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Big Brother Hatred Thread.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
edited January 2023 in General Chat
Can all of you who hate Big Brother keep your rants out of the other Big Brother threads this year. Yes, we know you think it's crap/shit/wank/etc. But if you hate it that much, what the hell are you doing reading a thread about the show? Don't read the threads, don't comment on the threads. Just keep away from them.
I mean, if you don't like watching the show, then don't watch it, and if you don't watch it, then don't read about it, and if you don't read about it, then stop posting your bitching about a show you don't like and claim not to watch (we secretly know you're just as addicted as everybody else), on the threads that are about the show.

To give you an analogy. If you don't like eating a particular food, then don't eat it. If you don't like a particular drink, then don't drink it. And therefore if you don't like a particular programme, then don't watch it.
For example, I hate soap operas, so I don't watch them. As I don't watch them I don't have much to say about them. And if I do have something to say about them, then at least I can articulate a reason and criticism about why I don't like them. I don't just post "shit" "wank" "crap", etc.

So post all your Big Brother hatred here. All of us who like the show won't have to put up with your constant bitching. Yeah, so you don't like it, so don't watch it, and don't post about it unless you have something truly constructive criticism about the show and contestants.
Post edited by JustV on


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    HUURRAAHHHHHHHH for you - I agree.....My brother is the type of person who moans constantly about why people like football, why people buy magazines, why people watch big brother...I swae, the amount of time he spends stressing about it you'd think it was the most important thing in his life.

    If people like it then great and groovy, don't try to piss on their parade...go out and do something you'd like to be doing instead!

    I know that people will now add to this thread saying 'yeah, but it's EVERYWHERE, we can't escape it, it's not fair' but that's bollocks and you know it. If you don't like it don't bother with it!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree to some extent but its true you cant escape BB no matter what you do because it really IS everywhere :|

    But yeah totally if you hate it dont watch it, watch paint dry ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Gavman
    I agree to some extent but its true you cant escape BB no matter what you do because it really IS everywhere :|

    But yeah totally if you hate it dont watch it, watch paint dry ;)

    Do you work for UKTV? You really are pushing this "Watch Paint Dry" thing, aren't you?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Gavman
    I agree to some extent but its true you cant escape BB no matter what you do because it really IS everywhere :|
    True. But, for example, I don't like football, and while it's impossible to escape seeing it mentioned on the telly, or in the news, and newspapers, I manage to avoid it. I don't read the papers, I don't watch football programmes, and avoid threads on this site that mention it. Simple! So why can't the whingers stay of the BB threads?
    If you want to avoid BB, you can. Stop bitching.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    nah doc i'm setting up my own version, i'm gonan set up my webcam and you wil lactually get to watch me paint something live then watch the end results :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Mr_Wobble
    True. But, for example, I don't like football, and while it's impossible to escape seeing it mentioned on the telly, or in the news, and newspapers, I manage to avoid it.

    This is different though. The only times football is really mentioned so much that you can't get away from it is when there's a big game, which only last for a few hours the one day, then the next day's papers/news are filled with it. If you don't wanna hear someone talk about it, you can easily steer the conversation onto something else, or simple ride it out as they'll won't talk about it for long. Big Brother is different. It's on for two months solid, with constant coverage and people constantly talk about it.

    For example, the past few years whenever there was a decent game on, the guys would get a few cans and go to someone's house, or go to the pub. The girls wouldn't bother coming, because they knew why we were going. For the whole two months Big Brother was on, esepcially towards the end, whenever we were at a party, everyone was sitting about chatting shit and listening to music, the girls would come into the main room, turn the music off and turn Big Brother on. Even when it got turned off, the conversation for the rest of the night was orientated around that shit. We didnd't go to a party to watch TV. If we'd wanted to that, we'd have stayed at home.

    And yes, this happened last night. We got as far as to see which freaks they chose this year before a few people finally snapped and told the girls to turn it off or go home.

    So with this constant subjection, we have a right to moan about it. If you don't want us to moan about it: shut the fuck up, 'cause that's the only way you're gonna get us to stop. Well, when I say us I mean the people that comment in the threads. I don't even bother reading them as I fear too much exposure to Big Brother would 'cause me to go on a Columbine High School style killing spree :)

    BTW, did they just pick the most annoying cunnts in Britain and shove them in a house or what? A guy who's had a sex change so now think's he's a bird, the most fucking annoyingly camp guy ever, a guy from Glasgow who is a complete fanny and some dumbass with buck teeth from Newcastle. Really, the guy who picked this lot is so getting his ass fired.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo

    some dumbass with buck teeth from Newcastle..
    Actually the one with buck teeth isn't from Newcastle.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BumbleBee
    Actually the one with buck teeth isn't from Newcastle.

    Sorry, next time I'll stop having fun at a party and pay more attention to a show I fucking hate just so I can get the tiiiny fucking details right on here, k? :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Even at the fucking pub last night, they decided to turn that shit on. You can't fucking escape it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am *not* going to watch anything to do with it. I just think that it is such a shame that such a shitty useless tv program for braindead idiots has been based on something that was created by George Orwell :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It isn't that hard to avoid, really.

    When have you ever seen constant updates on BB on any other channel than Channel 4? And as for newspapers, it's only really the tabloids who pay any attention to it, seeing as the average tabloid reader is likely to be of a similar demographic to the average BB viewer.

    And really, if you associate yourself with people who watch BB, then you can't complain if the topic comes up. Or if it's unavoidable - you could just live with it, like people who don't give a shit about the likes of Iraq, Henrik Larsson or whatever else have had to do lately.

    I'm sure as hell Euro 2004 is gonna be worse, as it's gonna be on at leats two channels, constantly updated on all the news channels, highlights, all over the radio, all over all the newspapers, whatever anyone says, it'll be a lot more widely covered than BB is, will be, or ever has been. Then before ya know it., the football season starts again, and it's similar constant coverage.

    Same for the Olympics, World Cups, Wimbledon. Just as people find BB inane, people are gonna find all the sport inane too. It's just a matter of preference, so complaining about saturation is a bit silly.

    A lot of the people who claim to hate the thing tend to watch it anyway - it always seems to be conveniently on in the background at a party, or they happened to catch it whilst channel hopping (and the batteries in the remote conviently die so they're conveniently stuck watching it).

    T'is trendy to knock things that are popular these days.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Bri-namite

    When have you ever seen constant updates on BB on any other channel than Channel 4? And as for newspapers, it's only really the tabloids who pay any attention to it, seeing as the average tabloid reader is likely to be of a similar demographic to the average BB viewer.

    Well seeing as Channel 4's the only half decent terrestrial channel, and I don't want to read my stock quotes or the latest happenings in the Middle East in broadsheets...
    And really, if you associate yourself with people who watch BB, then you can't complain if the topic comes up. Or if it's unavoidable - you could just live with it

    Yeah good plan. I'll just go get a new group of friends every summer, comprised of the very few people that don't watch that shit.
    like people who don't give a shit about the likes of Iraq, Henrik Larsson or whatever else have had to do lately.

    Yeah 'cause those two things are covered on the same scale as Big Brother. Infact, it's actually pretty fucking sad that Big Brother intrests people more than people fighting and dying in a war.
    I'm sure as hell Euro 2004 is gonna be worse, as it's gonna be on at leats two channels, constantly updated on all the news channels, highlights, all over the radio, all over all the newspapers, whatever anyone says, it'll be a lot more widely covered than BB is, will be, or ever has been. Then before ya know it., the football season starts again, and it's similar constant coverage.

    Yeah, it will be, but that happens once every four years. Plus if people complain about it I don't really give a shit. They have a right to complain.
    Same for the Olympics, World Cups, Wimbledon. Just as people find BB inane, people are gonna find all the sport inane too. It's just a matter of preference, so complaining about saturation is a bit silly.

    A matter of preference? At least with sport there's an actual point behind it. To see whose skill, determination, training, hard work, dedication, stamina etc etc can over come the rest of the competitors. What's the point in Big Brother? Stick 12 freaks in a house for two months and see who manages to piss the nation off the least? Top quality entertainment there!
    A lot of the people who claim to hate the thing tend to watch it anyway - it always seems to be conveniently on in the background at a party, or they happened to catch it whilst channel hopping (and the batteries in the remote conviently die so they're conveniently stuck watching it).

    With people going on about it all the fucking time, is it any wonder the people who don't like it know what happens? To use an example of yours, take one of the Euro competitions, or the World Cup. Even the people who hate football always seem to know who's playing next, who has played, and who won what game.
    T'is trendy to knock things that are popular these days.

    Faaar less trendy than it is to watch Big Brother, though. Wouldn't want to feel left out of conversation even when it's about INANE BULLSHIT.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Awk stop being an awkward wee shit - I have friends who don't like Big Brother and don't kick up such a fuss like you guys do :rolleyes:

    It's only on for 2months -
    So for those 2 painful months for you, you simple avoid watching Big Brother when it pops up - Anyone being interviewed on radio, etc , turn the station round or turn it off then whatever is written in newspapers, just don't read it -

    I can't stand football like Wobble, which is on constantly over tv and newspapers, but don't hear me whinge even though that's worse coz you got football everywhere 24/7 Whether it's a world cup final or just an ordinary match -
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    Yeah 'cause those two things are covered on the same scale as Big Brother. Infact, it's actually pretty fucking sad that Big Brother intrests people more than people fighting and dying in a war.

    What? The war has been on the news nearly everyday for the past year. Big Brother will be two months and no more.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind
    Awk stop being an awkward wee shit - I have friends who don't like Big Brother and don't kick up such a fuss like you guys do :rolleyes:

    It's only on for 2months -
    So for those 2 painful months for you, you simple avoid watching Big Brother when it pops up - Anyone being interviewed on radio, etc , turn the station round or turn it off then whatever is written in newspapers, just don't read it -

    Only two months? Only? So, I simply have to avoid media of any kind or any social interaction, offline or otherwise, and I should be fine? That's so fucking simple, why didn't I think of that!?
    I can't stand football like Wobble, which is on constantly over tv and newspapers, but don't hear me whinge even though that's worse coz you got football everywhere 24/7 Whether it's a world cup final or just an ordinary match -

    Step 1: Read what I said in my last post.
    Step 2: Realise I've already answered that question and proven you wrong
    Step 3: Edit your post to dis-include that point :)

    Oh BTW, I'm feeling in a generous mood today, so I'm going to give you a crash course in English - for free :eek:

    Sentences are finished with full stops, not hyphens. Kaaay?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by the doc horatio
    What? The war has been on the news nearly everyday for the past year. Big Brother will be two months and no more.

    Uhh... yeah, I know. I said it's sad that Big Brother interests more people, not is covered more. Ie, it's sad that people are more interested in 12 boring werido's stuck in a house for two months than something that acutally matters.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo

    O - ok... Any excuse to throw a party is fine by me :D
    Only two months? Only? So, I simply have to avoid media of any kind or any social interaction, offline or otherwise, and I should be fine? That's so fucking simple, why didn't I think of that!?

    Yeah, why didn't ya? Hmm..?
    Step 1: Read what I said in my last post.
    Step 2: Realise I've already answered that question and proven you wrong
    Step 3: Edit your post to dis-include that point :)

    You believe football is entertainment even though all I see is guys kicking a ball about, wasting a bit of time as it's pointless - You saying you never watch a pointless programme, film, sit-com just cause it's funny or entertaining?
    Oh BTW, I'm feeling in a generous mood today, so I'm going to give you a crash course in English - for free :eek:

    Sentences are finished with full stops, not hyphens. Kaaay?

    Oooo I didn't realise I was being tested on this - Though why stop there, should also mention about your abbreviations. Kids today can be lazy, ungrateful little shits these days *Pats Kiezo on head* It's ok, won't hold it against you - Plenty other things -

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Marco needs to die.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I cant stand the programme. I think its gone way too far. And hopefully it will end this year because of decreased ratings.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Anyway! This is the big brother hatred thread. We have been told to stay out of the proper thread so what are people who like the show posting in here?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Marco needs to die.

    You annoy. Fuck off.

    Oddly, Kiezo is right. Big Brother was thoughtfully made for people without a brain. I'd like to reflect on it in a positive light in some way by saying, for example, that the first series was tollerable. However I can't.

    People are stuck in a house for two months, I understand; and people all over the planet watch them live. Deary fucking me. At least some of them such as Survivor had a more original idea more appealing to all the people who don't class 10 people becoming friends as 'entertainment'. But there is still no doubt in my mind that if one of them were to get a splinter the paramedics would reveal themselves from behind the trees. Just out of interest, do any of you know what happens to channel T4 when Big Brother is running? It's really quite amazing.

    This is a discussion board. If people are going to neglect the fact that it's made for people to get help then they need to accept the fact that people are going to neglect their code of honor and dicuss how insulting the program is.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yup, nobody can stop people actually having an opinion on things, although IMHO I don't always understand the constant ranting and raving.

    Whatever anyone tries to say, it is a matter of preference based on opinons. Anyone who tries to say it isn't is wrong. I could come up with about a million things that I find inane and pointless, and sometimes I moan about them, sometimes I don't.

    I honestly think it's not that hard to avoid if you want to, so long as you don't start with the whole "Why can't I watch my favourite TV channel without all this going on!", because most normal, level-headed peoplem just turn it over and find something they do want to watch, or go and do something else.

    I don't give a shit for the "But why should I have to change the channel, or not read something in the paper that doesn't interest me" argument, because that's just how it is. Not just for BB, but for anything. Soap operas, sport, American sitcoms etc. of which are on constantly, all year round.

    That's what it basically boils down to, you's can nitpick all you like, but that's just it tbh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Capacity
    Big Brother was thoughtfully made for people without a brain.

    Any excuse to making yourself seem intelligent....
    So Cute! :p

    Ooo and to go along witht he theme of this thread - Last years was shite :yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind
    O - ok... Any excuse to throw a party is fine by me :D

    Arguing with stupid people is a pain in the arse, so yeah, you're right. Whatever.
    Originally posted by Bri-namite
    Yup, nobody can stop people actually having an opinion on things, although IMHO I don't always understand the constant ranting and raving.

    Were you not the one posting threads about American sitcoms finishing? :/
    Whatever anyone tries to say, it is a matter of preference based on opinons. Anyone who tries to say it isn't is wrong.

    Uhh... yeah, everyone knows its a matter of personal preference. It's a fact so obvious that noone even bothers mentioning it. But there is something actually wrong with you or something physically lacking in your life if you think 12 boring people sitting in a house is in the slightest bit entertaining. There's no two ways about it - if you like this, you are a boring person.
    I honestly think it's not that hard to avoid if you want to, so long as you don't start with the whole "Why can't I watch my favourite TV channel without all this going on!", because most normal, level-headed peoplem just turn it over and find something they do want to watch, or go and do something else.

    That's the thing though, between Big Brother, other reality shows, soaps, shitty sitcoms, absolutely fucking shite comedys, there's hardly ever anything else worth watching on.
    I don't give a shit for the "But why should I have to change the channel, or not read something in the paper that doesn't interest me" argument, because that's just how it is. Not just for BB, but for anything. Soap operas, sport, American sitcoms etc. of which are on constantly, all year round.

    You're Mr. State-the-Obvious today, eh? :razz: We know that's just how it is, that's the problem. You can't compare soap operas to it in any way, 'cause they aren't live 24/7 on channels like E4, with constant updates on what's happening, and a fucking commentary show for an hour before the actual program itself starts. Nothing actually happens in the house anyway apart from a bunch of total cunts sitting about doing nothing, so why the need for the updates? Really, all they do all day is sit about in talk. We know this already. We don't need constant coverage of this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    ...if you like this, you are a boring person.

    You can easily say that about anyone for any reason just to back up your pointless, petty argument - I could easily say you are boring for having the time to sit behind a computer and post about peoples grammar when it suits you :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind
    You can easily say that about anyone for any reason just to back up your pointless, petty argument

    If it's pointless and petty, then why are you still continuing with it?
    I could easily say you are boring for having the time to sit behind a computer and post about peoples grammar when it suits you :p

    Of course I'm going to do it when it suits me. Oh sorry, when would you prefer? When it suits you? Anyway, what do you mean "the time"? It took me roughly 60 seconds to type it out and hit reply. Try again.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    OH MY GOD, Kiezo has a different opinion! How AWFUL!
    sad.jpg 19.7K
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    If it's pointless and petty, then why are you still continuing with it?

    I felt it needed to be pointed out how pointless and pathetic you sound sometimes :D

    Of course I'm going to do it when it suits me. Oh sorry, when would you prefer? When it suits you? Anyway, what do you mean "the time"? It took me roughly 60 seconds to type it out and hit reply. Try again.

    Need I say more :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kiezo

    Were you not the one posting threads about American sitcoms finishing? :/

    Mmmmhmmm, but if you read what I said...
    I could come up with about a million things that I find inane and pointless, and sometimes I moan about them, sometimes I don't.

    And yeah, but the thread I started was actually asking if there was a reason they were all ending at once, as well as a moan.
    Originally posted by Kiezo

    But there is something actually wrong with you or something physically lacking in your life if you think 12 boring people sitting in a house is in the slightest bit entertaining. There's no two ways about it - if you like this, you are a boring person.

    There are two ways about it, as it's an opinion.

    As I said, you can strip literally anything down to it's basic element. Football is men kicking a ball about etc, etc, etc. and I think you know that they don't just sit and do nothing all day every day, there is a competitive element, there is social interaction, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    It's not everybody's cup of tea, and I know the people who watch it on E4 when they sleep take it too far, and all that.

    I've a feeling you're taking it to extremes, but anyway - you still cannot possibly strip someone's basic personality down to the fact that they do or do not watch a TV programme.

    In reality - people who do nothing but whine about what they don't want to watch on TV/listen to on the radio are far more likely to be boring bastards :razz:
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    You can't compare soap operas to it in any way, 'cause they aren't live 24/7 on channels like E4, with constant updates on what's happening, and a fucking commentary show for an hour before the actual program itself starts.

    Put it this way.

    BB is on for an hour a day at most on C4, 24/7 coverage on a relatively obescure digital channel, that goes on for two months of the year.

    I'd say you get literally hours of soap operas on TV every weekday, spread over all five terrestrial channels, so it's harder to avoid. Plus you get constant updates on storylines in the papers, omnibuses at the weekends, constant "Eastenders Revealed" type programmes on BBC3 etc, and this goes on all year round.

    I know which I think most people would rather "suffer", if I hated both types of programmes.
    Originally posted by Kiezo
    Nothing actually happens in the house anyway apart from a bunch of total cunts sitting about doing nothing, so why the need for the updates? Really, all they do all day is sit about in talk. We know this already. We don't need constant coverage of this.

    I don't think anybody's changing your mind, eh? :razz:

    You either "get it" or you don't. Like trying to explain the appeal football to a non football fan, if you need to ask the questions, you'll never understand the answers.

    That said, that annoying screaming queen is getting on my fucking tits.
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