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Negative thoughts

OceanDreamingOceanDreaming Posts: 17 Settling in
Hi, I’ve just started uni after taking a gap year for my mental health - it was a really good year with lots of relaxing! Obviously there’s a lot more going on now I’m at uni and more stress with studying etc. There’s also a lot less time for fun (I used to do a lot of colouring and drawing and walking and play games, often with my family when I could). My mood overall is still okay though, I’m definitely not depressed and am staying positive most of the time!! Sometimes my thoughts get quite negative however, perhaps even intrusive thoughts, and they can be about harming myself. As soon as I get these thoughts I try to stop and ground myself and I quickly realise that I don’t actually want to hurt myself or cause myself pain, which I think is a very good thing, but I do realise that maybe these thoughts are stemming from me being kinda bored??? I used to get them at school, both when I was depressed (and thus more likely to act on these thoughts) and when I was started to get better and I think they were partly caused my the same thing then because I didn’t have them at all during the last year, when I was having fun and doing things I wanted to do rather than the studying that I had to do/have to do now. I’m not sure exactly how to stop this vague feeling of being bored, because I don’t want to just stop doing uni work! I’m also not sure whether it’s worth talking to the uni well-being team for support - I don’t want my thoughts to be misconstrued as active suicidal ideation or anything like that because it would just spiral into something that it isn’t and cause me distress. Any thoughts or advice??
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