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Opened up to much

Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,966 Extreme Poster
edited September 8 in Health & Wellbeing
Been having a really horrid night and messed up :/ I’m safe
Profile picture made by @Chloe234

Want to hurt me… go ahead
Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
Want to talk crap about me…go on then
Want to make me cry…feel free
Post edited by Rose113 on


  • toffuna101toffuna101 Posts: 1,313 Wise Owl
    its good to know that youre safe. sending you hugs @Rose113
  • GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 1,091 Wise Owl
    Hey @Rose113, would you like to share more about your night and what makes you feel as though you've messed up? We're here for you and glad to hear you're feeling safe. <3
  • Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,966 Extreme Poster
    @Gemma helpline broke confidentiality
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
    Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
    Want to talk crap about me…go on then
    Want to make me cry…feel free
  • GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 1,091 Wise Owl
    Thank you for sharing that @Rose113. You did really well to reach out to a helpline when you're struggling but I know it can be a really tricky experience going through a welfare check. How are you feeling this morning? Were you able to get any support last night? <3
  • Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,966 Extreme Poster
    @Gemma im doing okay this morning, they came and we just talked for a bit where I told them about next Saturday and they helped me feel a lot better and they said if I need anything to reach out to them.
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
    Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
    Want to talk crap about me…go on then
    Want to make me cry…feel free
  • GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 1,091 Wise Owl
    @Rose113 it's so positive to hear that they helped you to feel a lot better and that they offered you further support. It's important you have places you can reach out to.

    In terms of next Saturday, is this your birthday? I know you were feeling nervous in the lead up to this in terms of relapsing with your SH following getting your tattoo. Could you plan anything for the weekend of your birthday to help put some distractions in place? <3
  • Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,966 Extreme Poster
    Thank you @Gemma yeah it is my birthday then sadly :/ I just have to push through.

    Yeah maybe but I’m not sure what
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
    Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
    Want to talk crap about me…go on then
    Want to make me cry…feel free
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