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part time coppers.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    Bollocks. In my experience, people hate the police because they can be right c.unts. I've been falsely arrested and imprisoned and lied about in court by the police. I've been thrown downstairs by the police, seen friends beaten up etc. And when I have needed them, they haven't given a fuck, like when I got mugged or there was a massive fight in a pub in Brum or when a friend of mine was getting sexually assualted on an anti-bloodsports demo by a huntsman. They were too busy eating their fucking sandwiches.

    Fuck 'em. :mad: :mad:

    Stereotyping are we? every profession has it's 'c.unts' just because you've had a bad experience doesn't make all coppers bad. I'm convinced that most police do a good job and that's enough for me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dantheman
    Stereotyping are we? every profession has it's 'c.unts' just because you've had a bad experience doesn't make all coppers bad. I'm convinced that most police do a good job and that's enough for me.
    i'm convinced that most coppers do a good job as well ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I cant beleive some of the pure crap coming out in this thread.
    Police do a bloody hard job, they deal with pissheads on a daily basis, they get shouted at with abuse by the likes of some here. For gods sake just cos you have had a bad experience with the police you cant give them all a bad name.
    There are good and bad in any profession.

    and Blagsta im not supprised you have been arrested because you do seem to have an attitude problem. Start ranting on at police officers the way you come across here sometimes and I can see why you got arrested.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    Just goes to show how out of touch you are then. Typical police really.

    Pills cost £1 - £5, crack can be got for a fiver.

    The rest of your post just shows how unintelligent, naive and unwilling to engage in debate you are. Again, typical police.

    What the fuck ???

    Why is it because someone does not agree with what you say you can start labelling them unintelligent, naive etc ?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    See my post in the other thread about my solution for drugs....I hope it might actually make some sort of sense and appear fairly enlightened. I know someone will complain, but hey, what can you do.


    When you were mugged, what did you expect them to do? I was mugged a few years ago, I didn't expect them to do anything, because when you're dealing with a city with over a million inhabitants, finding one person is nigh on impossible. And I don't blame them for it at all. They did their best, they took me through the photos of known offenders but he wasn't there.

    It's all down to different situations, as for the sexual assault thing, who do you think they'll believe? If you were called to a protest rally where a girl who HATES rich huntsman cried rape, what would you do? If it had happened somewhere else in another situation then maybe they would have, but when they have no real hope of getting any evidence, and no real hope of winning the case why bother, especially when that girl hates the system anyway. Harsh, but true. If you give the police respect, they'll respect you back.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BeckyBoo
    What the fuck ???

    Why is it because someone does not agree with what you say you can start labelling them unintelligent, naive etc ?

    Read the rest of the thread. ww is saying that he knows about drugs, the drug scene, what goes on at street level etc, when with every post he shows that he blatantly doesn't.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dantheman
    Stereotyping are we? every profession has it's 'c.unts' just because you've had a bad experience doesn't make all coppers bad. I'm convinced that most police do a good job and that's enough for me.

    Just answering your stereotype of "In my experience, the majority of people who have a go at police are criminals."
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BeckyBoo
    and Blagsta im not supprised you have been arrested because you do seem to have an attitude problem. Start ranting on at police officers the way you come across here sometimes and I can see why you got arrested.

    So sitting quietly in a van minding my own business is cause for arrest is it? Errrrr....OK.

    As I've said before Becky - you are well meaning but naive. Unless you've experienced these things, you don't know.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere

    When you were mugged, what did you expect them to do?

    I expected them to chase after them. I flagged a police car down 2 minutes after being mugged. They could easily have caught them, but they "had more important things to do" apparently.

    I know that not all police are bad, but when you encounter attitudes like that...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    It's all down to different situations, as for the sexual assault thing, who do you think they'll believe? If you were called to a protest rally where a girl who HATES rich huntsman cried rape, what would you do? If it had happened somewhere else in another situation then maybe they would have, but when they have no real hope of getting any evidence, and no real hope of winning the case why bother, especially when that girl hates the system anyway. Harsh, but true. If you give the police respect, they'll respect you back.

    Bollocks. They knew what was going on. They watched while we got the shit kicked out of us, and they laughed.
    In situations like that, the police are always on the side of the hunt. At the end of the day, the police are there to protect property owners and the rich. History show us this over and over again. Yes, some people join the police for good reasons, but at the end of the day, they have to follow orders. And quite often these orders are to protect the state, the landowners and the property owners. Read up on the Battle of Orgreave or the Beanfield.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    As I've said before Becky - you are well meaning but naive. Unless you've experienced these things, you don't know.

    Cos i dont break the law and i dont use drugs that makes me know fuck all does it ?

    Yeah thanks Blagsta, you certainly know how to keep putting people down.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *exasperated sigh*

    No. As I've said before on here Becky, I think you are a well meaning and nice person, but you just come across as being naive about some things, thats all. Thats not meant as an insult, merely an observation. If you choose to be insulted by it, thats your problem.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    If you choose to be insulted by it, thats your problem.

    Why did I expect a response like that ?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dunno. Maybe I'm predictable?

    But believe it or not Becky, I am not insulting you. Merely expressing an observation based on what you write on here.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "All extremists should be shot" - My Dad's friend, 2003.

    Most opinions in this thread are narrowminded and un-balanced- from both sides.

    Blagsta and Whowhere, you especially.

    Whowhere is evidently dreaming of some Utopia, and trying to run some kind of prohibition state, just because some people are bad when they have taken narcotics of any kind.

    And Blagsta is evidently living in a fantasy where everyone is happy, jolly and take drugs all the time, and they just have to pop down to Lloyd's to get them.

    Take in what the other side is saying , or it is a pointless debate!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by the doc horatio
    And Blagsta is evidently living in a fantasy where everyone is happy, jolly and take drugs all the time, and they just have to pop down to Lloyd's to get them.

    Errrm...what? :confused:

    Please find me some examples of me expressing this point of view.

    Oh no, you won't be able to, 'cos I don't. :rolleyes:

    Another example of someone not reading the thread properly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I was trying to get over that you are being narrow-minded. Why don't you actually read the words that Whowhere is saying rather than telling him how wrong he is? Try and see things from his perspective. That is what debating is all about.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blagsta, your attitude is exteremely patronising.

    Just because some of the other people here have not been involved in crack dens, or been in anarchist groups, or have lived such a noble anti-establishment existence such as yours does NOT make them naive fools whose opinion is of no value.

    The Police in this country do a damn fine job. You canot critiscise the whole lot of them for the actions of a very small minority.

    Without the Police this country would fall apart and anarchy would reign, but hang on, thats what you want innit?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by the doc horatio
    I was trying to get over that you are being narrow-minded. Why don't you actually read the words that Whowhere is saying rather than telling him how wrong he is? Try and see things from his perspective. That is what debating is all about.

    Errrr...what? I have laid out my arguments. Whowhere has consistently refused to engage with them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Matadore
    Without the Police this country would fall apart and anarchy would reign, but hang on, thats what you want innit?

    Where did I say that? Who's being patronising now?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    ...and coppers are renowned for sticking together. grass 'em up and your fucking meat pal!

    and in other professions they dont ? lets face it if you worked as a team in any job and one of your team mates did something which they maybe shouldnt have are you telling me you would grass them up ?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BeckyBoo
    and in other professions they dont ? lets face it if you worked as a team in any job and one of your team mates did something which they maybe shouldnt have are you telling me you would grass them up ?
    agreed. just think WW is in for a bit of a shock when he realises how many perfectly good cops use drugs. how many proffesionals from all walks of life. his views will have to change about drugs being bad bad bad ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    Where did I say that? Who's being patronising now?

    It's not what you say, it's the underlying attitude you show towards the police and the state as a whole.
    Want to know what my remit is? I don't protect property, I protect life and the community. Yes, if I see someone walking the streets with a video recorder I may stop them, but then again there's a high chance they'll pull a needle out on me, fuck the video recorder, I'm not paid enough to make sure an insurance company is happy.
    I won't be policing demonstrations or football matches or going on undercover operations to drug dens. I'll be doing community work, visiting schools, patrolling suburban streets, that sort of thing.

    Let me ask you something, why is it wrong for a huntsman to hunt? Is it morally wrong? They are exercising their right to express themselves and carry out a tradition they have done for hundreds of years. By protesting you are exercising your rights to freedom of speech. But why does anyone have to listen to you? Is fox hunting MORALLY wrong? Strange then that you agree with prostitution and the legalisation of drugs, which to many others appear morally repugnant. You agree with the wastage of human life, but not that of a small orange dog. Strange.
    Maybe because it's cruel? Injecting yourself with heroin is cruel, it's cruel to your family, cruel to your friends and cruel to your own wellbeing. but it doesn't seem to be wrong in your eyes.

    I don't want to start a debate about hunting, it's just an example of how there are double standards everywhere, including in the police force.
    Yes, there may be times I will have to do somethig I don't agree with. Have you ever had to do something you didn't agree with? has anyone?
    I believe the police have the hardest job of all. They have to be able to make judgements, often difficult ones all the time. We were having a crime scene investigator talk to us the other day, telling us of how one day they had to goto a burglary, but got called away to a forensic examination of a 4 year old boy who had been raped. They had been ordered somewhere first but made a decision to anger the rich upperclass householder to help a poor family in Clifton.

    Maybe those police who could have chased your mugger were doing something more important. The police don't just sit out on the streets in big groups unless they're in the middle of something.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You'll learn. Or not as the case may be.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    And how would you know that all the way from where you are now eh?
    Are you an expert on drug matters in the greater Nottingham area? Bullshit.
    Where did I say I believed the figures? All I've said is what I've been told. I have been told the current prices, as they are from police officers who have been told by drug users and from police officers on under cover work.
    As for joining the part time cop thingy as you call it, I've joined because unlike you and your drunken, drugged up, headbutting friends I want to help the community. Like I said before I won't be arresting people left right and centre, I don't want to do that. You can't blame me because you aspire to do nothing more with your life than get get high and headbutt cops.
    Although methinks that if you tried it where you are you may get shot.
    "But I thought his green helmet made him a policeman".

    mr Roll, I said I'll gracoiusly admit you are right on the Canadian cannabis thing. However i'd like to see what happens if you try and remove the rights to a lucrative drug supply from the big time dealers.

    whowhere, gimme your number, i'll ring you in five years and we'll see whose the low life scumbag, just because i take drugs doesn't mean i'm not doing 4 A-Levels at school at this moment, you're a very silly naive idiolistic prat, wise up
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    It's not what you say, it's the underlying attitude you show towards the police and the state as a whole.
    Want to know what my remit is? I don't protect property, I protect life and the community. Yes, if I see someone walking the streets with a video recorder I may stop them, but then again there's a high chance they'll pull a needle out on me, fuck the video recorder, I'm not paid enough to make sure an insurance company is happy.
    I won't be policing demonstrations or football matches or going on undercover operations to drug dens. I'll be doing community work, visiting schools, patrolling suburban streets, that sort of thing.

    Let me ask you something, why is it wrong for a huntsman to hunt? Is it morally wrong? They are exercising their right to express themselves and carry out a tradition they have done for hundreds of years. By protesting you are exercising your rights to freedom of speech. But why does anyone have to listen to you? Is fox hunting MORALLY wrong? Strange then that you agree with prostitution and the legalisation of drugs, which to many others appear morally repugnant. You agree with the wastage of human life, but not that of a small orange dog. Strange.
    Maybe because it's cruel? Injecting yourself with heroin is cruel, it's cruel to your family, cruel to your friends and cruel to your own wellbeing. but it doesn't seem to be wrong in your eyes.

    I don't want to start a debate about hunting, it's just an example of how there are double standards everywhere, including in the police force.
    Yes, there may be times I will have to do somethig I don't agree with. Have you ever had to do something you didn't agree with? has anyone?
    I believe the police have the hardest job of all. They have to be able to make judgements, often difficult ones all the time. We were having a crime scene investigator talk to us the other day, telling us of how one day they had to goto a burglary, but got called away to a forensic examination of a 4 year old boy who had been raped. They had been ordered somewhere first but made a decision to anger the rich upperclass householder to help a poor family in Clifton.

    Maybe those police who could have chased your mugger were doing something more important. The police don't just sit out on the streets in big groups unless they're in the middle of something.

    Actually some police men are alright and if you're in the job genuinely to help people and not to push people around, power trip, beat up homos or for the money then -:thumb: to ya.

    However, personally I've had shit off the police, they don't like the way I dress because I'm a rocker and therefor I must be a smackhead or something. They didn't help out when my friend got attacked with a hammer for his dress sense and also when I was 11 and two people attacked me. I ended up in hospital with stiches in my head. The same boy pulled out a knife on my brother and had a friend grope my brother's mate less than a year ago.

    I respect the police, especially on a Saturday night where they keep order outside nightclubs, but I doubt I'd ever put my trust in them. Not so much that I'm anti-authority, I respect parts of the law that I feel I should respect and break other parts that I think are daft.

    As for the drugs debate, I've been in the scene and seen/tried this or that for a few years and the only drug I believe to be safe is cannabis. Fuck alcohol... if you've ever seen a violent alcoholic, somebody bottled or been abused by an alcoholic then you'll know what I mean. Pills I have seen make people mentally ill, acid and 'shrooms can trigger psychotic episodes, heroine and crack and extremely addictive, speed can cause you to grind down your teeth... Doesn't anything that changes your body chemistry have a bad effect of some sort?
    whowhere, gimme your number, i'll ring you in five years and we'll see whose the low life scumbag, just because i take drugs doesn't mean i'm not doing 4 A-Levels at school at this moment, you're a very silly naive idiolistic prat, wise up

    I'd be careful with taking drugs and doing studies :eek2: they can affect how you do. My mate failed his English language course because he was on a come down.

    Anyway, often the police apparently do a good job. As I've said I don't trust them, I let them do what they wanna. Some of them are nice and others are racist/sexist/homophobic pricks. I can see why many people are anti-police, but I think it's the institution that's the problem, not the individuals. Give Whowhere a break, he only seems to want to help people.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MoonRat
    Give Whowhere a break, he only seems to want to help people.

    Maybe. But attitudes such as

    "The sheer fact that smoking Weed will some day make me go insane"

    "The thing thats pissing me off as well are the stupid fucks who think it's ok to smoke it in public, I'll be on the look out for them and they'll wish they hadn't."

    "you'll hate us even more when you realise that the reason your beloved weed has gone up in price is because we're seizing the houses, cars and bank accounts of the people who grow it."

    don't exactly endear him to me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    despite WW's attitudes i do believe he knows he has a lot to learn out there. he will be doing interesting and mostly good work on our mad streets. he's young and hopefull and full of enthusiasm to get out there and do something.
    all the best WW ...as you learn ...let us know.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by turlough
    whowhere, gimme your number, i'll ring you in five years and we'll see whose the low life scumbag, just because i take drugs doesn't mean i'm not doing 4 A-Levels at school at this moment, you're a very silly naive idiolistic prat, wise up

    Lots of people are "doing" 4 a-levels. I don't know what the situation is like over there, but here most people don't brag about them.
    You're the naive one if you think life will be a bed of roses when you leave just because you have 4 a-levels.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by turlough
    whowhere, gimme your number, i'll ring you in five years and we'll see whose the low life scumbag, just because i take drugs doesn't mean i'm not doing 4 A-Levels at school at this moment, you're a very silly naive idiolistic prat, wise up

    Apologies, didn't realise we had an Albert Einstein here.
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