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Ok so I've been seeing army buy for about a month now, and well for the past week or so he hasnt replyed to my texts, called me or anything.
And whats more i havent missed him at all....
Im not really sure what to do. Im thinking of waiting to see how long it takes him to contact me or should i call him u hoping he'll answer and dump him over the phone?

Is it really bad and rude to dump somone over the phone.
Last time i spoke to him i tried to meet up and he said yea, but on the day we were ment to meet up i text him asking how long he was gonna be (i was on my my to meet him) and he said that he was in romford. and well i havent heard from him since.

I'm not sure what i should do...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Groovaybaby
    Ah how much do we :heart: squaddies?

    Most are unreliable - though saying that, not all of them are arrogant pricks.

    It's only been a month, so assuming it you guys weren't in a serious relationship - Give him a call... but don't break up with him over the phone - that's just being cold. Least try and arrange to meet up with him if he does answer his phone by explaining you guys need to talk - from that he'll take a hint that it ain't good news and see what he says -
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Boyfriend
    Originally posted by Zella
    Ok so I've been seeing army buy for about a month now, and well for the past week or so he hasnt replyed to my texts, called me or anything.
    And whats more i havent missed him at all....
    Im not really sure what to do. Im thinking of waiting to see how long it takes him to contact me or should i call him u hoping he'll answer and dump him over the phone?

    Is it really bad and rude to dump somone over the phone.
    Last time i spoke to him i tried to meet up and he said yea, but on the day we were ment to meet up i text him asking how long he was gonna be (i was on my my to meet him) and he said that he was in romford. and well i havent heard from him since.

    I'm not sure what i should do...

    hmmm i say either something has gone on, or he been called off to iraq on short notice, or he just dont wanna see you anymore and is bored (somehow) and well romford says it all, okay girl i like is from there but still :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Groovaybaby
    Ah how much do we :heart: squaddies? Thing with army guys they hate going back to civvy street. Maybe he's not got any credit now. And been made to go places via his camp.

    Oh he only goes away with them every other weekend for training. Though im starting to question that in my head cos well...i didnt think that you could do part time training. And i did public services at college so i should really know this.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Zella, sounds like you suspect he's either not as interested in you as you hoped, or that he's messing you about, and mabye even cheating on you (or he may be cheating on someone else with you). Is that what you suspect, and are trying to say, but just don't want to say it in case it's true?
    Sounds like you're a bit fed up of him messing you about.

    Dumping people over the phone is a bit of a cowardly way to do it (not as bad as text or email though), but if there's no other choice (such as he's somewhere else, isn't seeing you, or talking to you), then it's acceptable.
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