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Feelings alone ATM

Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
Hey I'm 21 and struggled with SH since 16 I I haven't done so in a round a year now but I've been finished with college a year and feel like I'm nowhere as my disability (high function CP) is making it a lot more difficult for me to get a job then my friends so I'm starting to feel behind and I'm starting to worry I may never get a job. I'm starting to wonder if there is any point in my life or if college is as far as I'll get and may as well stop now. I'm not at the point of thinking end it now yet but my SH urges are back and I don't want it to get worse but my parents don't understand and when the first found out they pretty much said I had no reason to do it despite knowing I've been bullied my whole life and so yes they knew I did it but said nothing. I don't want to do it again but it's getting hard to fight it with the thought of my life having nowhere left to go getting stronger every day. I'm just worried one day it will be worse than doing more than my arm so thought it was time to ask for some kind of help even if it's just here for now


  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,588 Extreme Poster
    cp as in celebral palsy? i have it and its annoying as hell.
  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
    Yes I just sick at spelling it and yes agreed I feel your pain it defiantly sucks
  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,588 Extreme Poster
    edited 16:22
    surely the equality act of 2010 should allow you to get a job more easily when youre disabled. unless if there are accessibility issues (like stairs, no seating ect). they should arrange accessibility for you though.
  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
    edited 16:52
    It's more my parents they don't seem that interested in helping me at all. They seem to discourage me leaving home or getting a job and only seem to believe I have depression and stuff if it helps them and because of my learning problems I feel like no one will take me seriously or my side and I'm starting to feel just done
  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,588 Extreme Poster
    oh ok. youre getting older now so your parents should let you have more independence now. since youre an adult they legally cannot take of you now unless they are your carer.
  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
    That's the problem my mom is and my appointie too as i have problems understanding at times with my processing problems so I'm lost right now
  • fiona333fiona333 Posts: 175 Helping Hand
    Hi @Lucy_21

    Firstly, thank you for reaching out. I think it's brave of you, as it sounds like you are going through a lot right now. It isn't easy to get a job right now, and especially taking in mind your disability. The job hunt can be frustrating, disheartening, and demotivating. It can cause feelings of hopelessness and make you question yourself. But know that eventually, your time will come. Everyone is on their own journey and things happen for people at different times. I know it may not seem like it now, but one day you will realise that, and hopefully that time comes soon.

    I think it is great you show so much awareness of your thoughts and emotions. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help. What kind of help do you think would be helpful or did you have something in mind? Do you have any other support?
  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
    Thank you and no family wise I'm on my own apparently. I'm just feeling more hopeless and honesty useless each night and don't know what to do. At this point I feel like giving up on everything. I don't want to back to my SH but it's getting hard to stop myself.
  • eylaheylah Posts: 3,596 Community Veteran
    sending you hugs lucy. <3
    my pfp is made by me. 🤍
  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,588 Extreme Poster
  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
    Thank you @eylah and @toffuna101 it's comforting to know I have some back up. I mean I have my friends too but somehow it's refreshing when it's someone anonymously
  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,588 Extreme Poster
    true. if you ever need more support the mix is here to help.
  • Lucy_21Lucy_21 Posts: 24 Boards Initiate
    Thank you I really appreciate it more than you know
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