican Party managed to cheat and change the electoral result in the State of Florida, and a certain G. W. Bush was "elected" as President of the USA.

    Nothing has been the same since. And thanks to the neo-con, Imperialistic, PNAC-driven warmongering US government, the ONLY way a nation can guarantee their territorial integrity nowadays is by acquiring their own nuclear weapons to deter the single biggest bully and threat to mankind since the Nazis.
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