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Let your spirit shine ~ poem

Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,966 Extreme Poster
Profile picture made by @Chloe234

Want to hurt me… go ahead
Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
Want to talk crap about me…go on then
Want to make me cry…feel free


  • Rose113Rose113 Community Champion Posts: 1,966 Extreme Poster
    The six’s line was ment to say light not like 🤦‍♀️
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
    Wish to bully me…I’m used to it
    Want to talk crap about me…go on then
    Want to make me cry…feel free
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,448 Wise Owl
    what a beautiful poem
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