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Half term

Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 2,242 Boards Champion
It’s half term in exactly 3 hours and 30 minutes (I finish college at 5pm and get home at 7) and I’m really not looking forward to it, I’m going on holiday tomorrow which I guess should be good but I don’t think it will, it’s only for the night but idk it’s still eh :/ it’s a 2 hour car ride with my mum and aunt and 4 dogs so I’m gonna be stuck in the back of the car with 4 fucking dogs 😭 the thing as well is I have long legs as well, I’m taller than my mum and I think I’m just about taller than my aunt so that’s not great with being cramped.

I want to get my camera too as that was one of my main birthday presents from my grandparents from September but mum won’t let me get it because of the “hassle” 😭

I do not want to be stuck with her for a week, I really really don’t 💀
Profile picture made by @Chloe234

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