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part time coppers.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit
    I don't think they turn a blind eye so much as they don't report everything they see- if a kid smoking some weed puts it out when a copper asks then nothing more will be said about it. I don't even think Whowhere would go to the trouble of booking a kid having a toke:p

    Oh, and it's discretion:)

    They do turn a blind eye to lots of things if they are minor and not worth the paper work.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is there a single person in Britain who has NEVER broken the law once in their lives? I very much doubt it. Laws are laws right? So anyone who's ever dropped a piece of paper on the pavement instead of binning it; anyone who breaks the speed limit by 1mpg should be immediately stopped and fine; anyone who's ever crossed the road where they shouldn't or without waiting for the Green Man... all of those people- i.e.- the entire population of Great Britain- should be regularly arrested and/or fined by our law-upholding police.

    No, of course not. There are no end of reasons why this would be a catastrophe. That's why common sense is needed in the police and elsewhere. Common sense tells us that you simply cannot fine someone who is doing 1mph over the limit. And common sense should tell the police that cannabis consumption is accepted by a majority of people in this country (yes Whowhere, accepted) and that there are great numbers of people who smoke weed; people who are decent, hard-working, law-abiding citizens. This gun-ho attitude of "if they smoke they're breaking the law and thus should be arrested" is the biggest load of fucking bollocks the world has ever seen. It is very worrying that people who form part of our police force might apply such deluded approach in their work.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A short explanation of the arguments for and against prohibition.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    Is there a single person in Britain who has NEVER broken the law once in their lives? I very much doubt it. Laws are laws right? So anyone who's ever dropped a piece of paper on the pavement instead of binning it; anyone who breaks the speed limit by 1mpg should be immediately stopped and fine; anyone who's ever crossed the road where they shouldn't or without waiting for the Green Man... all of those people- i.e.- the entire population of Great Britain- should be regularly arrested and/or fined by our law-upholding police.

    No, of course not. There are no end of reasons why this would be a catastrophe. That's why common sense is needed in the police and elsewhere. Common sense tells us that you simply cannot fine someone who is doing 1mph over the limit. And common sense should tell the police that cannabis consumption is accepted by a majority of people in this country (yes Whowhere, accepted) and that there are great numbers of people who smoke weed; people who are decent, hard-working, law-abiding citizens. This gun-ho attitude of "if they smoke they're breaking the law and thus should be arrested" is the biggest load of fucking bollocks the world has ever seen. It is very worrying that people who form part of our police force might apply such deluded approach in their work.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, unofficially I do have powers of discretion. The official police line is that there is no such thing. If you see someone breaking the law, you arrest them, simple as.

    But, we're told to use common sense. If I see someone walking into his house smoking a spliff then i won't bother. If I see a group of youths sitting outside a shop smoking then I will stop them. Most people would call that a pretty good common sense approach, wouldn't you say.
    If I see a few kids walking into their house with a couple of 6 packs, for all I know they have just got it from their next door neighbour and will leave it at that, I may suggest to them that they get the parents to do it next time.

    If I see a group of kids hanging around outside an off licence whilst their 18 year old mate goes inside and buys them booze then that's an entirely different matter.

    They aren't shot because it's illegal Blagsta, they are shot because they have infringed on the local's turf, or they are undercutting prices or a million other reasons. Making it legal won't change anything, you'll just get bloody aggresive price matching policies.

    I'm not out to get anybody, what i will do is make the lives of those who annoy, intimidate and harrass good honest people a bleeding misery. I'll fine them, I'll arrest them, I'll make their lives hell. Why? Because for too long the criminal element have been plodding along in the belief that they are above the law. Are orders are to hit them where it hurts, their pockets. I'll have the powers to seize goods, and vehicles whilst regular cops also have the power to seize money and posessions.

    Many of you are right, prison doesn't deter, taxing them to hell will. When young kids realise that perhaps drug dealing isn't as lucrative as they thought maybe things will change.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    They aren't shot because it's illegal Blagsta, they are shot because they have infringed on the local's turf, or they are undercutting prices or a million other reasons. Making it legal won't change anything, you'll just get bloody aggresive price matching policies.

    Errrr, hello? Why don't you try reading and engaging with the argument? Do brewery sales reps kill each other in turf wars? No. You know why? Because its legal and the market is properly regulated. But during prohibtion in America people killed each other over alcohol supply. Geddit now?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So you think the way forward is to legalise everything? To turn the UK into some sort of drug paradise? We already have enough trouble with alcohol and that's legal without making everything else legal as well.
    TBH there isn't any point in having the argument because any government that goes so blatantly against the majority view by doing something like that wouldn't last long unless it was in a country like Antarctica.
    You've seen the angst and suffering of the addicted and their families surely. Why is it a good idea to legalise it? you'll still have the crime associated with it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    Where do I advocate drugs?

    in the other thread you seem all for the legalisation of drugs. Which is it to be?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    You've seen the angst and suffering of the addicted and their families surely. Why is it a good idea to legalise it? you'll still have the crime associated with it.

    i know whole families whose lives are destroyed by alcohol but the government does feck all to solve this problem, the only crimes i know with drugs are with drug dealers who fight over territory etc and if drugs were legalised and controlled properly there would be no drug dealers in the first plce, other crimes associated with drugs are because of heroin and crack addicts robbing to pay for their habit, if the government gave them free heroin and help in rehabilitation centres to help them ween off it then the world would be a better place and we wouldn't need people like you on our streets, putting people in prison isn't the only way to solve acrime, in fact, it's one of the worst
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    in the other thread you seem all for the legalisation of drugs. Which is it to be?

    Please go here www.dictionary.com and educate yourself.
    Being in favour of legalising drugs and advocating drugs are two different things.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    So you think the way forward is to legalise everything? To turn the UK into some sort of drug paradise? We already have enough trouble with alcohol and that's legal without making everything else legal as well.
    TBH there isn't any point in having the argument because any government that goes so blatantly against the majority view by doing something like that wouldn't last long unless it was in a country like Antarctica.
    You've seen the angst and suffering of the addicted and their families surely. Why is it a good idea to legalise it? you'll still have the crime associated with it.

    The thing is that the country is awash with drugs anyway. Ecstasy is cheaper than beer, crack is cheaper than whisky.

    And please try and engage with the argument - exactly how will we "still have the crime associated with it" if its legal? :confused:

    There would also be far fewer health problems associated with drug use if the market was properly regulated. Please tell me how it wouldn't be.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere

    But, we're told to use common sense.
    you have to actualy be told to use common sense? that is worrying and ...you have changed your tune completely! before it was about you being out to get them and them being sorry. turning the discussion into one about anti social behaviour such as gangs of youths terrorising people outside shops will get you some support though ...even mine.
    what i find worrying is young blokes like you going out onto the streets so ill equipped for reality.
    your bosses ...the chief constavbles association has been pushing the government for a number of years to legalise drugs ...therefore getting the stuff under control.
    at the moment it is totaly out of control and will spiral ever further in that direction until someone has the balls and the ...common sense ...to make some serious changes. being illegal has proved to be disastorous. in the last four years 250 people have been shot in manchester over drug turf ...fuck me thats war not crime!
    as long as society shuns its responsibility to take control of this stuff and these situations by stating over and over ...it's illegal ...things will only get worse and yes whowhere ...drug related crime will destroy our way of life.
    but no ...lets keep the second biggest industry on planet earth in the hands of tax free gangsters ...makes sense to some apparently.

    by the way ...the biggest business in canada is now cannabis production ...the authorities are happy with it. society hasn't after all collapsed because of this...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    The thing is that the country is awash with drugs anyway. Ecstasy is cheaper than beer, crack is cheaper than whisky.

    And please try and engage with the argument - exactly how will we "still have the crime associated with it" if its legal? :confused:

    There would also be far fewer health problems associated with drug use if the market was properly regulated. Please tell me how it wouldn't be.

    Last time I heard it cost about £8 a hit for crack and £5-6 for a tablet, so whatever booze you're drinking it must be fucking strong, or aged 25 years.
    Yes, alcohol is prevalent, and it is something the police hate. Night clubs in a city are going to have start paying us to police the mess they make, if they don't pay they get shut down. I personally like the arrangement, I don't go clubbing anymore because the clubs are full of people who are too pissed to realise that threatening to glass somebody might mean they end up on the floor bleeding.

    I'm sure you would agree that alcohol is a drug, you've seen the problems it causes. What happens to people who are addicted to heroin, but they can't get to it. The ones I've met and seen on CCTV footage turn violent and uncontrollable. What happens to people who have a bad hit on ecstasy or speed? They go mad. Legalising yet another drug isn't the answer.

    As for the dealers, they thrive on being rich and poweful. Do you think they'd simply let the government take their buisness away from them without a fight? No, I didn't think so, legalising drugs would just turn the drug lords somewhere else. Either to other avenues, or to the creation of different drugs that aren't legal or they will carry on selling poor quality goods and undercut the government prices. Canada has the second biggest cannabis production because it lost the fight, it gave in to the dealers, just let them get on with it. I can bet you that those producers of cannabis will most certainly have their hands in something else.

    Mr Roll, et al. I'm not saying I am going to persecute everyone i see, I will give people leeway. I'm not going to raid people's houses in search of weed, or come down on people for making mistakes. I'm going to be hard on the people who piss everyone off. The troublemakers, the vandals, the groups of yobs that hang around on parks, the people that really concern you.
    Everyone says they dont like how everyone seems to be getting shot these days, when in actual fact all they are concerned with is the bloke who keeps letting his dogs shit all over their driveway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere

    Canada has the second biggest cannabis production because it lost the fight, it gave in to the dealers, just let them get on with it. I can bet you that those producers of cannabis will most certainly have their hands in something else.

    check the facts ...the cannabis growers of canada are basicaly farmers and everyday folk. everyone has been amazed that it hasn't been taken over by a big drug cartel. but as the canadian government stated to the mad americans next door ...theres no room for the cartels when ordinary everyday people are growing it freely in such abundance.
    it has now outstripped forrestry, conventional agriculture and engineering ...previously canadas main earners ...as the biggest earner the country has. is canadian society suddenly becoming violent like their nieghbours? no. has crime rocketed? no. has the health service and mental health authorities been swamped with sick and insane people? no.
    why does the chief constables association want full legalisation of cannabis whowhere? cos their stupid ...cos they don't know the facts? answer me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    Last time I heard it cost about £8 a hit for crack and £5-6 for a tablet, so whatever booze you're drinking it must be fucking strong, or aged 25 years.

    Just goes to show how out of touch you are then. Typical police really.

    Pills cost £1 - £5, crack can be got for a fiver.

    The rest of your post just shows how unintelligent, naive and unwilling to engage in debate you are. Again, typical police.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    Just goes to show how out of touch you are then. Typical police really.

    Pills cost £1 - £5, crack can be got for a fiver.

    The rest of your post just shows how unintelligent, naive and unwilling to engage in debate you are. Again, typical police.
    i have done my best to provide facts and supply some historical information about drugs. i have talked of personal experience and knowledge. the rest of you have submitted your experiences and knowledge but for what? he never answers any questions he never provides any information he just keeps repeating mindless shite.
    i'd make mince meat of this guy in a court of law and be declared not guilty when blatantly guilty ...have done it before with coppers of this mindset.
    he knows absolutely nothing and is incapable of learning.
    what you going to do whowhere when you see your colleaguse rolling a spliff and snorting a line of coke and then watching them get on with the job? i've asked before he won't answer. maybe he just cannot comrehend that there are a great deal of coppers who participate in such diabolical doings.
    ...and coppers are renowned for sticking together. grass 'em up and your fucking meat pal!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta
    Just goes to show how out of touch you are then. Typical police really.

    Pills cost £1 - £5, crack can be got for a fiver.

    The rest of your post just shows how unintelligent, naive and unwilling to engage in debate you are. Again, typical police.

    All depends how much of something there is doesn't it. Supply and demand.
    Prices I've quoted have come from users in a city. You can't moan if they are different somewhere else can you.

    As for the Canada thing, fine, I'll admit defeat on that one. You see what happens if you try and remove a druge dealers lucrative heroin or cocaine supply.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're full of shit. Those prices will be the same in Nottingham. They're the same in Birmingham, they're the same in any city.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere

    As for the Canada thing, fine, I'll admit defeat on that one. You see what happens if you try and remove a druge dealers lucrative heroin or cocaine supply.
    not sure i understand this at all whowhere.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere
    All depends how much of something there is doesn't it. Supply and demand.
    Prices I've quoted have come from users in Nottingham. You can't moan if they are different somewhere else can you.

    please shut up you imbosile, it's hardly as if there's only one dealer in nottingham with 500,000 customers, pills will cost no more than a fiver no matter where u are, unless you are a stupid person who doesn't have a clue about drugs, oh, you fit that description. Why are you joining this part time cop thingy anyway, do you think you are gonna gain more respect or something, or maybe you do feel so much about the problems in our society that you have to act (which i doubt very much)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i`d guess his had relations in the police force which is why he is so into it.

    That or his been watching too much cops and police camera action!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wants to be dirty harry and clean up this town ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *pictures whowhere saying to a potential prisoner*

    "is that cannabis in your pocket? i may arrest you right now.... do ya feel lucky? do ya PUNK!"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by turlough
    please shut up you imbosile, it's hardly as if there's only one dealer in nottingham with 500,000 customers, pills will cost no more than a fiver no matter where u are, unless you are a stupid person who doesn't have a clue about drugs, oh, you fit that description. Why are you joining this part time cop thingy anyway, do you think you are gonna gain more respect or something, or maybe you do feel so much about the problems in our society that you have to act (which i doubt very much)

    And how would you know that all the way from where you are now eh?
    Are you an expert on drug matters in the greater Nottingham area? Bullshit.
    Where did I say I believed the figures? All I've said is what I've been told. I have been told the current prices, as they are from police officers who have been told by drug users and from police officers on under cover work.
    As for joining the part time cop thingy as you call it, I've joined because unlike you and your drunken, drugged up, headbutting friends I want to help the community. Like I said before I won't be arresting people left right and centre, I don't want to do that. You can't blame me because you aspire to do nothing more with your life than get get high and headbutt cops.
    Although methinks that if you tried it where you are you may get shot.
    "But I thought his green helmet made him a policeman".

    mr Roll, I said I'll gracoiusly admit you are right on the Canadian cannabis thing. However i'd like to see what happens if you try and remove the rights to a lucrative drug supply from the big time dealers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere

    As for joining the part time cop thingy as you call it, I've joined because unlike you and your drunken, drugged up, headbutting friends I want to help the community. Like I said before I won't be arresting people left right and centre, I don't want to do that. You can't blame me because you aspire to do nothing more with your life than get get high and headbutt cops.
    Although methinks that if you tried it where you are you may get shot.
    "But I thought his green helmet made him a policeman".

    Exactly, Turlough, prime example of someone going nowhere in life who choses to play the big man and slag off everyone and everything out of jealously.
    Oooo let's have a go at the police, such a rebel. :rolleyes:
    In my experience, the majority of people who have a go at police are criminals.
    I have never had any bad experiences with cops and that's because I know that you can have a good time without being a yob. whowhere didn't join up to get on a power trip and that's not my reason for joining the Met, however I can tell you it will be a pleasure locking up the twats that deserve it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dantheman
    In my experience, the majority of people who have a go at police are criminals.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Blagsta

    you can :rolleyes: all you like but it's true, I'm not saying that they're all Fred West but usually have broken the law to some extent and that's why they're whinging.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bollocks. In my experience, people hate the police because they can be right c.unts. I've been falsely arrested and imprisoned and lied about in court by the police. I've been thrown downstairs by the police, seen friends beaten up etc. And when I have needed them, they haven't given a fuck, like when I got mugged or there was a massive fight in a pub in Brum or when a friend of mine was getting sexually assualted on an anti-bloodsports demo by a huntsman. They were too busy eating their fucking sandwiches.

    Fuck 'em. :mad: :mad:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A lot of people also still have bitter memories over the miners strike, Wapping, the beanfield etc.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dantheman
    I can tell you it will be a pleasure locking up the twats that deserve it.
    i wouldn't last five minutes as a copper to be honest ...i would not be able to hold back frpom giving some of them a serious kicking!

    whoewhere ...we took alcohol back from capone and his kind ...they had earned fabulous fortunes which they then used to build lasvegas and invest in the legit. the small time guys on the payroll either ended up in jail for something else or actual went out and got a job.
    we can take it back ...and the killing and bloodshed will stop along with a lot of the other missery.
    what pisses me off about addiction WW is that it doesn't actualy do very much harm to the addict if that addict is flush financialy. but when addiction comes down to the poor ...thats when society as a whole suffer through the crime etc. thats when whole areas fall into dispairing decline.
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