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How can I reassure my boyfriend

One-in-a-millionOne-in-a-million Posts: 608 Incredible Poster
Just looking for a way to reassure my
Boyfriend. He has children with his ex and is very much still involved in their life which I love. I've met his children a few times as (Daddys friend) they are 2 and 4. They are great children.

He explained to me when we started dating that he still sees his ex during brief encounters due to the children. Which I have said I have no issues with at all after all they are both parents. Its not like he's spending hours or every evening with her or time with her when the children aren't around so I fully understand that its important that his children see that mum and dad are both there for them.

Anyway we have been in a relationship for around 6 months, he has suggested that they take their children out for his daughters birthday. And he did ask me if I wanted to come but he wanted to clear it with his ex first which is fine by me.

He has asked and she's a little uncomfortable with me going. He's apologized and I've tried to explain that I completely understand she's only met me briefly so doesn't really know me. He says he feels guilty and I've explained that I completely understand and that it will be nice for his children to spend a day with mum and dad together. Yes ok they aren't together and are far from friends but they are civil with each other for their childrens sake.

He has expressed to me that he's upset (not angry) that I cant come but I just want to help reasure him that I understand and his daughters day isn't about me and him its about his children spending time with both of their parents.

I think he's worried that I might start feeling left out or jellous but I honestly went into this relationship knowing that it would take time for all parties to accept each other and I am perfectly ok with this day being about his children spending time with their parents together which doesn't happen now they have split.

Any ideas how I can put his mind at rest because like I say these things take time
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