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work relationships

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

Not sure if this i s in the right place to post this or not cos its sort of to do with relationships and sort of to do with work.

Basically I dont feel like I fit in at work. I feel like people don't feel I'm up to the job and I think they are bitching about me behind my back. I get on with my work really well for a few weeks at a time then they'll pick up on a tiny mistake and make me feel like crap about it. I never feel like I'm in on their jokes or their conversation and I always spend breaks and lunch alone.

I like the job that I do its rewarding but I miss my old job where I felt I fitted in. People say to leave but I cant do that as I would have no income and if you leave work of your own accord you can't sign on for 28 weeks. I have been for another job interview but I don't think I have got the job and if I cant do my job I'm in now properly what chance do I have of doing any other job. I also feel guilty for applying for jobs behind my managers back as I get on with her to an extent.

I just feel really trapped and I feel so stupid for letting something as trivial as work get me down so much but right now I'm dragging myself through each day and getting home shattered.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: work relationships
    Originally posted by Rainbow Phoenix

    Basically I dont feel like I fit in at work. I feel like people don't feel I'm up to the job and I think they are bitching about me behind my back. I get on with my work really well for a few weeks at a time then they'll pick up on a tiny mistake and make me feel like crap about it.

    What kind of work do you do? If ya don't mind me asking. Because a lot of jobs are stressful and managers tend to pick on little things... At least where I work it can happen. Sometimes I feel like I get shit too... but then it's all cool when things aren't so busy.

    I never feel like I'm in on their jokes or their conversation and I always spend breaks and lunch alone.

    A lot of places have clicks, sometimes people don't realise they're excluding you, I've found that before... Otherwise, maybe there's somebody else who isn't in the click who you can befriend?
    I also feel guilty for applying for jobs behind my managers back as I get on with her to an extent.

    DON'T feel guilty for that.. I mean it's your life and your choices, all work places should accept that. If you don't feel right in your job... then maybe you should move on... And there's no harm in it. All of us will move jobs a lot of times in the future.
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