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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jade, if you look at the C4 link, it was written up in 03. The actuall doco which was entitled ' Edge of the City' - was aired in Sept/Oct just gone. It wasn't just two mothers. I reiterate, there was a big media outcry as the BNP and other RW'ers could have used it for propaganda purposes, as there was riots not far away. ( I know there are Yorkshire contributers on this board, may be they could confirm or dispell this )

    >>>www.blink.org.uk/print.asp?key=3463 - 6k <<<

    With regards to London, we'll have to agree to disagree.

    You say back it up, but i backed up the original crack and weed statement by a link. ( Thats misinformed as well ) so the only way to confirm/disprove, is by making phone calls to the relevent people.

    In the social care and drug field, it's mainly about theorising, thoughts and opinions, as you'd know that there are different camps and schools of thought.

    " Jade, Have i done any thing wrong? as i will stop contribuing on these boards if you feel i'm a trouble maker or a wind up merchant. I posted up the original post 'crack 'n' weed in good faith, in hindsight, i regret it now, i wish i didnt bother. "
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    What was the brown & yellow burgers laced with then eh? ( E ) 89/90.

    And the point of putting heroin in pills. Doesn't make business sense.
    Heroin at that dose taken orally wouldn't have exactly given a great buzz - especially when those buying it would have been lookig
    ng to get mashed on E.
    Do you think they would have sold well?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    >>>And the point of putting heroin in pills. Doesn't make business sense<< ~

    supose it was the same as turning up the heating, and turning off the stop cocks.

    Heroin at that dose taken orally wouldn't have exactly given a great buzz - <<< ~ No, your right, it didn't.

    >>>especially when those buying it would have been lookig
    ng to get mashed on E.<<< ~ Lol and a decent sh@g on the strength of it ;)

    >>>Do you think they would have sold well?<<< ~ Why do you think that the boys who frequented Bently's ( Canning Town ) got involved? Why do you think that people campaigned for testing them? Dehydration was the cause of the mortality rate.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're so full of shit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hey, isn't that antagonising me? wots up? i cant help it if you northerners dont know nowt, and your still ten years behind in the music scene, can i? Aint you heard of centreforce., i.e Biology? Telepathy?

    what about the clink? are you a shoomer?

    Brum your a toby jug and you know it!

    Dont bother to reply as i'm gone for the night, now go and do your research.

    ps, for future referrance, please could you refrain from antagonising me, as i'll ask you to meet me face to face, anywhere in London, perhaps even @ the next RTB if you so wish. john
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Offering me out on the boards? You really are a dick aren't you? LOL! :D

    Why so desperate to prove you know your acid house history? Got something to prove? Anyone can read a book y'know. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    heaven help us if this guy realy does work in the health sector in some way!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blimey, a win double eh? For a person who 'claims to attend RTB parties, you have very little knowledge on the subject. As for offering you out? any two bob muppet can shoot off over a computer. ( It's not cricket )

    Sunrise, energy and Biology. The shoom club and more importantly...The Clink, in London Bridge. Cali's New Yorkers, Barrells,Burgers, Rolexs, Dollars etc pre-92 before doves.

    up till 92 it was dehaydration then becouse of mass hysteria, it went the opposite, i.e clubbers would die from water in the lungs.

    96-97 saw changes dure to the case of the scottish girl who's liver had shrunk to one third of its size and her brain was swollen. The surgeon who attended refused to carry out a transplant due to her drug misuse. Hence, the introduction of paramedics and chill out rooms.

    When was official stats and info on drug related deaths started up? As again 'google boys', it wont be in books or up on the net (?) , the UK stats on drug OD's are collated at St Thomases Hospital, London

    You find this out in books, have a look on the sports board. Brum, your knowledge is basic and cr@p and doesn't intend to share and swap information but slag me off with your soppy comments.
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    JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    Erowid has an interesting Timeline on the use of ecstacy in the US, and from an article entitled Ecstacy in the UK comes the following information
    To date there have been
    at least 14 deaths in the UK associated with Ecstasy and as many
    as 50 other severe reactions. One popular hypothesis is that
    these deaths are caused by heat-stroke due to a combination of
    Ecstasy, dancing energetically, not drinking enough water and the
    hot and humid temperature in clubs.
    It also states the first recorded death was in 1989.
    Blimey, a win double eh? For a person who 'claims to attend RTB parties, you have very little knowledge on the subject. As for offering you out? any two bob muppet can shoot off over a computer. ( It's not cricket )
    We noticed.
    And enough of the petty insults and threats please.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hullo Jade, well if you look on the mushroom board, all he done yesterday was reply with inane childish comments, nothing constructive or even constructive critisicims. All he does is 'google' in everything and makes out he's this and that and that he's far, far superior. I'm not interested in slanging matches, rather to learn things myself and swap valuable information with other interested like minded contributers.

    So yes, being a S Londoner, i respond in kind. It wasn't a threat. We sort things out by going toe-to-toe if someones getting lairy and giving it the biggy. He ( Brum ) hasn't written up any thing positive at all. Have a look and you'll easily assess the situation, and i would appreciate any constructive feedback.

    Nah, second thoughts, dont worry, wishing you all " Love, Peace Joy & Happiness! " Good luck for the future, john.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blimey, a win double eh? For a person who 'claims to attend RTB parties, you have very little knowledge on the subject.

    What the fuck are you on about? :confused: Are you on ket or something? :confused:
    As for offering you out? any two bob muppet can shoot off over a computer. ( It's not cricket )

    Well don't amke yourself look like a fool by doing it then.
    Sunrise, energy and Biology. The shoom club and more importantly...The Clink, in London Bridge. Cali's New Yorkers, Barrells,Burgers, Rolexs, Dollars etc pre-92 before doves.

    Yes, you're not the only one who ever went to a rave y'know.
    up till 92 it was dehaydration then becouse of mass hysteria, it went the opposite, i.e clubbers would die from water in the lungs.

    No, no one ever died from "water in the lungs". I think what you mean is hyponatremia, which is what Lea Betts died of.

    96-97 saw changes dure to the case of the scottish girl who's liver had shrunk to one third of its size and her brain was swollen. The surgeon who attended refused to carry out a transplant due to her drug misuse. Hence, the introduction of paramedics and chill out rooms.
    When was official stats and info on drug related deaths started up? As again 'google boys', it wont be in books or up on the net (?) , the UK stats on drug OD's are collated at St Thomases Hospital, London

    You find this out in books, have a look on the sports board. Brum, your knowledge is basic and cr@p and doesn't intend to share and swap information but slag me off with your soppy comments.

    Fuck off you prick. You come on here, post rumour as fact, get basic things wrong, try and prove that you know about acid house history then proceed to get all your facts wrong. You're either someone clumsily trying to fish for personal info on people, or you're an ex-user now working as a drug worker who thinks he's got something to prove and is heading for a relapse.
    Do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up.
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    JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    When was official stats and info on drug related deaths started up? As again 'google boys', it wont be in books or up on the net (?) , the UK stats on drug OD's are collated at St Thomases Hospital, London

    and reported in the Health Statistics Quarterly on the National Statistics Website.....
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    JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    Hullo Jade, well if you look on the mushroom board, all he done yesterday was reply with inane childish comments, nothing constructive or even constructive critisicims.

    Well John, perhaps if you were able to substantiate any of your claims, we wouldn't feel so frustrated.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hullo Jade, well if you look on the mushroom board, all he done yesterday was reply with inane childish comments, nothing constructive or even constructive critisicims.

    I think you'll find what I actually did was pull you up on some innacurate advice you gave.
    All he does is 'google' in everything

    I search stuff to back me up, but I don't always need to for my own knowledge. 15 years of being involved in the party scene and 2 years working in the drugs field has given me a little bit of knowledge. I don't believe in my own infallibility however and will research to make sure I've remembered things correctly.
    and makes out he's this and that and that he's far, far superior.

    Stop projecting your own stuff on to me.
    I'm not interested in slanging matches rather to learn things myself and swap valuable information with other interested like minded contributers.

    So yes, being a S Londoner, i respond in kind. It wasn't a threat. We sort things out by going toe-to-toe if someones getting lairy and giving it the biggy.

    Errrr...what? Nothing to do with being a south Londoner, everything to do with being insecure.
    He ( Brum ) hasn't written up any thing positive at all. Have a look and you'll easily assess the situation, and i would appreciate any constructive feedback.

    I'm sure the mods will sort this out properly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Woooaah, its nice to see that theres no favouritism on this board with regards to the use of vulgarities.....

    >>>>To date there have been
    at least 14 deaths in the UK associated with Ecstasy and as many
    as 50 other severe reactions<<< ~

    Sorry, i dont check statutory sites for stats, as they are usually spun. ( The Portland Group were financial backers of scaremongers and sensationalist stories ) They used to say ( via the media ) that death was induced becouse of added adulterants. Lol, they now promote ( fund ) a website that helps sensible drinking, whilst still promoting binge drinking via the media. Alchopops etc etc. I know that E has the lowest mortality rate compared to every other drug, inc, Alcohol & Heroin but you could be right or you could be wrong with your stats that you found. I'll double check, just to clairify the rate from 89-03. The toxology reports from the UK are sent to St T's but the ISDD would as expected hold records.

    >>>One popular hypothesis is that
    these deaths are caused by heat-stroke due to a combination of
    Ecstasy, dancing energetically, not drinking enough water and the
    hot and humid temperature in clubs.<<< ~

    Hence, reason being that shyster promoters used to turn up the heating and turn off the stop cocks, as then you can knock out beverages at over inflated prices. Lol, so why did they enforce chill out rooms and on site paramedics? The media ran out campaigns in the mid-nineties whgereupon novice punters panicked and drunk loads of water ( as what he mentions above, i cant remember the clinical name )
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The media ran out campaigns in the mid-nineties whgereupon novice punters panicked and drunk loads of water ( as what he mentions above, i cant remember the clinical name )

    Well its not "water in the lungs". Hyponatremia is otherwise known as "water intoxication". If you drink enough water, the kidneys can't process it quickly enough and it dilutes the sodium levels in the blood. This affects cell osmosis and water is drawn up the brainstem into the brain and swells it. Pressure then builds up in the skull and can cause death. Exacerbated by ecstasy overloading the kidneys and the anti-diuretic effect of E. Not very pleasant. And nothing to do with "water in the lungs".
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    but the ISDD would as expected hold records.

    The ISDD doesn't exist anymore. It amalgamated with the Standing Conference on Drug Abuse to form DrugScope. But you knew that, right? :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hullo Jade,

    i recieved notification that in 'ectasy reconsidered by Nicholas Saunders' on p 151 they have 'official stats' ( My friend has a 97 copy ) basically since 88 ecstay deaths has been averaging 5-6 per year, whitch throws your '14' deaths into confusion. They dont state the cause of the fataility but fatal poisoning is usually not included in these figures.

    Again, just for my own curiosity, i will be contacing the ISDD for figures since 88 ( excluding fatal poisoning ) and post them up as you '14' figure semms a wee bit low, and again, just out of interest i know as a matter of fact that relevent paramedic teams ( Not LAS ) here in London are on alert for other drugs used which has a very low tolerance level and causes fatalities. ( Which is prevelent in the gay community here in London )
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ISDD, course i did, i found out the heroin, methadone mortality rate for 2003, 11 - 70 respectively. Hence as to the reason why i promote the dia trials on both this board and on another board that i use.

    10 Loman St ring a bell? :wave: .....Plus its where Alcohol Concern are based.
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    JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    To clarify further, this is a quote from Nicholas Saunders' E is for Ecstacy, chapter 6 -
    The National Poisons Unit put the present figure of known confirmed Ecstasy-related deaths at 14 for the period January 1988 to July 1992. These are fatal cases where MDMA was found in the victim's blood or urine, but it is not necessarily implied that MDMA was the cause of death. Their list is not comprehensive.... In conclusion, it seems likely that, apart from very rare incidents, the deaths in Britain as a consequence of taking MDMA is limited to those who died of heat stroke, of which 14 cases are known to date. The worst annual figure was that for 1991 with seven confirmed Ecstasy-related deaths known to The National Poisons Unit.

    The whole section is worth a read, but it is worth noting that this is the 1993 edition and the figures only reflect data taken up until then.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank you for the pleasant reply, its nice to be nice :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hiya All :)

    i haven't the time at the mo to go on the blower, but early next week i'll do a follow up.

    The following is not medical fact and shouldn't be taken as such;

    You say 14 so did it say from what cause ( i haven't had time to read and digest the info you sent yet, but i will do over the week-end if i get time ) We all know that either piosoning ( added adulterants ) Hyponatremia ( Liquid over consumption ) or Dehydration will be the factor, not just the symptoms as in shrunk live or swollen brain as this would be from Dehydration.

    Again this should NOT be taken as a medical fact. As already said, i'll try to be on the case next week and give an update if i find out ( Unless someone else already has.)

    Bon Week-end all, :wave:
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    JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    I think you should read the links before commenting - all the information you asked for is there.
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